Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

Yeah, I gave it a shot. I think I might have wasted my time with the SNS203 maybe the 209 would have been better. I'm not sure if it was the soap, rosemary oil, or pyrethrin that slowed them down last time... I am hoping it was the soap or rosemary. Feeling pretty defeated, I just did a lot of reading... pretty sure I am screwed. Once they are flying they will start to lay eggs on the upper areas of the plant.

Blazinpurps wrote about what he did to try to get rid of them. Makes me think I have no shot. I think he didn't realize they lay eggs on the plant once flying and didn't treat his clones for that. Who knows, all it takes is one, they reproduce asexually. Here is what he wrote...

"I hate Root Aphids, I have had them for 5 months, I did 3 1 hour soaks 3 days apart of the root ball pot and all in an Orthene, Pyrethrin, Soap solution. I followed this up with two soaks of a Soap and Merit 75 solution. 2 weeks later I was in full on outbreak mode again so I decided to take cuttings and start over, I bombed my tent and wiped everything with bleach and soap. I sprayed my cuttings with Azamax before putting them into new happy frog soil that I watered with nematodes, it has been 3 weeks and I just saw new flyers yesterday these guys dont give up. I am not even going to mess with pesticides again just starting over ends up being cheaper, easier and faster to get going again in my opinion.

Inbox cleared... Thanks
oh I also smeared some vaseline around the rim of the buckets. this'll catch any of the little buggers trying to escape after you treat with the sns. even in nymph stage they are highly mobile and will try to leave

Thanks Joe, I did pick up some Tanglefoot and applied it to the base of the stalk on the larger plants before the dunk. As time allows I will be putting around the base of all plants in flower. Hoping that when the eggs on the upper part of the plant hatch the little nymphs will crawl down and get stuck.

I will also take your advice on the vaseline around the pot rims. I did put up a couple more sticky traps too.

Might pick up some 209 to add to my waterings as well.
I took the opportunity to take some pics without the HPS.

A couple of the defoliated Jilly Bean experiment. Seems to be filling out quickly.
jilly tops 2.jpgJB2.jpg

The Remedy

the remedy.jpg

Dunking Setup

dunking setup.jpg

Sickly Amnesia Auto not even flowering yet.

sickly amn.jpgsickly amn 2.jpg

Bleached and cleaned tent and back in they go...

bleached tent.jpgback in tent.jpg
I took the opportunity to take some pics without the HPS.

A couple of the defoliated Jilly Bean experiment. Seems to be filling out quickly.
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The Remedy

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Dunking Setup

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Sickly Amnesia Auto not even flowering yet.

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Bleached and cleaned tent and back in they go...

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WOW look at the jillybean. Took a while to get started again but damn. No new pics of the Pineapple Kush?
Hi Cas, glad to see Joe is helpin ya out with the pest problem, Look's like he know's his shit about bug's. Man bro that jilly is lookin sweet, seems to be responding positively to the defoliation...:)
Yeah, the JillyBean seems very happy and at least so far seems to be forming better buds deep in the middle of the plant than it did before. Also doing better than the Jack Herer is, below the canopy level anyway. Really helps with the airflow as well. The thing that is harder to judge is how much it slowed the plant down, but honestly I didn't see much slowing. She gets the next 3 weeks to put foliage back on, then a last week 6 derobing lol...

All the plants are looking green and healthy despite the root aphids, curious how many will be on the tape tonight.

Bad news on the Pinapple Kush man, it started to wilt badly then turned brown at the tips etc. had to pull it out. The C99 is hanging on but not sure if she will end up doing anything either. It was an experiment... just random chance I found a provider for those clones right when I flipped and tried to root and flower too quickly.

I am thinking about putting some more in the tent including Pineapple Kush just because like you I want to see how they develop in flower even if I can't let them go all the way to prime maturity. I do also have the option of finishing them under the CFLs in the current males room...

Unfortunately, I am leaving for 9 days in about a week and the pollen is not coming along quickly enough. I will be able to pollinate the autos, but pretty sure the HH pollen will not be produced before I leave. That means possible pollination at week 5 for the non-autos, I may just have to let them go for 9-10 weeks even though the buds will not need it. We will see I guess...

Also, the gifted seeds I planted are not showing sex making me think they are inferior genetics. I planted 2 Harlequin X Sweet N' Sour Widow in the same pot and one of them showed male yesterday and was chopped. All my own crosses have shown but the "K" seeds don't even have anything to take a microscope to yet...
Hi Cas, glad to see Joe is helpin ya out with the pest problem, Look's like he know's his shit about bug's. Man bro that jilly is lookin sweet, seems to be responding positively to the defoliation...:)

Yeah man, having Joe help out is much appreciated for sure! I am surprised how well the JillyBean is doing. I think the key is to defoliate in veg first to get her used to the "derobing" in flower... Curious what she ends up yielding and hoping she doesn't grow big balls... lol
Yeah, the JillyBean seems very happy and at least so far seems to be forming better buds deep in the middle of the plant than it did before. Also doing better than the Jack Herer is, below the canopy level anyway. Really helps with the airflow as well. The thing that is harder to judge is how much it slowed the plant down, but honestly I didn't see much slowing. She gets the next 3 weeks to put foliage back on, then a last week 6 derobing lol...

All the plants are looking green and healthy despite the root aphids, curious how many will be on the tape tonight.

Bad news on the Pinapple Kush man, it started to wilt badly then turned brown at the tips etc. had to pull it out. The C99 is hanging on but not sure if she will end up doing anything either. It was an experiment... just random chance I found a provider for those clones right when I flipped and tried to root and flower too quickly.

I am thinking about putting some more in the tent including Pineapple Kush just because like you I want to see how they develop in flower even if I can't let them go all the way to prime maturity. I do also have the option of finishing them under the CFLs in the current males room...

Unfortunately, I am leaving for 9 days in about a week and the pollen is not coming along quickly enough. I will be able to pollinate the autos, but pretty sure the HH pollen will not be produced before I leave. That means possible pollination at week 5 for the non-autos, I may just have to let them go for 9-10 weeks even though the buds will not need it. We will see I guess...

Also, the gifted seeds I planted are not showing sex making me think they are inferior genetics. I planted 2 Harlequin X Sweet N' Sour Widow in the same pot and one of them showed male yesterday and was chopped. All my own crosses have shown but the "K" seeds don't even have anything to take a microscope to yet...
Thats to bad about the PK. That tent look nice all cleaned up eh. Hopefully the bugs won't be coming back.
yeah...thanks for the pat on the back but i'm certainly no expert on this. I can only say what has or hasn't worked for me.

on a positive note I'm not seeing any major deficiency signs in your pics so thats good. If they were really bad you'd start getting really bad deficiencies 3-4 weeks into flower.

don't trip about getting the 203 since you have never used it before it'll probably help alot at first. just try to catch as many of those fliers with sticktraps as you can.

stikytraps stickytraps stickytraps. Try putting a few more out every week to get an idea if they are getting better or worse
yeah...thanks for the pat on the back but i'm certainly no expert on this. I can only say what has or hasn't worked for me.

on a positive note I'm not seeing any major deficiency signs in your pics so thats good. If they were really bad you'd start getting really bad deficiencies 3-4 weeks into flower.

don't trip about getting the 203 since you have never used it before it'll probably help alot at first. just try to catch as many of those fliers with sticktraps as you can.

stikytraps stickytraps stickytraps. Try putting a few more out every week to get an idea if they are getting better or worse

Advice from first hand experience is the best kind. I tried to get help on the last grow with them and it was much more difficult to get someone with experience to help. It's more valuable than you realize bro, thank you.

Good point on the first application having a bigger impact. In the veg room I just checked and there were only 3 RAs on the tape along with some fungus gnats. In the tent last night there about 100 RAs over the 3 pieces of tape but only 2 winged aphids. The fresh hanging sticky traps did not have a single insect of any kind on them.

I will be getting some more sticky traps and putting them up every week, thanks for that tip.

The 203 seemed to upset the ladies more than the pyrethrin did last time. Some of them have a pretty severe upcurl at the tips, others are completely unaffected.

Leaf curl
major up curl.jpgleaf curl.jpg

New Aphid trap

aphid trap.jpg
The thing that sucks about treating bugs is the negative impact it has on your ladies, but you do what ya gotta do. Get em Cas...
Thanks man, I just went down to check on them with a green light. The two HH are the worst, ironic because they are supposed to be the toughest plants. The leaves are really starting to turn up and looks like they are getting crisp. Might have to flush them a bit just in case.

The new aphid trap only had about 10 aphids on it.

One thing I didn't mention is that when I checked the traps for the first time after the drench the 100 or so aphids I did see were larger more mature aphids. I am thinking that the 203 killed the small ones and most of the fliers but the larger ones survived...

I really want to hit them with something again but can't because the medium is just too moist. I have also dropped the temps to inhibit their life cycle which will further slow the transpiration. Oh well, I will have to have some patience...
Thanks man, I just went down to check on them with a green light. The two HH are the worst, ironic because they are supposed to be the toughest plants. The leaves are really starting to turn up and looks like they are getting crisp. Might have to flush them a bit just in case.

The new aphid trap only had about 10 aphids on it.

One thing I didn't mention is that when I checked the traps for the first time after the drench the 100 or so aphids I did see were larger more mature aphids. I am thinking that the 203 killed the small ones and most of the fliers but the larger ones survived...

I really want to hit them with something again but can't because the medium is just too moist. I have also dropped the temps to inhibit their life cycle which will further slow the transpiration. Oh well, I will have to have some patience...

Cas, I know all too well your frustration with Holland's hope not being as hardy as expected. Let your girls breathe and maybe you'll get to attack em a couple more times before you go on vacation.
I really appreciate the no BS advice you offer Joe... I have been thinking the same thing. Everything is healthy, but on the bigger ladies I totally agree the lower shoots could go.
Been focused on other priorities I guess. May help keep the bugs away as well...

Off to chop some lower shoots...
Thanks man, I just went down to check on them with a green light. The two HH are the worst, ironic because they are supposed to be the toughest plants. The leaves are really starting to turn up and looks like they are getting crisp. Might have to flush them a bit just in case.

The new aphid trap only had about 10 aphids on it.

One thing I didn't mention is that when I checked the traps for the first time after the drench the 100 or so aphids I did see were larger more mature aphids. I am thinking that the 203 killed the small ones and most of the fliers but the larger ones survived...

I really want to hit them with something again but can't because the medium is just too moist. I have also dropped the temps to inhibit their life cycle which will further slow the transpiration. Oh well, I will have to have some patience...

I know all too well the pain you suffer my friend, if I had known the damage that damn bug bomb was going to do there is no way in hell I would've set it off, but that's life. We have to live and learn and deal with the hand that is dealt us.

I personally feel you are doing a great job and with Joe's help you'll come through fine bro...keep wearin em out'll win in the end..:)
Damn, I have tried to post twice now and the uploader keeps freezing and I end up losing everything I wrote. Taking a deep breath and trying not to get too pissed right now. J, thank dude means a lot... and wiser words have rarely been spoken...

Joe, I am right there with you, had my share of failures in the past both indoors and out. Learned a lot, and it has made me the grower I am today. Never stop learning and listen to those that have gone before...

Here are the cuts I took off the JH, SP, JB, and SNSW.