Greengenes Apache AT600 Garden- Blackberry Kush

Thanks for the update at AT G!! Ive been thinking about giving them a shout for a few weeks now, but want to hold out and am teetering with the new 51 model around the corner..

kickass news about the lenses, have to completely agree on the super even-ness..-less-ness of the 50* (no 'root..... THATs bored <--)

That R1 spectrum looks SWEET ((for veg/early 12)) love the warm hue, and you know that fucker still has enough blue to keep you stout.

So you think theyre finally gonna try it out and run mulitple angles? 14+30's?

O... and any word on somethin new? Dont want to spend the change if there is a change a comin!!

Hope you are doing well brother, girls look great.

They tried my 4 50's in the center and liked it, but I think that they will just use all one angle. They should be getting 28's(60*) for real though. That should settle everything.
New stuff I'm not sure about.
I am going down to the shop on friday, so I will get the low down on everything I can. I will bring my camera and get some video to share.

Garden looks great man. Nice and healthy looking. Glad to see they are still doing red/blue mixes even with the 600. Interesting about the lenses. I echo scotch's thoughts in hopes other of something new on the horizon.
Thank brother. Something new will happen...but when is the question. Breaking the cells up so that they can be expanded is what was on the radar a while ago. Also W/R tubes are in the works. Hopefully I'll know more by this weekend.
Lookz like another 'Wizardry Wonder' in the workz' :)

I alwayz seem to miss certain peoples updates (what i deem the 'LED-CORE group' people are wondering if they fall into it ;) )

Sometimes itz hard to just find a journal rather then 'i have a 1000 foot by 2000 foot circus tent....would a 225 led 13w panel grow 300 after 400 pound of dank'...Newbie with 2 weeks experience of Chinese quality chimes in: 'yeah mate, i have 1 of those, workz well...' Johny'z 'next top grower' comes back in 3 weeks....'LED's suck' :)

Hope i havent disuaded anyone from posting...asking for help... :-P

Haha, I have the same group in my head too.

28+ pages can be a deterrent sometimes too. I'll get a fresh new thread up soon...600wLED vs 1000wHPS, or along those lines, should catch some eyes.
I can't wait to see the results in that flower side by side! I'm seeing exact flower production under my 860 cmh as i did with 1000 watt hps so I'm happy....but with that said if that at 600 can hold its own mannnn i would love that more with the summer coming up...even less cooling/wattages than my cmh :D
I am thinking about running just 4 plants per light. My girls are getting big and at this rate would only need a week extra. Plus that would give me enough to do an other 4x4ish with the extra 4 plants.
I am thinking about running just 4 plants per light. My girls are getting big and at this rate would only need a week extra. Plus that would give me enough to do an other 4x4ish with the extra 4 plants.

You have an indagrow don't you ? could go for a 3 way test!
I am thinking about running just 4 plants per light. My girls are getting big and at this rate would only need a week extra. Plus that would give me enough to do an other 4x4ish with the extra 4 plants.
Yeah, a lot of people forget how small a 4x4 is, I remember this conversation, I forgive everyone who said I was full of 4 plants is good, what week of veg are you at now?
Hey does the apache have a discount for all their lights?
RBK331 will discount them all. Not sure how much on each, it's something like at120=700 at200=800 can put it in and play around.

You have an indagrow don't you ? could go for a 3 way test!
I could have swarn I typed about using the IG. The only thing I worry about is how to divide up the room to block crossover but not circulation and airflow.

Saw this on Apache's twitter today and thought it's pretty cool. Just need glowing hole cups and flags now.
I have played a few night rounds. Hitting balls at night used to be a drill in college. If you can hit it pure in the get the rest.

Yeah, a lot of people forget how small a 4x4 is, I remember this conversation, I forgive everyone who said I was full of 4 plants is good, what week of veg are you at now?
How did I know you would chime in. They are just fine now it's just a thought...and as I said it would take more time to run them 4/light. 5/light is actually the perfect setup. I still need to prune more so there will be more room opening up. The only reason I even brought it up is because a 3 light garden is better than a if it's takes an extra 2 weeks to gain a lights worth in yield...self explanatory. But not because they ares too big as is.
Basically they have set their foundation, and now are just going to grow vertically for the most part.
i will flip them when they are ready...and I know when the is.
Also as we have said many times...starin is very important. I'm currently at day 25 of veg and they are 2X as tall and bush as the BBK in the last round.
Such vigorous bitches. Just a standard update for fun...
Hiya Tags! Good video bro. Gurlz are looking great. You raise a good point at about 7:00 min in when you talk about isolating the 420-Pontoon from the AT-HID side so that the 730nm diodes don't influence the Pfr switch on the AT-HID side. This could be remedied by disconnecting the battery that powers the 730's inside the pontoon.
Thanks chaz. You back home yet
Hiya Tags! Good video bro. Gurlz are looking great. You raise a good point at about 7:00 min in when you talk about isolating the 420-Pontoon from the AT-HID side so that the 730nm diodes don't influence the Pfr switch on the AT-HID side. This could be remedied by disconnecting the battery that powers the 730's inside the pontoon.
I thought about that...I actually opened it up when vegging with it last run to look around.

I want no cross over...hps to AT, AT to hps, AT to IG, IG to AT, IG to hps, hps to IG. That way it would be the best side by side it could be.

But truthfully I just want to run with no dividers, just fill my room, then flower the whole thing and gain from all the cross over...that is the best advantage of multi light systems....but the real point is to do the side by side.

This is the last experiment I will be doing for the most part. Even last run I dedicated just to the AT for testing purposes. I could have had more going on.
very nice looking gals,im sure still watching.
and commend you on this grow,that you are doing for the world to see.
Going well for me. I'll be in Alberta for a week and then I get to head home. It's has been an adventure to be sure.

But truthfully I just want to run with no dividers, just fill my room, then flower the whole thing and gain from all the cross over...

I'm with you on the no dividers thing but after doing dozens of gardens now where I've had clients want to run IG vs HPS I have come to the realization that when faced with the limitations of how much quality grow space they have available I tell just run them all in the room and watch what shakes out. Sort of what P is doing with the Hans and IG100. It really comes down to producing as much quality bud as you can get out of that run and if the IG can throw in I'd say do it and don't even barrier it. You'll see plants develop differently underneath each light which can give you some indication as to what one could expect from a larger scale installation but unless you have the time, money and resources to do a true side by side than I would just get the coverage and see what you can pull out of that room. From my experiences, in those small comparison trials, it becomes clear that going forward there will be fewer and fewer reasons to consider HID.
Going well for me. I'll be in Alberta for a week and then I get to head home. It's has been an adventure to be sure.
I'm with you on the no dividers thing but after doing dozens of gardens now where I've had clients want to run IG vs HPS I have come to the realization that when faced with the limitations of how much quality grow space they have available I tell just run them all in the room and watch what shakes out. Sort of what P is doing with the Hans and IG100. It really comes down to producing as much quality bud as you can get out of that run and if the IG can throw in I'd say do it and don't even barrier it. You'll see plants develop differently underneath each light which can give you some indication as to what one could expect from a larger scale installation but unless you have the time, money and resources to do a true side by side than I would just get the coverage and see what you can pull out of that room. From my experiences, in those small comparison trials, it becomes clear that going forward there will be fewer and fewer reasons to consider HID.

Exactly what I'm thinking. From the combine lighting(no dividers) grows I've seen it's very noticeable the difference under each light. My room is 11'Lx7.5'Wx7.25'H so dividers just take up too much space.

I am hoping that after this run I will be dropping the 1000w...I still have at120R2's and an at200R2 to work with so that spot is easily filled. Then the IG420 has the 3.5'x4' corner, and the remaining is filled by the extra at120's. That is my full scale, no more playing around room I have planned. And I have it all in hand already. So unless someone comes out with some crazy cool new light, I'm set for a while.
Exactly what I'm thinking. From the combine lighting(no dividers) grows I've seen it's very noticeable the difference under each light. My room is 11'Lx7.5'Wx7.25'H so dividers just take up too much space.

I'd really like to see using all of your lights over the space without dividers as well. Probably a better overall grow. I'm guessing that you will get the best performance where the apache and indagrow overlaps.

I'd put the indagros in the middle with the pontoons so that the FR and the IndaGrow spectrum effects the HID and LED equally.
but thats just an idea :)
Yeah fill that room yeah... Blue dreamy's grew big fast. My seedlings sprouted 2 and 3 weeks ago and not even close to half the size of yours
4/light with no dividers it is. They are beast, I spread them all out and they will fill it out in no time. AT600+IG420+1000hps...should be fun. Funds are low so CO2 might have to wait, but still should be a spectacle. I have some time for that, because I wouldn't use it the first 2.5-3 weeks of flower anyways to control stretch.

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EPIC run GG....................thanks for the HSO BD info..........old growing partner runs BD and PE for profit and has crossed them recently===== not stable!! lol

might be a fun 12/12 fs run though.....will see:)

where the hell is my like button RIU????????

be safe grower