Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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Epic fail.
"The south created a problem"
Aristorcatic Southern Democrats created the problem.
A different entity than progressive big gubberment usurpers?
Now that's fucking stupidity.

You wear your willfull ignorance like an olympic gold medal.

awwww, poor baby just can't change history.

southern republicans were more opposed to civil rights than southern democrats were.

no political party created the racist practices of the south, that was all done by southerners like you, twostroke.

go on, feel free to "hate them more now" and call the president by racial slurs. typical southerner.
Bigotry IS willful ignorance. Buck himself even points this out as he's calling all people from a certain geographical region bigots. If he was doing it on purpose it would be epically ironic, but sadly, we've seen his intelligence on full display for 55k posts here. He's not bright enough to see the irony and too bigoted to see the truth.

Entertaining though. "Look at that group of people who live inside an imaginary border, they're all bigots".

If you swapped out "the south" in his posts with gay or black, he'd be banned by now.

if the south is not so bigoted, why were you guys subject to preclearance for so long?
awwww, poor baby just can't change history.

southern republicans were more opposed to civil rights than southern democrats were.

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)

The Senate version:

117 Southern Democrats said "nay".....11 Southern Republicans said "nay"....where were all the Southern Republicans???? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, getting crosses burned in their yards and lynched for a century.

no political party created the racist practices of the south, that was all done by southerners like you, twostroke.

go on, feel free to "hate them more now" and call the president by racial slurs. typical southerner.

The Democrats formed the KKK, end of story....and all that went with it including sunset towns...go cry now; possibly a word salad would help your cause.
The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)

The Senate version:

0% support from southern republicans, 5-7% support from southern democrats.

yep, i was right!

tell me about how you "hate them more now" and don't want to see the federal government end your racist southern practices.

i can watch you defend your racism for ages.
Oh shit, ready to talk about the Chinese in Oregon yet? Vagina still inflamed too much?

any time you want to take the focus off of your disapproval of ending racist southern practices is fine with me.

i never tricked you into saying that ending racist practices was a bad idea, there was no gotcha moment. just a simple straightforward question and your straightforward, racist answer.

i will never get tired of watching you chase your tail and bark at squirrels.
0% support from southern republicans, 5-7% support from southern democrats.

yep, i was right!

where were all the Southern Republicans???? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, getting crosses burned in their yards and lynched for a century.
The Democrats formed the KKK, end of story....and all that went with it including sunset towns...go cry now; possibly a word salad would help your cause.

Lying with statistics.......isn't that a college major?
Lying with statistics.......isn't that a college major?

i didn't lie.

civil rights got ZERO support from southern republicans, and about 5-7% support from southern democrats.

history speaks for itself.

so you never answered me, do you think the racist practices of your southern home (pre civil rights) caused harm to blacks?

robby won't answer me either, i thought maybe you would. be brave. it's just a question, it can't bite you.
The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)

The Senate version:

southern republicans were more opposed to civil rights than southern democrats were.

:cry: If you cried any harder you could fix the California drought with your tears dummy.
:cry: If you cried any harder you could fix the California drought with your tears dummy.

if you stopped trying to defend your opposition to ending racist practices as totally not racist and stopped trying to rewrite history, i would have no need to laugh so hard that i cry.
i didn't lie.

civil rights got ZERO support from southern republicans, and about 5-7% support from southern democrats.

history speaks for itself.

Oh its a lie. Especially when you ignore Republican voter suppression from the KKK(Southern Dems "Southern Bloc") which you willfully are.

Clearly Republicans were Minority....and Dems hate much that 1 out of 1 = 100% for sake of making a false point in a failed argument by a retarded racist.

so you never answered me, do you think the racist practices of your southern home (pre civil rights) caused harm to blacks?

This is how dumb you are...I literally have acknowledged the racist PRACTICES of Southern DEMOCRATS caused great harm, all the harm you speak of.

Please derp on your tears for best lubrication.

robby won't answer me either, i thought maybe you would. be brave. it's just a question, it can't bite you.

So I have answered your question many times over, best you can come up with is the civil rights vote to prove your theories.....history tells us Southern Democrats were the problem....the filibuster for the vote as well as the source of terrorism that caused the problem to begin with....this of course is in addition to Republican voter suppression..hands on; quite literal.
the racist PRACTICES of Southern DEMOCRATS caused great harm

and you did not think it was a good idea to end those racist practices? you would've been tight there burning crosses by your own admission then.

by the way, history called. she's saying that it was southern democrats and southern republicans, as evidenced by history. she says that she will not change for you either, you must learn to accept her as she is because she is incapable of changing for you.
you would've been tight

Another lie, this is tighter than GNAT ASS

Big Boi said:
See Mo goes on, my slick flow flows on
Straight from west Savannah, Georgia, but the S.W.A.T.S. is my home
Never go wrong cuz the click is tighter than gnat ass and that bad
Mosquito, now we goes, I'm proud of you peoples
For sellin your cracker sacks, I'm glad I'm white not Black
Shit, on the real, that's how them whiteys really act
When your back was turned, them slackers learned and now we fallin apart
You lookin me in my eye, but you ain't feelin me in your heart
Yes, yes Lord, give me the power within the final hour
These niggaz, they leavin me stranded like Rapunzel in the tower
Now or never, let's stick together and overcome
But they don't feel like marchin, cuz they shoes is overrun
Ain't that a bitch

i had no idea that your own statements about ending racist practices (and your opposition to doing such) was a partisan talking point.

The statement you are referencing clearly shows this.......
Look dude I don't think its a good idea. Not because I want businesses to be racist but because this stuff imho is better worked out by the individual.

Then you go and do this:


Just like the KKK does.......but wait, you would have us all believe you are mo better now, like this guy:
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