then why did your elected republican representatives vote against civil rights in greater percentages than your elected democrat representatives?
that darn pesky history making an ass out of you again.
"my" representatives? Helluva strawman there, bravo.
To be fair to your question and honest, I have no idea I am simply not old enough to remember.
Pesky history puts 100 years of Democrat Party line towers doing major bullshit to suppress votes and terrorize free blacks and both white and black(brown too, soo racist) Republicans alike.
See that is aristocracy in action there...superiority complex.
So if your point is that Democrats voted to support ending THEIR own bullshit then, mental retardation I say....what is the point of your rambling about this?
So I speculate it is the same then as it is here and now.
I say Unlimited Individual Rights for all; black, white, gay or straight.....per Law of Land.
For this I am labeled, by you as a "right winger" or "republican" or a "racist" "bigot".
You say Limited civil rights for all! Yay meeeee behold my superior intellect!
Yet label yourself a "liberal democrat" that supports big gubberment, and you do in pretty much every aspect.
Don-que say what?
Need proof of limitation?
gays aren't covered and that's what all the hubub is about, bub.
Need proof of unlimited?
See the 10th amendment.
protip: people>People>States>The United States.
Wait I know I know, that's racist potato!