New And Updated Rollitup

Is there any way to stretch the forum? Everything is so cramped in this 4:3 style layout. seems like lot of wasted space.
I've found one work-around for pics, it's painful but if you have a way to reduce the file sizes it works as follows:
Reduced in size to get under the 1Mb limit, then used the "Upload a file" option instead of the pic uploader, then inserted them as thumbnails or full pic, Used IE, but this should work in most browsers. Just have to have a way to reduce the file sizes :(
More then likely it is and upload attachment size issue, can be fixed quite easily its on the todo list.

i can't like anybody....? where did the chat room go?
Chatroom is still there if you want to use mirc while we create the plugin for it do the following
After Mirc is installed or alternative for mac Xchat
go into the main window and type /server
and you will be joined to the room
Xen Media Gallery might do the trick and comes with importers.
This is what we will be using for the user albums, as I said before we had to rush the upgrade but we will be getting things back to normal
Cheers, Will check inmin...just avin a Toke....Just wanted to put Pic/Sig at the bottom and centred, I'm a bit Anal...its the Missus fault...Bloody perfectionist! LOL!
Hey it's mod april from t&t...I can log in but it gives me a message saying I don't have permission to access? ? No idea if having to reset my password flubbed it up..but a response would be great...thank u
it should be set at 80% on your screen can you upload a screenshot for me

Just seems too cramped. It would be great if there was a button allowing to stretch from side to side so that widescreen displays can actually be used efficiently. riu.jpg
i'm totally locked out of my account.. if i don't log in, i can see everything, but as soon as i log in, i get an error code saying i don't have access to anything..
april just said she is having the same issues btw..
Hey it's mod april from t&t...I can log in but it gives me a message saying I don't have permission to access? ? No idea if having to reset my password flubbed it up..but a response would be great...thank u
should be fixed now

is there anything that can be done about the garbled usernames?
Which usernames are garbled ?

i'm totally locked out of my account.. if i don't log in, i can see everything, but as soon as i log in, i get an error code saying i don't have access to anything..
april just said she is having the same issues btw..
both should be fixed now
Attachments are now limited to 5MB each now.
Ha, thanks for this, that's likely why the standard pic uploader isn't working, will try reducing the file sizes but that's going to be a pain in the _ss, most of my pics are taken with a 15 megapixel camera and end up 6-9Mb each, even after cropping. Any chance you have an auto-reduce function/option in this new software? Can't see having to modify and re-size every pic I want to post going forward...
Ha, thanks for this, that's likely why the standard pic uploader isn't working, will try reducing the file sizes but that's going to be a pain in the _ss, most of my pics are taken with a 15 megapixel camera and end up 6-9Mb each, even after cropping. Any chance you have an auto-reduce function/option in this new software? Can't see having to modify and re-size every pic I want to post going forward...
Ill up it to 10 until we get a solid tested addon
Yep, same here, everything else looks great and you can now edit your own posts which is helpful but hoping the pics issue is fixed soon, have tried both options for uploading, Safari, Chrome, and now IE. The pics "look" like they're upoading, the status indicator goes to 100%, then all I get is a very (NOT) helpful message that it failed... $%#^

Same here...can we get this fixed? I have tried disabling the Flash uploader with the same results as some have been button to upload, just select a file and then it gives you a "close" button and that's it. The pic button only allows you to upload an online photo???
Same here...can we get this fixed? I have tried disabling the Flash uploader with the same results as some have been button to upload, just select a file and then it gives you a "close" button and that's it. The pic button only allows you to upload an online photo???
This is still happening ?

mine and unclebaldricks. his k is dropped, as is my y.
This is based on your screen size it seems, could you tell me what resolution your monitors are set at ?