Flood/drain into air experiment. Root growth. Advice needed.


Well-Known Member


OK guys and gals. I have been experimenting a bit. This girl (I hope. fem seed) is about 3 weeks from germination. She is running in a 3 inch netpot in a flood drain with a deep-ish table of about 3 inches and a 60 litre res in a 2x4ft table with several other plants. The top of the table is correx sheet with holes cut to fit, covered with polyshield with matching holes to keep light out of the table. Res runs decent air pump with 2 airstones and a thermostatic heater set at 71 degrees. Flood times are every 2 hours at lights on.
Here's my worry. First off, has anyone tried this style before? Second, the roots seem really dense, healthy, white and happy but they don't seem to be growing out into the (non-media)
Thoughts please because at the moment I'm really thinking about filling the tray with hydroton even though that's missing the whole point.
Don't worry about the plant looking lop-sided. She is going into a scrog.
Come on guys. I really need some help here. I am so stuck. I'm not sure if the roots aren't growing out because they aren't happy or if it's because they are so happy they don't need to. I know this is isn't a traditional hydro method, more a combination. Someone must have tried it before. I have been toying with the idea of a ceramic disc mister in it's own container that gets filled during the flood cycle and mists throughout lights on. Anyone?
I don't think they'll really grow in air unless it's like a drip system where they always have water available. Your pictures are about what mine do, and I don't bother blocking light. I've had good luck just putting smaller net pots in larger ones with more media.

What you're describing with the mister there sounds more like aeroponics, if you want to do that just maybe go all out aero?
I grow nearly identical as to what your experimenting with now , i grow in 4ft x 8ft flood tables using 5 inch net pots & clones started in Root Riot sponge plugs , once the clones are well rooted i put them in net pots , to keep light out & to stabilize the plant i loosely pack large to medium sized chunks of natural sponge around the pot , as the roots grow they lock into the sponge chunks & blast right out of the net pot in about 10 days , i cover my tables with white side up panda plastic & trace the bottom of a net pot onto the panda plastic with a marking pen , after cutting 50 holes per table i put the net potted plants in , zero light gets inside with covered tables but at the cost of high root zone temps which are easily controled with keeping the rez at 60 to 68 degrees .

Being that the root zone easily drys out you want to set up the table a bit differently than standard flood tables , with a flood table using mediums such as Hydrton you want good positive drainage twords the drain valve to stop root rott , do not do that , set your table to a slight negative drain to where after the table completes its flood cycle a little water remains in the lower channels , the standing water is crucial for a moist root zone & will not rott roots .

I grow sea of green & no veg , for the first 6 weeks i water once an hour for 15 minutes 24 hrs a day , for the last 2 weeks of bud i water once an hour lights on & every 2 hours lights off , i get roots 3 to 4 feet long & the entire bottom of the table is one giant carpet of roots , dont worry about overwatering as long as an inch of roots at the top of the net pot dont get submerged durring flood , the humidity will keep that inch soaking wet while able to breathe.

Dont fill the table with hydroton your problem is a dry , hot low humidity root zone , cool the rez to 65 & seal any areas where light can get in with panda plastic , even cover the area around the stalk , it keeps light out & moisture in the root zone , make sure the tables drain channels hold about an 1/8 to 1/4 inch of water after drain cycle , increase flood times to every hour & you'll soon see explosive root growth , allways remember that light will prune roots sticking out of the pot .

Your on the right track i suspect your lack of explosive root growth is directly related to low humidity inside the table , warm root zone & not enough watering cycles , trust me on this as ive been using a mediumless flood n drain for nearly 5 yrs now & i will never go back to hydroton , i get faster growth beacuse the 99% humidity between floods is an areoponic enviroment , clean up takes 15 minutes & im replanting .
You are flooding alot. I flood 3x3 4x4 and 4x8 tables 4 times a day once every 6 hours. I set timers to pump size so floods are like 10 minutes then drain.If the water fills the basket that often the roots dont search and reach out looking for food and water so they just kind of sit there.
Hey Fletch hows it been hanging man , long time no see .

If i rember dont you use rockwool cubes for a medium in your flood tables , its been so long & i remember seeing pics of you growing just about every style on earth all at once in different rooms , just cant remember the particulars .

Anyhow i dont visit often anymore but its good to see your still pumping out the buds & safe .
Hey pan yeah Im kinda back around the old site. I had a time out from roll for asking to have some pics removed due to a security issue I was concerned about so got a year ban for that lol... Yeah I have done many ways. I have done like 4x4 or 6x6 rockwool cubes right in flood trays. i have put the cubes in the tray on top of coco mats. i have put the rockwool cubes in square pots then filled with hydroton. I have even put the rockwool in the table then filled the table with hydroton which I dont advise much better doing that if just drip lining the plants.The 2 ways Im using most right now is in just standard 4x4 flood table I lay coco mat down then set 4x4 rooted rockwool on top or in bigger grows I have gone to my DIY ebb and grob buckets which are 2 gal buckets where I add some hydroton place the plants rooted in 4x4 rockwool cubes in then fill up with hydroton.. I working on some new aero setups and build my own version of the undercurrent grow and ready to give that way a go see. I see you got a magic moderator badge now..Working for the man here now lol
Looks like I got myself some good advisors. It doesn't matter how good I think i am, there is always another step to take and then, yet again, i realise I'm out of my depth. It's all about the learning and moving forwards. So glad to have people like yourselves for advice. Thanks guys. This is stuff that is hard to just google. You need someone with experience. This method seems fairly experimental. I haven't found anyone else doing it apart from you guys so i was thinking i was heading up the wrong track. Looked into misters with the ceramic ultrasound plates for humidity in root zone. They would have to be kept in their own containers just below the flood line so they flood during flood times anddon't dry out. Also they are apparently unreliable. I understand your idea of the flood base. It's related to the whole water/air root system with weed. I'm considering putting some NFT fabric in the bottom as my drain angle in that setup is tough. The other thing i suffered with at first was one of the damping off fungal diseases when the plant goes black at the base and falls over. This was down to me placing the rootit coco coir plugs in the tiny hydroton pots too deep into the table. I soon realised and now just have he bottom of the flood touching the coco plugs for 5 minutes.
I'm a newb but basically run the same setup with 3x2.5x8"deep totes. I was flooding but now run a continuos flow. The reason i set it up is the fact that i can have a power failure (lots of em) and the roots will stay moist for extended periods of time. Some of the strains I run have massive root system while others not so much. I don't see much difference with timed versus cont. flood but I don't have to run air due to waterfall and water fountain effect. The water splashes against the lid creating lots of turbulence as well as the drain. Can't see why humidity would not be present in the table, i have had power out for 24 hours and root zone is still wet. Fyi I have had a 3-4" matt of roots at the end of a few grows, i think strain has a bit to do with it.
Thanks water. That actually helps a bit with a solar greenhouse rdwc grow for tomatoes i need to set up for april. My theory is, if i get it right, the more sun, more water.
Filthy, I've taken on board what you said and thought about it. I ended up compromising. Sorry mate but i will still try and get there.
I finally put a shallow layer of hydroton in the bottom of the tray, only about 10litres, way below the bottom of the netpots and kept the flood timings at every 2 hours lights on.
The idea is that the hydroton will provide the humidity until the roots hit it then we get the seperate water/air roots later on (see how that stage goes soon).
So far, results are looking promising. In a week, roots are now solid and about 5cm long, just about to hit the water. Top growth is kicking off too. Will post a pic at weekend res change if i get a chance.
I'm hoping it all goes well and my aim of transportable/removable plants can be achieved, albeit with a few hydroton balls needing knocking off the roots. May also play with the idea of using perlite in the netpots. Not sure about that yet though.
Will keep you all posted.
I will be interested in how the perelite works out. I would think it may be kinda small for the net pots but could be way wrong lol. As far as thw roots hitting the water I use 3/4" drain and have a few peices of 3/4 pipe that I interchange to adjust water levels. In saying that I have not changed the pipe this run with the level at about 1/2-1" above bottom of net pot.
Hi Fletch , welcome back brother, i kinda remember some of what you went thru back then & im glad to see ya back , there are alot of growers here that could benifit from your posts as i did , i dont visit much anymore but when i had the time i enjoyed being a moderator , it was nice to help stop all the drama , im trying to visit more as my time free's up so hopefull i see you around , again welcome back , your diy skills are invalueable here .

Cues .
Damm i wish i had the ability to post pics so i could show you EXACTLY how my systems are set up , i learned hydroponics at this site from guy's like Filthyfletch & Albfuct , i used Al's method before going mediumless out of necessity , i had 8 seperate 4ft x 8ft flood tables all in the same room & humidity was a m-fer to control , i tried a single table at 1st & it wasnt more than 2 weeks in i knew i was on to something far better than flood & drain , having 7 other flood tables to compare results against was an enormous help .

Like you i tried using a rigid board type material to cover my table with & i found problems , the board let light in around the sides of the table & also allowed moisture to escape , then i tried panda plastic for covering the table & shit went nuts nearly overnight & i'll explain in detail how i did that 1st table , this version isnt mediumless & is along the lines of what your gonna do with a layer of hydraton in the table , only better & cleaner .

I cut white panda plastic large enough to hang over all 4 sides 4 to 6 inches ,i stretched the plastic tight over the table & to keep it tight i used little squeeze clips/clamps that are spring loaded , along the lines of a potato chip bag clip but a more industrial version from home depot at 50 cents per clamp , i clamped one side & then stretched the plastic tight & clamped the other side , then the other 2 sides were clamped every 6 inches , this made for a very taught surface with no sag in the plastic .

Next i put all fifty 5 inch net pots upside down on the plastic & alligned them into 5 rows of 10 pots , i used a black magic marker to trace the net pots circumference so i'd have a cutting guide , i traced the tops of the 5 inch pots so if i cut along the traced outline the pots would fall thru so i only cut 3 inch holes usint the magic marker circles as a guide , i then cut 2 service holes , one directly above the pump & the other directly above the drain , i cut 5 inch holes & used 10 inch peices of plastic to cover the service holes & secured 1 side of the inspection cover with white duct tape .

I took my clones & put them in the net pots & filled the 5 inch pots with hydraton & slid each pot in its hole in the plastic covering the table ,cutting 3 inch holes means you gotta work the pot into the hole but the plastic stretches nicely & allows zero light in , allways remember that light prunes roots no matter where the light is comming from , the hydraton net pot system was started out with watering every 4 hrs & the plants showed signs of under watering so i increased to every 3 hrs , better but not perfect so i watered every 2 hrs , again better because it took care of the plants water needs but not the results i was looking for so i had to figure out why , after a few days thought i decided to monitor temps in the table , with my room temps at a constant 75 degrees via climate control & the rez at a constant 65 degrees via the rez chiller i figured root zone temps wouldnt be an issue , boy was i wrong , after the fill cycle completed root temps were at 65 degrees but started climbing fast as the water drained , once the table was fully drained i watched the temp climb to 82 degrees & i was like WTF , the room is at 75 & water at 65 but i never thought about the temp of the plastic covering the table , having 3 600 watt hps beating on the white plastic made the plastic act as a heat conductor which warmed the root zone within about a half hour .

The plants were getting enough water every 2 hrs but that left 1.5 hours of a hot ass rote zone so i increased flood cycles to one 15 minute flood per hour & remeasured root zone temps , at 1 hr flood the root zone never got above 66 degrees & the plants were much happier , using hydroton filled net pots & flood cycles once per hour that tables plants gave me my 1st grow ever to hit a gram per watt using hydroponics , i hit a tad above 4 lbs on that table while the other 7 tables were pulling around 3 lbs , there was a 17 ounce difference between the covered table vs non covered & there was no going back after that .

Ive made other changes since that 1st table which resulted in even better results which has taken my yeild well over a gram per watt to 1.25 to 1.35 grams per watt consistently , another change was to block all light from touching the hydraton by cutting circles out of the reflective panda plastic to keep the top of the pots covered so the hydraton cant radiate heat into the root mass , another change is when i set the tables up at dead level , this allows a slight amount of water retention in the drain channels , ultimately creating a 100% humidity root zone which makes the roots twords the top of the root mass grow tons of ultra fine roots thinner than a human hair & massive pencil size roots fill the drainage channels while a carpet of normal size roots cover the entire table up to an inch thick where no black from the table can be seen, except around the drain where you'll need to keep pruned, this method has also shortened my finish time , after running the pots with hydraton i started experimenting with things like styrafoam chunks , perlite inside womens panty hose & ended up with natural sponge tore up into chunks , it gives the roots a way to stay wet when their developing just like hydraton does & adds stability to the stalk .

Stick with it & once you nail it you'll never do another method , try using net pots with hydraton & white panda plastic with once an hour watering & you'll see results .
Hi Fletch , welcome back brother, i kinda remember some of what you went thru back then & im glad to see ya back , there are alot of growers here that could benifit from your posts as i did , i dont visit much anymore but when i had the time i enjoyed being a moderator , it was nice to help stop all the drama , im trying to visit more as my time free's up so hopefull i see you around , again welcome back , your diy skills are invalueable here .

Cues .
Damm i wish i had the ability to post pics so i could show you EXACTLY how my systems are set up , i learned hydroponics at this site from guy's like Filthyfletch & Albfuct , i used Al's method before going mediumless out of necessity , i had 8 seperate 4ft x 8ft flood tables all in the same room & humidity was a m-fer to control , i tried a single table at 1st & it wasnt more than 2 weeks in i knew i was on to something far better than flood & drain , having 7 other flood tables to compare results against was an enormous help .

Like you i tried using a rigid board type material to cover my table with & i found problems , the board let light in around the sides of the table & also allowed moisture to escape , then i tried panda plastic for covering the table & shit went nuts nearly overnight & i'll explain in detail how i did that 1st table , this version isnt mediumless & is along the lines of what your gonna do with a layer of hydraton in the table , only better & cleaner .

I cut white panda plastic large enough to hang over all 4 sides 4 to 6 inches ,i stretched the plastic tight over the table & to keep it tight i used little squeeze clips/clamps that are spring loaded , along the lines of a potato chip bag clip but a more industrial version from home depot at 50 cents per clamp , i clamped one side & then stretched the plastic tight & clamped the other side , then the other 2 sides were clamped every 6 inches , this made for a very taught surface with no sag in the plastic .

Next i put all fifty 5 inch net pots upside down on the plastic & alligned them into 5 rows of 10 pots , i used a black magic marker to trace the net pots circumference so i'd have a cutting guide , i traced the tops of the 5 inch pots so if i cut along the traced outline the pots would fall thru so i only cut 3 inch holes usint the magic marker circles as a guide , i then cut 2 service holes , one directly above the pump & the other directly above the drain , i cut 5 inch holes & used 10 inch peices of plastic to cover the service holes & secured 1 side of the inspection cover with white duct tape .

I took my clones & put them in the net pots & filled the 5 inch pots with hydraton & slid each pot in its hole in the plastic covering the table ,cutting 3 inch holes means you gotta work the pot into the hole but the plastic stretches nicely & allows zero light in , allways remember that light prunes roots no matter where the light is comming from , the hydraton net pot system was started out with watering every 4 hrs & the plants showed signs of under watering so i increased to every 3 hrs , better but not perfect so i watered every 2 hrs , again better because it took care of the plants water needs but not the results i was looking for so i had to figure out why , after a few days thought i decided to monitor temps in the table , with my room temps at a constant 75 degrees via climate control & the rez at a constant 65 degrees via the rez chiller i figured root zone temps wouldnt be an issue , boy was i wrong , after the fill cycle completed root temps were at 65 degrees but started climbing fast as the water drained , once the table was fully drained i watched the temp climb to 82 degrees & i was like WTF , the room is at 75 & water at 65 but i never thought about the temp of the plastic covering the table , having 3 600 watt hps beating on the white plastic made the plastic act as a heat conductor which warmed the root zone within about a half hour .

The plants were getting enough water every 2 hrs but that left 1.5 hours of a hot ass rote zone so i increased flood cycles to one 15 minute flood per hour & remeasured root zone temps , at 1 hr flood the root zone never got above 66 degrees & the plants were much happier , using hydroton filled net pots & flood cycles once per hour that tables plants gave me my 1st grow ever to hit a gram per watt using hydroponics , i hit a tad above 4 lbs on that table while the other 7 tables were pulling around 3 lbs , there was a 17 ounce difference between the covered table vs non covered & there was no going back after that .

Ive made other changes since that 1st table which resulted in even better results which has taken my yeild well over a gram per watt to 1.25 to 1.35 grams per watt consistently , another change was to block all light from touching the hydraton by cutting circles out of the reflective panda plastic to keep the top of the pots covered so the hydraton cant radiate heat into the root mass , another change is when i set the tables up at dead level , this allows a slight amount of water retention in the drain channels , ultimately creating a 100% humidity root zone which makes the roots twords the top of the root mass grow tons of ultra fine roots thinner than a human hair & massive pencil size roots fill the drainage channels while a carpet of normal size roots cover the entire table up to an inch thick where no black from the table can be seen, except around the drain where you'll need to keep pruned, this method has also shortened my finish time , after running the pots with hydraton i started experimenting with things like styrafoam chunks , perlite inside womens panty hose & ended up with natural sponge tore up into chunks , it gives the roots a way to stay wet when their developing just like hydraton does & adds stability to the stalk .

Stick with it & once you nail it you'll never do another method , try using net pots with hydraton & white panda plastic with once an hour watering & you'll see results .
Amazing info, thanks for this, your system sounds great I'd like to try it. I'm aware the post from 2014, but maybe I'll get an answer. what nutes did you use for a water system with no veg time? I know canna Coco a+b is the same feed for veg and flower but it's meant for coco, is there others that are similar for Hydro systems? Gotta love the Internet hey.
Uh....yeah that mamber hasn't been active since 2016 so don't hold your breath.

I'm sure someone else will be able to answer your questions though.
Yes I noticed how old it was. Would be good to know though, Ive been reading about no veg time but no one I've read talked about what nutrients they used. I have some canna aqua flores but the npk is 4/4/11 so straight to flower from small cuttings using that feed doest seem like it would be the greatest idea. Maybe canna Coco a+b would be OK in this situation?