How Working In Washington Taught Me We’re All A Little Like RT America

SO much like Buck. Just change the subject.

At least you didn't curse at us and call us names.

Gonna go make ham and swiss on rye with yellow mustard.

Good Day

I just don't have time to argue with people like that..

reagan faced a hostile press, bush 1 faced a hostile press, bush 2 faced a hostile press, but carter, clinton and obama all have the press in their pocket.

clearly this proves that the republican administrations also controlled the press, just like the democrats.


way to throw out a non-sequitur distraction.

i dont have cats. but more importantly, when did you stop beating your wife?

Impeached for a blowjob, born in Kenya, Muslim, IRS "scandal", Benghazi, Bow'd!, "peace tour", "apology tour", "climategate", Obamacare/ACA, Guantanamo, Afghanistan/Iraq, Taxes...

I'm single
lefties on fox are NOT sacked for opinions counter to the editorial board's views

do you get paid for this?

because if you, a middle aged (to put it generously) overweight min wage pulling gentlemen, are doing this for free in your situation, then you are doing it wrong.
don't remind them that "climategate" was a huge news story for months while the exoneration was merely a quick follow up. that does not fit their narrative.
i dont have cats. but more importantly, when did you stop beating your wife?

you have described yourself as middle aged, overweight, making barely above minimum wage, living with your mother (among other family members), and a fierce defender of philippe rushton.

do tell me about all that pussy you're pulling.
don't remind them that "climategate" was a huge news story for months while the exoneration was merely a quick follow up. that does not fit their narrative.

What else is new?

That's another time tested FOX tactic that works exceedingly well. Boast about the bullshit for weeks, doesn't matter if it's true or not, then when it comes out that it's not, cover the refutation for one segment making up a total of 2 minutes of airtime and call that "Fair and Balanced"... 9 million people view the bullshit, 30,000 see the rebuttal and your bullshit gets sent as far as the eye can see.

This is why there should be stupid crazy fines for media organizations lying. If it's a "mistake" it should be reviewed by a panel of people. A slap on the wrist every time something false gets aired to millions of people isn't enough, it doesn't stop the bullshit from getting aired
The only problem with your point is fox runs smart liberals
on the show to give different points of view...its way more
balanced than say a hack outfit like MSNBC but still a bit biased
I just don't have time to argue with people like that..

Impeached for a blowjob, born in Kenya, Muslim, IRS "scandal", Benghazi, Bow'd!, "peace tour", "apology tour", "climategate", Obamacare/ACA, Guantanamo, Afghanistan/Iraq, Taxes...

I'm single

clinton was impeached for lying about his improper sexual relationship, which only turned up in the course of investigating some really heavy shit which was COVERED UP by the left.

the birther bullshit was started by hillary's campaign, NOT the right.

the muslim bullshit was based on his being raised in the moslem nation of indonesia, documents from indonesia asserting he is a moslem, and his own gaffes about "my moslem faith"

the IRS scandal is real. that millstone is around his neck, and he created it himself.

he DID bow most obsequiously to a foreign king.

his apology tour was his own idea. he did it all by his self

he has no direct involvement in climategate, and nobody has asserted that he is involved except YOU

obamacare is a turd that wont flush. he pinched that loaf all by his self

he could have closed guantanamo bay's detention center with an order to the joint chiefs. he decided to go a different direction, and stage some political theater

he has INCREASED our afghanistan quagmire, and has maintained the iraq timetable laid out by boo0000oosh, once again, he shit all over himself

with his new opium pipe inspired "budget" he has demonstrated his desire to raise taxes and spend more, as a tax and spend liberal always does. deal with it.

grow up sonny. you dont know the steps to this dance.
What else is new?

That's another time tested FOX tactic that works exceedingly well. Boast about the bullshit for weeks, doesn't matter if it's true or not, then when it comes out that it's not, cover the refutation for one segment making up a total of 2 minutes of airtime and call that "Fair and Balanced"... 9 million people view the bullshit, 30,000 see the rebuttal and your bullshit gets sent as far as the eye can see.

This is why there should be stupid crazy fines for media organizations lying. If it's a "mistake" it should be reviewed by a panel of people. A slap on the wrist every time something false gets aired to millions of people isn't enough, it doesn't stop the bullshit from getting aired

despite bucky's tiresome assertions, the climategate data fixers were not "exonerated" they were simply found to have comitted no "crimes" because they didnt get paid directly for their deception.

at the time britian had no law against academic or scientific fraud, but they would have gone to jail in the US.

the climategate data was fraudulent, the computer programs were designed to falsify the results, and the "researchers" knew it because they were the ones who set up the scam.

if they were to run that play again, they WOULD go to prison for defrauding the british govt, and misusing govt research monies.

once again bucky plays the semantic game and makes a claim that is a lie wrapped in a gossamer veil of half-truth.
The only problem with your point is fox runs smart liberals
on the show to give different points of view...its way more
balanced than say MSNBC but admittedly still a bit biased

They don't run "smart liberals" in the sense I would agree with. They hire liberals who portray a separate viewpoint in order to portray the "Fair and Balanced" agenda. When they hire real liberals or people who legitimately oppose their agenda, they get schooled time and time again on the issues. One time a kid even owned O'Reilly;


Nye owns an ignoramus on climate change;


Nye owns another ignoramus on evolution;



Examples are limitless..

I've said in the past FOX doesn't understand science, but what I really meant was that FOX (and their subsidiaries) absolutely understand the science (if they didn't, they wouldn't be working double time to try to hide it). They actively attempt to manipulate it in favor of GOP interests.
clinton was impeached for lying about his improper sexual relationship, which only turned up in the course of investigating some really heavy shit which was COVERED UP by the left.

the birther bullshit was started by hillary's campaign, NOT the right.

the muslim bullshit was based on his being raised in the moslem nation of indonesia, documents from indonesia asserting he is a moslem, and his own gaffes about "my moslem faith"

the IRS scandal is real. that millstone is around his neck, and he created it himself.

he DID bow most obsequiously to a foreign king.

his apology tour was his own idea. he did it all by his self

he has no direct involvement in climategate, and nobody has asserted that he is involved except YOU

obamacare is a turd that wont flush. he pinched that loaf all by his self

he could have closed guantanamo bay's detention center with an order to the joint chiefs. he decided to go a different direction, and stage some political theater

he has INCREASED our afghanistan quagmire, and has maintained the iraq timetable laid out by boo0000oosh, once again, he shit all over himself

with his new opium pipe inspired "budget" he has demonstrated his desire to raise taxes and spend more, as a tax and spend liberal always does. deal with it.

grow up sonny. you dont know the steps to this dance.

despite bucky's tiresome assertions, the climategate data fixers were not "exonerated" they were simply found to have comitted no "crimes" because they didnt get paid directly for their deception.

at the time britian had no law against academic or scientific fraud, but they would have gone to jail in the US.

the climategate data was fraudulent, the computer programs were designed to falsify the results, and the "researchers" knew it because they were the ones who set up the scam.

if they were to run that play again, they WOULD go to prison for defrauding the british govt, and misusing govt research monies.

once again bucky plays the semantic game and makes a claim that is a lie wrapped in a gossamer veil of half-truth.

Wouldn't you know it... Not a single source cited...
It has been obvious that the main stream media aligns itself with certain administrations.

correction: certain media sources align with certain administrations..
[h=1]50 right-wing news sources that are infecting the American mind[/h]
Photo by Chris McKay/Getty Images

Robert SobelOrlando Liberal Examiner



Zoom in

May 9, 2013

Republicans often talk about the media's "liberal bias" when many of their claims aren't validated. Ever since Sarah Palin was thrust into the spotlight in 2008, cries of "lame stream media" have been heard echoing through the ear drums of registered voters. Whether it's NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC or any other "main stream" news outlet, the right-wing are often quick to attack, claiming bias against conservatives and the Republican agenda.
While one major news channel, MSNBC, promotes a more progressive message during their prime time line-up, they promote themselves as liberal, tagging themselves with the slogan "lean forward." Other news channels, such as CNN, have actually taken steps to the right of the political spectrum in an attempt to capitalize on Fox News' ratings success.
Despite claims of media bias, the number one rated news channel is Fox News, the loudest voice for conservatism in the country. Even outside television, conservative media is often easily found. The overwhelming majority of talk radio is dominated by right-wing voices. Earlier this year, "Talkers" magazine released their annual "Heavy Hundred" list of the 100 most important radio show hosts in the country. Out of the top ten, only three would be described as "liberal" or "progressive," with the remaining being far right conservatives or libertarian. The rest of the list is similar to the top 10 as conservative talk shows heavily outnumber their liberal counter parts.
The internet is also a viable place to promote your political agenda. Conservative blogs and websites have popped up at a record number over the last few years and don't look to be slowing down any time soon.
While there are liberal talk shows and blogs, the conservative claim that the entire media has a bias favoring liberals is just false. The list below is simply a counter to that claim and, in no particular order, is a list of 50 of the worst places you could go to get your news and information.
1. Fox News
2. The Rush Limbaugh Show
3. Glenn Beck
4. Savage Nation w/ Michael Savage
5. Alex Jones' Info Wars
6. The Heritage Foundation
7. The Wall Street Journal Op-Ed
8. The Neal Boortz Radio Show
9. Sean Hannity
10. Bill O'Reilly
12. National Review
13. The Mark Levin Show
14. The Weekly Standard
15. Washington Times
16. The American Conservative
17. The Drudge Report
18. The Cato Institute
19. Media Research Center
21. Red State
22. Andew Breitbart's Big Government
23. The American Cause
24. Christian Coalition
25. The John Birch Society
26. Citizens United
27. Freedom Works
28. Tea Party Express
29. Tea Party Patriots
30. The Herman Cain Show
31. News Busters
32. News Max
33. The New York Post
34. Conservative HQ
35. Sirius radio "Patriot"
36. Conservative American News
37. Conservative Daily News
38. Judicial Watch
39. The Source Daily
40. Republican National Committee
41. American Spectator
42. Reason Magazine
43. Freedom Rings Radio hosted by Kenneth
44. Conservapedia
45. The Right Side of the Web
46. CNS News
47. Michael Reagan
48. Family Research Council
49. Conservative Underground
50. The Hugh Hewitt Show
[h=4]Suggested by the author[/h] Rush Limbaugh worried Ohio kidnap victims might receive welfare benefits
Elizabeth Warren introduces student loan reform, lowers rates to what banks pay
Rush Limbaugh: Obama bragging about killing bin Laden led to attack in Benghazi
Fox News: Stop abortions by deregulating birth control, celebrate teen pregnancy
Apple dodges $9.2 billion tax bill, could have funded majority of sequester
Photo by Chris McKay/Getty Images

Robert SobelOrlando Liberal Examiner



Zoom in

May 9, 2013

Republicans often talk about the media's "liberal bias" when many of their claims aren't validated. Ever since Sarah Palin was thrust into the spotlight in 2008, cries of "lame stream media" have been heard echoing through the ear drums of registered voters. Whether it's NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC or any other "main stream" news outlet, the right-wing are often quick to attack, claiming bias against conservatives and the Republican agenda.
While one major news channel, MSNBC, promotes a more progressive message during their prime time line-up, they promote themselves as liberal, tagging themselves with the slogan "lean forward." Other news channels, such as CNN, have actually taken steps to the right of the political spectrum in an attempt to capitalize on Fox News' ratings success.
Despite claims of media bias, the number one rated news channel is Fox News, the loudest voice for conservatism in the country. Even outside television, conservative media is often easily found. The overwhelming majority of talk radio is dominated by right-wing voices. Earlier this year, "Talkers" magazine released their annual "Heavy Hundred" list of the 100 most important radio show hosts in the country. Out of the top ten, only three would be described as "liberal" or "progressive," with the remaining being far right conservatives or libertarian. The rest of the list is similar to the top 10 as conservative talk shows heavily outnumber their liberal counter parts.
The internet is also a viable place to promote your political agenda. Conservative blogs and websites have popped up at a record number over the last few years and don't look to be slowing down any time soon.
While there are liberal talk shows and blogs, the conservative claim that the entire media has a bias favoring liberals is just false. The list below is simply a counter to that claim and, in no particular order, is a list of 50 of the worst places you could go to get your news and information.
1. Fox News
2. The Rush Limbaugh Show
3. Glenn Beck
4. Savage Nation w/ Michael Savage
5. Alex Jones' Info Wars
6. The Heritage Foundation
7. The Wall Street Journal Op-Ed
8. The Neal Boortz Radio Show
9. Sean Hannity
10. Bill O'Reilly
12. National Review
13. The Mark Levin Show
14. The Weekly Standard
15. Washington Times
16. The American Conservative
17. The Drudge Report
18. The Cato Institute
19. Media Research Center
21. Red State
22. Andew Breitbart's Big Government
23. The American Cause
24. Christian Coalition
25. The John Birch Society
26. Citizens United
27. Freedom Works
28. Tea Party Express
29. Tea Party Patriots
30. The Herman Cain Show
31. News Busters
32. News Max
33. The New York Post
34. Conservative HQ
35. Sirius radio "Patriot"
36. Conservative American News
37. Conservative Daily News
38. Judicial Watch
39. The Source Daily
40. Republican National Committee
41. American Spectator
42. Reason Magazine
43. Freedom Rings Radio hosted by Kenneth
44. Conservapedia
45. The Right Side of the Web
46. CNS News
47. Michael Reagan
48. Family Research Council
49. Conservative Underground
50. The Hugh Hewitt Show
Suggested by the author

Rush Limbaugh worried Ohio kidnap victims might receive welfare benefits
Elizabeth Warren introduces student loan reform, lowers rates to what banks pay
Rush Limbaugh: Obama bragging about killing bin Laden led to attack in Benghazi
Fox News: Stop abortions by deregulating birth control, celebrate teen pregnancy
Apple dodges $9.2 billion tax bill, could have funded majority of sequester

and the worst place to get your information regardless of political leanings:

the new york times
the wall street journal's non-op-ed pages
every individual host on msnbc
the LA times
the chicago tribune
any mercury newspaper
random lefties on the interweb
huffington post
daily Kos
lefty pressure group websites
people who bitch about fox news' "bias" while pretending fox news' "bias" is somehow worse than the outright lies perpetrated by the lefty press for 80+ years without a counterpoint.

prime example: Walter Duranty, the New York Times "Man in Moscow" during Stalin's murder of several million people
wikipedia-ized for the slow and lazy

a more recent example:

and another:

the mainstream press (prior to the interwebs and fox news, the ONLY press) routinely lies like a rug, and is rarely taken to task for their bullshit, while every typo on a fox news crawl becomes Headline News in moments.

partisan love for messages that reinforce your biases and prejudices are a vile poison from fox, but are treated as the sweetest of treacle from lefty "journalists"

fox has a bias, but they dont pretend otherwise.

rush limbaugh is outspoken in his bias

glenn beck is crazy, and has been on many "legitimate" networks, not just The Evil Fox News

the lefty press proudly claims to have covered up or concealed FDR's cripple-tude, Kennedy's wagging dick, and many other stories they were "too classy" to report when democrats are the subject, while rushing forward with the thinnest rumours if it might embarrass anyone on the right or in the middle.
you have described yourself as middle aged, overweight, making barely above minimum wage, living with your mother (among other family members), and a fierce defender of philippe rushton.

do tell me about all that pussy you're pulling.

He literally just said "no cats".....are you really this dumb?
The article is clearly from the left AND talking about left media bias.

No walls or faux arguments needed.....yet there they are...lolz.