Defoliation Experiment - Side by Side Sister Clones

who you
lmfao. I don't think op has even started yet. He gave us 24 hrs to vote on the raising of the pots issue lol.

5 billion posts later he will harvest ;)

naah, it'll probably quiet down once things get underway.
Dear Profterpen,

I really do believe that you are wasting your time here, these morons are just going to keep on and on with no let up just because they don’t understand something. You will never teach them anything, and they are not interested in learning and never will be. They will just keep trolling this thread until everyone gives up or the thread is locked because it turns into a slanging match. You would be better off trying to convert some muslims to becoming Christians, it would be much easier!

There is a saying that if you give a monkey a typewriter he will type a few thousand posts on a forum with no real meaning, and then claim this makes him an expert and knowledgeable about his ramblings. You’ll probably find these guys are juveniles still living at home with their parents, or are older and carrying some other form of insecurities like small man syndrome, and who have nothing better to do until their closet grow of one plant finishes.

They feel it’s their god given right to just trample on and ruin anything to do with the subject of defoliation, and were clearly brought up with no manners or any idea of how to interact with other people on a social level.

RIU is the wrong place for a discussion about defoliation as they seem stuck in the good old days, so I say let them continue their growing in soil by gas lantern and swimming in their sea of ignorance.

I was really hoping that we may actually be able to hold a discussion about defoliation and the different techniques and what works better than others, but this will never happen here. It would have been nice to chat with someone who understands the scientific principles behind what happens when defoliating, and to be able to share my findings with you and others that use this technique successfully. I think there are a lot of other people on this forum who feel the same way, but don’t speak up because they will just be attacked by these imbeciles.

All you are doing is feeding them, and they will clock up another thousand posts by the end of your experiment if the thread lasts that long. If the outcome of the experiment doesn’t go their way then they will say you cheated or some other variable was not the same, or that your one experiment doesn't prove anything blah blah blah!!
^are you done? Please pull all of the bunched up panties out of your crack, might cause a shitting problem. This experiment will do fine as long as OP doesn't give up. :P
If I ever decide to run my own comparison, I think I'll do it outside of RIU and then post the results only after it's done. That way there will be a cohesive least until there's a conclusion, and then the trolls and flamers can have at it.

It's sad that every time a legitimate conversation about topics such as this starts up, the same suspects glob onto it and wage the same old tired battles on yet another thread.

I'm sticking with this one, and hope that decency will somehow prevail and let the OP do his thing without all the apparent premeditated distractions.
The app messes up sometimes.
Not sure if it is the app or the site.
Today the app and site were down at the same time.
It happens
It seems this is getting a lot of non-topic talk. I'm thinking some added light conversation is good. Although let's keep in mind that this is a test, I not for either. I have my personal thoughts on what is going to happen but for the sake of the experiment I will keep those to myself for now. Instead of criticism maybe tell everyone your opinion on how it will turn out, back it with an actual reason and keep an open mind. RIU is a place to share, learn, teach and have some good conversation. Let's not make this a joke.

Here is the 1st thread for those of you that need it:

"The topic of defoliation seems to be one with some interesting theories. On RUI it seems to be frowned upon, maybe even a topic of*intense hostility and immediate aversion. Is defoliation top on the George Carlin list "The 7 Forbidden Words of the Botanical Right"? If so why, what is the science behind both sides and where is the documentation for both sides?

I'm going to bite, I have selected a very nice strain I've grown for a couple years now. It is Alquimista, a Samsara seed. I have a nice mother plant of this strain, she is 17 weeks old and these will be her second set of taken clones. I will be setting all parameters of the test in a later posting. Both clones will be kept in the same environment, be the same age and taken from 180° from the same level and position on the mother plant.

I will provide a detailed post of the strain soon and post information, photos and videos as I go.

I hope you enjoy and get involved. Please share your true opinion, but keep in mind we are all at different levels of knowledge and experience. Share with us but keep it civil and don't attack someone because they have a different idea."
If I ever decide to run my own comparison, I think I'll do it outside of RIU and then post the results only after it's done. That way there will be a cohesive least until there's a conclusion, and then the trolls and flamers can have at it.

It's sad that every time a legitimate conversation about topics such as this starts up, the same suspects glob onto it and wage the same old tired battles on yet another thread.

I'm sticking with this one, and hope that decency will somehow prevail and let the OP do his thing without all the apparent premeditated distractions.

The only way people will believe it is if they try it for themselves, you could try it for yourself. Just grow an extra plant next time, and veg it for a bit with the others then defoliate it and see what happens. Once your plants start getting over crowded you can throw it away, but it will show you how quickly the leaves grow back. As I think that one of the stumbling blocks for people is the initial pulling off a load of leaves, it doesn't quite seem natural to pull the leaves off. You'd probably be able to do a couple of defoliations before the plants get too big.

You'll be amazed at the speed the leaves grow back again.
Dear Profterpen,

I really do believe that you are wasting your time here, these morons are just going to keep on and on with no let up just because they don’t understand something. You will never teach them anything, and they are not interested in learning and never will be. They will just keep trolling this thread until everyone gives up or the thread is locked because it turns into a slanging match. You would be better off trying to convert some muslims to becoming Christians, it would be much easier!

There is a saying that if you give a monkey a typewriter he will type a few thousand posts on a forum with no real meaning, and then claim this makes him an expert and knowledgeable about his ramblings. You’ll probably find these guys are juveniles still living at home with their parents, or are older and carrying some other form of insecurities like small man syndrome, and who have nothing better to do until their closet grow of one plant finishes.

They feel it’s their god given right to just trample on and ruin anything to do with the subject of defoliation, and were clearly brought up with no manners or any idea of how to interact with other people on a social level.

RIU is the wrong place for a discussion about defoliation as they seem stuck in the good old days, so I say let them continue their growing in soil by gas lantern and swimming in their sea of ignorance.

I was really hoping that we may actually be able to hold a discussion about defoliation and the different techniques and what works better than others, but this will never happen here. It would have been nice to chat with someone who understands the scientific principles behind what happens when defoliating, and to be able to share my findings with you and others that use this technique successfully. I think there are a lot of other people on this forum who feel the same way, but don’t speak up because they will just be attacked by these imbeciles.

All you are doing is feeding them, and they will clock up another thousand posts by the end of your experiment if the thread lasts that long. If the outcome of the experiment doesn’t go their way then they will say you cheated or some other variable was not the same, or that your one experiment doesn't prove anything blah blah blah!!
Had to make the call, there coming for you!!
my guess is the defoliated plant is not going to have the same size and bud density in the end and possibly will take longer. this is only my guess i have never done it. at what point in growth will they be defoliated? and will you only do it once in growth or keep pruning the bigger leaves all through the grow?

ohh, and nice asses! they would make me happy.