What process of harvesting/curing do you do if you intend to sell?


Well-Known Member
so the better you cure your weed, the better tasting it gets..therefore you could sell it 4 a higher price??


Well-Known Member
so the better you cure your weed, the better tasting it gets..therefore you could sell it 4 a higher price??
yea you got it,better weed cost more money,exceptional weed goes for top dollar.If the weed hits,tastes and smells good while still giving a really good stone you can make 20$ a gram or 60 a 1/8th easy.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Sadly I'm from the UK, and pricing doesnt work like that round my area.

I pay around £20 per 1/8th - I rarely believe I actually get 3.5g per £20, and it isnt too dry either.

So if I am to sell some off I'll make it as smokable as possible but not going to go out of my way.

I like the freezing idea I smoke around an 1/8th a day so 1oz baggies in my freezer and I take 1 a week out would suit me perfectly.

Thanks for all your comments! Just to state my conclusion:

I'm gonna baggy up as much as I think I'll smoke before the next harvest day and freeze most of it.
What ever is left over(if any is left over) I'll sell to my friend - straight from my drying line, I'm obviously not going to tell him I'm selling it, I'll call another friend down(Who I trust beyond a shadow of a doubt, hes in with my crop) and I'll have him set up the deal.



Well-Known Member
Sadly I'm from the UK, and pricing doesnt work like that round my area.

I pay around £20 per 1/8th - I rarely believe I actually get 3.5g per £20, and it isnt too dry either.
know this prob all too well!!! had to cure bud i've bought a bit more b4 cos it's been too damp.ppl just trying to make the money and not giving much of a fuck about the quality..just tryin to get it out the door..which is a bit shitty if u ask me.im never goin to sell cos my grow is for percy. just annoys me some ppl don't care about what they're passing on. tossers!! :lol:


Active Member
Hence why I thought I would ask,

I mean, don't get me wrong I don't wanna cart this off to the nearest person at the nearest oppertunity.

I think if I have a bit too much, for me, it would be a good idea to get rid of some for a lot of practical reasons; Limit my consumption (the main factor), little cash on the side, get nice and gravy with my dealer for the next time I need to buy, keep a minimum amount if I happen to get raided. - to name a few.

The dude is a sound guy, I've seen him slap a kid up for asking him to buy before - Hes a firm believer in "If you can get it and smoke it -great. but if you look to young, your not getting it from me". So I know if I pass it on, I'm not feeding the little brats that steal shit out of your shed for a bud the next day.

But at the same time, I don't want to waste more time than I have to before I get rid of it and along with I don't want people to bitch about my bud... this is where my confusion is spawned from.


Well-Known Member
Just figure 1 week to dry and 1 week to cure, that gives you about 2 weeks before you have it ready after harvest. It may take a little longer but it could be ready in less, but at least that will give you a decent window to expect and plan for. I understand not wanting to hold more than you need to for longer than you have to, if you are a little worried about the time it take to cure and having it 'around' then figure out a cool, dark place you can get to somewhat easy (I'd suggest you burry it in back yard, but that would be a pain every time you need to burb the jars, and digging it up every day would make for more questions you don't want to have to answer, but after the cure if you don't get rid of enough right away...) like maybe a false room in the attic, crawl space, basement, closet, ect... (all can be done with a little paint, drywall and a few other simple things, it is easier to hide the weed AFTER the harvest)

You will know when it is ready to get rid of, I mean you know the difference between weed that tastes like cut grass and weed with flavor, right? So, once it starts to smell like bud YOU would buy, sample it and if it is good get rid of it. If you are not sure, grab a little and without telling your buddy it's the weed you grew (tell him it's a bag you just bought), smoke him out and see what his impression is, you know the pepsi challenge.
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Well-Known Member
first of all i wouldn't be so open with your intent to supply. you don't want the fuzz tracking your IP address and raiding you.

Wouldnt that be for most of the illegal growers here? Couldnt they raid you anyways just for talking about growing on this forum anyways...Like track ip address then find where you live then find your shit growing in your backyard...????


Well-Known Member
it's not in my backyard......oh shiiit lol
ur right tho..i guess....but growing with intent is a much bigger crime surely?
tis here anyway. it's 14yrs chokie! which is also 14yrs being ass fucked by Mr Big in D-Wing lmao


Well-Known Member
Lol For sure...You go in straight...come out with the nick name 'bubbles' and then have to deal with Mr big callin you telling you he misses your sweet tight ass...


Well-Known Member
first of all i wouldn't be so open with your intent to supply. you don't want the fuzz tracking your IP address and raiding you.

Wouldnt that be for most of the illegal growers here? Couldnt they raid you anyways just for talking about growing on this forum anyways...Like track ip address then find where you live then find your shit growing in your backyard...????
Under the Bush administration, I wouldn't put it passed 'em.....

But this is a web site about fictional stories and pictures (kinda like the SIM's) of what we all would LOVE to be able to grow, right? Well that is for those that might not be growing in places (or a manner) were it is legal to grow cannabis flowers...

Don't get me wrong, you are technically correct and the less you say the less you incriminate yourself, so, for those that are planning to be a little larger than a few plants it's probably a good idea to follow your advice but with small grows (under 100 plant) the feds are too busy to mess with you.

But seriously, the FUZZ has better things to do that sit on a web site tracking IP addy's to kick down a door over a few plants, that may or may not be there (I mean not everyone has their grow at the same location as their IP addy, you know? Not to mention some people post pics of stuff that is LONG over and done with, putting it up like it is current). Now, if you caused some kind of trouble and maybe you are on the radar of the FUZZ , THEN maybe you could have some issues where they are investigating you and come across something to support their case against you...
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Active Member
I would dry and cure the same way I would if it was for my head stash. If it is only about the money and you would like to have a name for selling wet harsh weed thats on you. Me, I pride myself on my grows and finshed bud.


Active Member
Hi I have to agree with ta2drvn about fictional stories and pictures. This is all fake. Nobody grows weed here, that would be illegal. Unless your in a state where it is legal then your cool.


Well-Known Member
@ the fuzz-This is all a figment of of your imagination..nothing you see here is real besides the computer itself..