How Working In Washington Taught Me We’re All A Little Like RT America

It has been obvious that the main stream media aligns itself with certain administrations.

I think you take that for granted. There are people on this forum who argue that FOX is not right leaning or that since every other major media station is left leaning, FOX gets a pass on leaning right (even though they sell their product as "Fair and Balanced")

All major media outlets in America (and most likely the world) push a certain agenda
I think you take that for granted. There are people on this forum who argue that FOX is not right leaning or that since every other major media station is left leaning, FOX gets a pass on leaning right (even though they sell their product as "Fair and Balanced")

All major media outlets in America (and most likely the world) push a certain agenda

There are no news outlets in the MSM, they are all entertainment venues. If you want the news you have to actually dig for it and then try and determine the truth. I wouldn't want to depend on anything I can see on television for the truth. Television is entertainment and entertainment is suspension of disbelief.
Agree with Pada - Example: Roger Aisles is using FOX to further his political agenda without a doubt. That guy is bananas.
There are no news outlets in the MSM, they are all entertainment venues. If you want the news you have to actually dig for it and then try and determine the truth. I wouldn't want to depend on anything I can see on television for the truth. Television is entertainment and entertainment is suspension of disbelief.

Would you say there is an element of active deception going on in mainstream media making the majority of people believe they are actually seeing News?
"Essentially, they were doing the same thing to us RT America is telling its American producers to do now — align with your boss, who is the president of the country."

American media = de-facto 4th branch of American government, doesn't matter if you lean right or left. Don't let yourself be used as a cog in their machine.

if you actually read that piece and came away with a "doesn't matter if you lean right or left" takeaway, then you didnt read it at all.

the "WE" in that screed was all about the leftist press and "progressive" organizations.

this sort of shit does NOT happen when republican or conservative groups are examined.

even the republican caucus and fox news freely express their disdain for the republican/conservative establishment and their lackluster candidates.

only on the left is the Party Line the Only Line, and bwana obama runs the media with the same level of control he COULD (but does not) exercise over military policy.

barry seotoro and clinton before him are the editors in chief of the entire "progressive" leaning press.

Reagan, Bush, and Bush 2, Kennebunkport Boogaloo never controlled the press in any way, they couldnt. the press was actively hostile to them, even when they were doing things the press would have LOVED if the person doing it had a D behind their name.

your non-partisan pretense falls flat when you lay a plague on both their houses over an issue that is exclusive to the left

a cog in "their" machine? yep thats what you are.
if you actually read that piece and came away with a "doesn't matter if you lean right or left" takeaway, then you didnt read it at all.

the "WE" in that screed was all about the leftist press and "progressive" organizations.

this sort of shit does NOT happen when republican or conservative groups are examined.

even the republican caucus and fox news freely express their disdain for the republican/conservative establishment and their lackluster candidates.

only on the left is the Party Line the Only Line, and bwana obama runs the media with the same level of control he COULD (but does not) exercise over military policy.

barry seotoro and clinton before him are the editors in chief of the entire "progressive" leaning press.

Reagan, Bush, and Bush 2, Kennebunkport Boogaloo never controlled the press in any way, they couldnt. the press was actively hostile to them, even when they were doing things the press would have LOVED if the person doing it had a D behind their name.

your non-partisan pretense falls flat when you lay a plague on both their houses over an issue that is exclusive to the left

a cog in "their" machine? yep thats what you are.

awwww, that's cute. kynes has another misguided, unsupported opinion centering on leftist conspiracy.
your non-partisan pretense falls flat when you lay a plague on both their houses over an issue that is exclusive to the left



You're delusional
Agree with Pada - Example: Roger Aisles is using FOX to further his political agenda without a doubt. That guy is bananas.

bananas is thinking a guy who holds position A will choose to associate with press dinks who fanatically adhere to position B rather than press dinks who agree with position A.

roger ailes doesnt control fox news, any more than he controls CNN. fox news editors simply hold a position that is closer to his position.

meanwhile Bwana Obama is dictating to the press how they will report on his policies, and the policies of the opposition parties.

if fox disagrees with roger ailes on some issue they can and do say so, if a reporter from CNN disagrees with barry seotoro, they better STFU, and if MSNBC's treacly wetnurses were capable of disagreeing with The One, they wouldnt have the bad taste to admit it in public.


You're delusional

so being WRONG on an issue means that Booo00o0oo0000oosh controlled the press?

you are retarded.

the press crawled all over that shit and bukkaked in Booo0o0oo00o0oosh's face (after making racist cartoons of powell) after that little piece of political theatre

grow up lil shaver, your opinions are as callow and milkfed as your spleen
bananas is thinking a guy who holds position A will choose to associate with press dinks who fanatically adhere to position B rather than press dinks who agree with position A.

roger ailes doesnt control fox news, any more than he controls CNN. fox news editors simply hold a position that is closer to his position.

meanwhile Bwana Obama is dictating to the press how they will report on his policies, and the policies of the opposition parties.

if fox disagrees with roger ailes on some issue they can and do say so, if a reporter from CNN disagrees with barry seotoro, they better STFU, and if MSNBC's treacly wetnurses were capable of disagreeing with The One, they wouldnt have the bad taste to admit it in public.

If that's the case, can you find one instance where FOX management held an opinion that a FOX News host opposed and voiced? I have a good feeling you can't, but I guess we'll see..

Another thing, do you refer to him as "Bwana Obama" and "Barry Soetoro" in some attempt at discrediting his credibility or trying to highlight the tea party theory that he was born in Kenya? Why don't you refer to the POTUS as "Obama" like 99.9% of everyone else?
so being WRONG on an issue means that Booo00o0oo0000oosh controlled the press?

you are retarded.

the press crawled all over that shit and bukkaked in Booo0o0oo00o0oosh's face (after making racist cartoons of powell) after that little piece of political theatre

grow up lil shaver, your opinions are as callow and milkfed as your spleen

I'm sure the mainstream media had nothing to do with the overwhelming support for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, nothing at all...
I agree

So what would you say about people who share Kynes view that media manipulation only happens on the left?

you mean people who are not delusional?

dont bother trying to argue that the right wing controls the press, only fools will believe it.

next stop on your Crazy Train:
Right Wing domination of trade unions and eco-looney organizations.
Evil Republicans secretly controlling the Marxist Zapatista insurgents in mexico
Soviet Union actually a Right Wing Capitalist movement

you live in bizzaro world