First Time Grower: Plants per square feet/CFLs


Its my first time growing and have a few burning questions before I start planting the seeds.
i'm thinking how many plants should/can i grow per square feet.

ive got a tent made and its
72cm x 45cm x 160cm
i'll be using 20 CFL with 26w which will give off 1660lums each

help is definitely needed.


Yea the spiral ones are the right ones
just look at the acutual wattage on box also to get a good idea of watts being used
about 100actual watts per plant will be good
and idk if u knoe about spectrums
but ull want the blueish spectrum for veg (6500k) aka daylight
and to flower your plants ull need the orange spectrum (2700k)

If their 26actual watts and u have 20 of them then id say go with 3plants


I grew 6 plants under 20 CFLs and 3 CFLs on each side and they grew really good. If that info helps any.


I know a little about the spectrums and I'm using those 6500K (daylight) the thing is it's not that easy to get the 2600k (warm light ) around my area.

Just wondering if I can just use the 6500k daylight blubs during the flowering stage.

As for my grow area I will try and fit in 3 pots.

Thanks for the advise


I have 500 true watts of cfl in 4x 125watt in a 1,2x1.2x2.0 and i would never try flower with cfl tho as your buds will be all fluffy and not as great as they would be running a 600 watt hps or 2, As soon as funds come i will be upgrading to 600 cooltube for my tent i just need a kickass fan for it


Well-Known Member
1660lums ok lumens is just the way for you and I to comprehend how bright the light is.if you go on to big buds .com that have a nice vid on setting up you grow room it's ok have a look. I go for about 65-75 w per lady that's about 1500 ish in my tent witch is 150/150 by 2m.


When you've put your 20 cfl's in there where are you going to put your plants? lol Why not just buy a 400w HID?

I'll be placing 5 on top and 15 by the sides of my tent.

As for HID I read about them and I've heard that it gives out Alot of heat and I don't have a very strong extractor to remove the heat out of the tent.

It's my very first grow( still awaiting for the seeds :( ) So I just Got a few CFLs and see how things work out. Maybe after a few grows I might be planning to upgrade my project. With better lights, fan/extrectors and even get a new box.


1660lums ok lumens is just the way for you and I to comprehend how bright the light is.if you go on to big buds .com that have a nice vid on setting up you grow room it's ok have a look. I go for about 65-75 w per lady that's about 1500 ish in my tent witch is 150/150 by 2m.

I've tried switching all 20 CFLs and it really is bright I must say. :eek: Now I'm wondering if those warm lights are really needed during flowering stage.


I have 500 true watts of cfl in 4x 125watt in a 1,2x1.2x2.0 and i would never try flower with cfl tho as your buds will be all fluffy and not as great as they would be running a 600 watt hps or 2, As soon as funds come i will be upgrading to 600 cooltube for my tent i just need a kickass fan for it
With better lights there will be better buds. I'm to trying to keep my budget as low as possible for my first grow. To get some experience in growing and trying to understand the plants first. Before throwing in tons on money with no clue about what is going on.

But we gotta start some where :D


Amen brrotha we all gotta start somewhere
thats y im saying start with 1-2 plants maybeee 3 so u can focus on ur progress and not waste your seeds
also if u use all those cfls on only one plant it will focus al that light on one good plant dude
and yes the spectrum does matter
If u can find the 2700k look online try amazon they sell paks
and i agree hps will give u way better buds but cfls are a good cheap way to start and gain experience
u never know dude chek craigslist for ur area u might get lucky and find someone trying to get rid of their equipment
im on craigslist almost every single weekend
cant passup a good deal


Amen brrotha we all gotta start somewhere
thats y im saying start with 1-2 plants maybeee 3 so u can focus on ur progress and not waste your seeds
also if u use all those cfls on only one plant it will focus al that light on one good plant dude
and yes the spectrum does matter
If u can find the 2700k look online try amazon they sell paks
and i agree hps will give u way better buds but cfls are a good cheap way to start and gain experience
u never know dude chek craigslist for ur area u might get lucky and find someone trying to get rid of their equipment
im on craigslist almost every single weekend
cant passup a good deal

I really wish wish there will be people with the same hobby as me near by..
but I highly highly doubt so.

its pretty strict here.

I'll try to look for some 2700k warm lights. But what lumens should it be?

thanks for all the replies.
They all helps a lot


I dont think lumens are as important as watts
just go with atleast 100true watts per plant to flower
during flower ull want more light than in veg


Well-Known Member
With better lights there will be better buds. I'm to trying to keep my budget as low as possible for my first grow. To get some experience in growing and trying to understand the plants first. Before throwing in tons on money with no clue about what is going on.

But we gotta start some where
Don't get me wrong as i'm not trying to put you down or offend in any way, I just think it's a false economy buying that many CFL's. A 400w HID kit is $120 on ebay and I bet you spent that on the 20 bulbs alone, never mind the fittings?

At the end of this grow you'll realise that cfl's just don't cut it and go and buy an HID, then you'll end up with 20 years supply of light bulbs for your house that will sit in a draw and never be used!! lol


Don't get me wrong as i'm not trying to put you down or offend in any way, I just think it's a false economy buying that many CFL's. A 400w HID kit is $120 on ebay and I bet you spent that on the 20 bulbs alone, never mind the fittings?

At the end of this grow you'll realise that cfl's just don't cut it and go and buy an HID, then you'll end up with 20 years supply of light bulbs for your house that will sit in a draw and never be used!! lol

I true rue what you said there. But if I'm not wrong HID do produce a lot more heat. And with my current small set up I need really good extractor to pull out the hot air. And I'm currently using an over sized CPU fan. Those x3 the normal size.

But out I hear you bro. Sooner or later I will get those lights.


I dont think lumens are as important as watts
just go with atleast 100true watts per plant to flower
during flower ull want more light than in veg

So just to confirm, I should just get some high watt CFLs that emits 2700k 'light'
will 20 of them 26w=150w warm lights be enough cause you said I will want more lights on flowering then veg.
Cause I will just be swapping those light bulbs.
Dont think it will have enough space to put any more.

Thanks guys.


Hey I've stumbled upon some LED grow bulbs and I'm wondering if I can I use them instead of using 2700k CFLs warm lights?

If it's possible, how many Watts will I need?

Cereal box

Active Member
I'm not an LED grower but, beware, I think they're really expensive. I'm not sure on watts though and, don't wanna mislead. But, with your CFL question above, yes, you would preferably want to get high watt 2700k bulbs. I recommend a couple 56 watt, as they'll help to make your buds denser. Good luck.