They just make it not rain for a month do they?
Really dude - like seriously - fuck me you must be slow - I'll wait for people with a fucking clue.... agh! moron
They just make it not rain for a month do they?
Lol, I've been explaining it's mindless pseudo bullshit to you for a couple of years IC3.
ahh you see i knew we had spoken about this LMAO,
Really you never would in soil? Wow I am calling a bit of a new Gardner you may be.... If you want evidence in soil just ask any grower that has long term soil experience - or fekin google it
Really dude - like seriously - fuck me you must be slow - I'll wait for people with a fucking clue.... agh! moron
Did I see him call u "a newb" & "ile wait for someone with more experience ", I'm loling with you Yorkie.
But when these folk are saying drying out, are they meaning dry out as in bone dry (stupid) or dry out in the normal growers meaning that is to say let it dry out (enough) so as to minimize risk of overwatering? I would always let my plants "dry out", as in making sure i'm not gonna be overwatering them, and there was never any issues. This being with soil.
walking deads gone to shit. got 47 ronin loading now think someone on here said it was good so fuck it imma get stoned off my titties n watch asians go godzilla up in this hizzayfear not lads im here now, the blokes a cunt
that is all
gotta give ya that one ice i that is all lmao didnt fink too much of the last eps of walking dead but yeah i spose was pretty sad, kinda predictable tho i thought.
The original premis was in hydro with a water farm, dude's daft.
walking deads gone to shit. got 47 ronin loading now think someone on here said it was good so fuck it imma get stoned off my titties n watch asians go godzilla up in this hizzay
well tbh, we discussed this a couple of days ago, and there was no agreement on whether you should or shouldn't, but what was agreed that you can do it this way and still grow perfectly healthy plants and is not by any means a practice to be avoided at all costs. And it is clearly an accepted manner of growing, hence the succes people have with ebb n flow systems.