How Working In Washington Taught Me We’re All A Little Like RT America

Wouldn't you know it... Not a single source cited...

none of these facts are secret. you can look em up yourself.

as you have offered no sources for YOUR claims, i dont have any particular need to offer citations for my assertions, but because i am classy as fuck, heres some sourceage:

ken starr report

clinton camp as source of the birther bullshit

"my moslem faith" gaffe

irs scandal

obama bowing most obsequiously to foreign potentates of dubious distinction:

the Apology Tour is a matter of opinion, the left says it wast an Apology Tour, i and many others say it was shameless.

i can find ZERO support for your intimation that Barry Seotoro was involved in climategate, just your own baseless claim

obamacare IS a turd, and it is very resistant to flushing. facts is fact junior.

as commander in chief, barry could ORDER the end to "enhanced interrogations" and the closing of gitmo's detention facility

the afghaistan quagmire intensifies, thanks obama.

Barry's Budget Boondoggle:
read it for yourself

climategate results in new british fraud laws:
resulting in:

yep. i figure that about covers it
clinton was impeached for lying about his improper sexual relationship, which only turned up in the course of investigating some really heavy shit which was COVERED UP by the left.

He was acquitted of both charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999.[SUP][1][/SUP]

the birther bullshit was started by hillary's campaign, NOT the right.

and then they dropped it once the hawaii newspaper birth announcement was found.

you racist idiots couldn't quite help yourselves though.

the muslim bullshit was based on his being raised in the moslem nation of indonesia, documents from indonesia asserting he is a moslem, and his own gaffes about "my moslem faith"

ooooooh, a gaffe you say.

that must mean he's a muslim, which changes not a damn thing. we have something called religious freedom in this country, only bigoted retards like you have a problem with this.

the IRS scandal is real. that millstone is around his neck, and he created it himself.

[citation needed]

do let me know when you have one single iota of evidence.

he DID bow most obsequiously to a foreign king.

so what?

his apology tour was his own idea. he did it all by his self

quote one single apology then.

he has no direct involvement in climategate, and nobody has asserted that he is involved except YOU

we were just pointing out how the fake, non-scandal was aired forever while the eventual DOUBLE EXONERATION was barely covered at all, contrary to your whole point in this thread.

ya fucking stooge.

obamacare is a turd that wont flush. he pinched that loaf all by his self

heritage foundation idea.

with his new opium pipe inspired "budget" he has demonstrated his desire to raise taxes and spend more, as a tax and spend liberal always does. deal with it.

obama cut the deficit more than in half. so much for all that spending, ya fucking stooge.

grow up sonny. you dont know the steps to this dance.

when was the last time you, an overweight, middle aged, racist, min wage making guy who lives with his mother, had sex without paying for it in advance?
obama cut the deficit more than in half. so much for all that spending, ya fucking stooge.

From what an all time high he was responsible for that would bankrupt us in a few years.
Only a true "fucking stooge" as you put it would brag about this idiots spending.
From what an all time high he was responsible for that would bankrupt us in a few years.
Only a true "fucking stooge" as you put it would brag about this idiots spending.

how was obama responsible for the deficit that he inherited, toolwoman?

and what kind of track record do your republican heroes have with respect to the deficit? is taking a surplus and turning it into the biggest deficit ever your idea of success?
From what an all time high he was responsible for that would bankrupt us in a few years.
Only a true "fucking stooge" as you put it would brag about this idiots spending.

calling bucky a stooge is offensive to stooges.

he desperately needs barry to be a success, otherwise his whole world will collapse around his ears.
my post was deleted due to it's "inappropriate" nature?

i must protest.

my comments were tasteful, even if a little hurtful, but being as they were directed at bucky, the undisputed king of the personal attack, those comments were entirely appropriate.

bucky has been having a go at my mum for weeks now, and i have not returned fire, he has been calling me a racist, bigot, homophobe, white supremacist, "bircher", and pretty much any silly name he can come up with for months, while uttering a laundry list of specious personal attacks, but my comments were over the line?

really bro.
my post was deleted due to it's "inappropriate" nature?

i must protest.

my comments were tasteful, even if a little hurtful, but being as they were directed at bucky, the undisputed king of the personal attack, those comments were entirely appropriate.

bucky has been having a go at my mum for weeks now, and i have not returned fire, he has been calling me a racist, bigot, homophobe, white supremacist, "bircher", and pretty much any silly name he can come up with for months, while uttering a laundry list of specious personal attacks, but my comments were over the line?

really bro.

so your valiant defense of the john birch society and its quest to "defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit", combined with defenses of admitted white separatists like philippe rushton and attacks on gay civil rights does not betray a bigoted homophobic racist bircher?

i would say it does, but then again, i am sane.
Cool I think I have it now so its "you mama" and if that doesn't get the point across then you want to "pee" in my "girlfriends" butt...ok makes sense.

Then, its "blame Bush" and if that doesn't pan out then "suck some dick" it.
Cool I think I have it now so its "you mama" and if that doesn't get the point across then you want to "pee" in my "girlfriends" butt...ok makes sense.

Then, its "blame Bush" and if that doesn't pan out then "suck some dick" it.

all i'd have to do is pay some service a few bucks to run your license plate, then i could show up and serenade that plump bitch.

No full 18 holes?
What a bummer.....maybe you should get yourself a hooker or pay a servant, you seem like the type.

I will just bring one 9 iron, and carry it myself.
No full 18 holes?
What a bummer.....maybe you should get yourself a hooker or pay a servant, you seem like the type.

I will just bring one 9 iron, and carry it myself.

i bet i could break par at killarney with nothing but a 9 iron. if i do, i get to help that plump S.O. of yours burn some of that excess weight away after the round. you can sit there stroking your 9 iron homoerotically and watch.
