Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you know it... Not a single source cited...
none of these facts are secret. you can look em up yourself.
as you have offered no sources for YOUR claims, i dont have any particular need to offer citations for my assertions, but because i am classy as fuck, heres some sourceage:
ken starr report
clinton camp as source of the birther bullshit
"my moslem faith" gaffe
irs scandal
obama bowing most obsequiously to foreign potentates of dubious distinction:

the Apology Tour is a matter of opinion, the left says it wast an Apology Tour, i and many others say it was shameless.
i can find ZERO support for your intimation that Barry Seotoro was involved in climategate, just your own baseless claim
obamacare IS a turd, and it is very resistant to flushing. facts is fact junior.
as commander in chief, barry could ORDER the end to "enhanced interrogations" and the closing of gitmo's detention facility
the afghaistan quagmire intensifies, thanks obama.
Barry's Budget Boondoggle:
read it for yourself
climategate results in new british fraud laws:
resulting in:
yep. i figure that about covers it