Hi- I need some advice

Hey everyone, I am new to this website. I have a question I wanted to ask and I am not sure where to put it so here I go!
My friend got a little weed and it wasn't in a plastic bag or anything. I put it in a case that he had so that that the weed wouldn't smell too strong- I wasn't looking inside of his case. Later on, he opened it and it turns out the case I put his weed into was his pencil case. He had pencils in there with possible pencil shavings and broken off pencil graphite. The weed wasn't in a bag or anything! I'm kind of freaked that my friend's weed has graphite from the pencil in it now. He still wants to smoke it but I read online that if you smoke graphite you can get carbon monoxide poisoning, which can kill you. Is it safe for him to smoke or does he need to get some more weed and throw this out? Thanks for reading. I don't know if I am being paranoid or if my worry is legit.

hahah wow chewberto thats a fucked up reply lol
thank you sunni! yeah i think its okay but i just wasnt sure, i dont think we're going to risk it haha
i mean getting high isn't worth getting carbon monoxide poisoning

You are focusing on the graphite and potential death from carbon monoxide, while forgetting that you inhale deadly toxins and carcinogens on a daily basis, get exposed to high levels of Radon on a regular basis, touch public surfaces and then your face....the list goes on.

You're being paranoid. You'll probably die sooner of Radon than the CO produced by that modicum of graphite.
Glad to see the OP hasn't smoked the shavings yet. Nobody has asked the real question. The type of pencil is important,

No 1, or No 2?

Chewy, I'm sorry for the loss of your friends, they are so hard to come by. How many of us have them, ones we can depend on? Friend is a word we use every day. Most of the time we use it in the wrong way, now, you can look the word up, again and again, but the dictionary doesn't know the meaning of friends. If you ask me, you know, I couldn't be much help, because a friend is somebody you judge for yourself. Some are ok and they treat you real cool, but some mistake kindness for bein a fool. We like to be with some because they're funny, others come around when they need some money, some you grew up with around the way, and you're still close to this very day. Homeboys through the Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall, then there's some we wish we never knew at all. And the list goes on, again and again, but these are the people that we call friends.

I too lost a friend in jail. He was just a good ol boy, never meanin no harm. Beats all you never saw, been in trouble with the law since the day he was born. He made his way the only way he knew how, but that was just a little bit more than the law would allow. He was in for a long time on some BS trumped up charges by some podunk sheriff. Somebody tried to get him out with dynomite and killed everyone. Sad.
Speaking of radon, if the pencil was made in China you're already fucked. China gets rid of its nuclear waste by putting it in all the stuff they export. Your dick will mutate, get skinny and noodly...hence the term pencil dick
Yup Matthew Terry, David Shckinner, Joey, Veronica, Rachel, and DeeDee. Friends nobody could forget. Wish I could go back to that coffee house.
Well there ya go kids.
The op has clearly passed in yet another
tragic pencil shaving, smoking accident.

She will be missed a little. :screwy: