I want a crazy chic that dosn't get drunk all tha time and yell like fuck at me and my daughter !
It is not right ? , why do they do it to them selves ?
Fuck stop drinking and make a better life hey ?
Sorry folks , got carried away !
Yes an alcoholic and a mean drunk , sometimes she get's a wine at 10 am in tha morn , i say fuck ya don't need that now have a juice or something .Yeah.. Alcohol is just not okay.
Is she an alcoholic or just a mean drunk?
women are the epitome of emotional bombs set to go off liquor and beer easily makes them detonate ("do you think im fat?"). from what you're saying i suggest leaving her or have her committed
There's always a reason for things. She's not getting drunk for "no" reason. Not sure of the situation, but listen to her problems as we and anyone else on here is for you. Promise it helps! I like to vent. just sometimes need a shoulder not a harsh word. Hugs not shrugs!
Or you can drink with her and yell back!