New And Updated Rollitup

Same here, anybody else having this problem?
Yep, same here, everything else looks great and you can now edit your own posts which is helpful but hoping the pics issue is fixed soon, have tried both options for uploading, Safari, Chrome, and now IE. The pics "look" like they're upoading, the status indicator goes to 100%, then all I get is a very (NOT) helpful message that it failed... $%#^
Thanks for the new site! I'm sure it will be in flux for a bit. Just glad to have her back!
Glad RIU is up again, hope all the bugs will get taken care of soon.

This is my first post since RIU has been back up and I see that I have edit. I haven't tried posting any pics yet. Need that" like" option back.
and i know this is a bit pre-emptive, but are we going to have albums back? xen forums are notorious for not having them that's why I ask, is that an admin preference or just not a capable plug in for Xen.
Xen Media Gallery might do the trick and comes with importers.
Question to Admin,
I am unable to upload pictures. When I try all I get is error this just a glitch or do I need to adjust something. Also, it appears my grow journal is gone; is this part just waiting on the data base update, is it gone, or am I looking in the wrong spot?
^^Have you tried disabling the Flash uploader (click your username at the top next to inbox, then Preferences, then disable the flash upload option) - works for meh. Twice :lol:
Yeah me too, that's why I used the now-missing albums instead of attach. 3rd pic, seems to work consistent for me.

I disabled the Flash based uploader and it allows me to choose a picture but does not have a button saying upload.. the only two buttons are "choose file, and close"
I have no trophies, I can't post pictures. And I am lost. Wtf is going on in this place?

I found one of your trophies....... will keep looking..

Hahaha.... good to see you cat :-) I got my T.Brigdesii cuttings and made 24" into "paste" (boiling 6 hrs in orange juice and water). I reduced solution till I had a "sticky jam" left. I rolled the resulting STICKY GOO into balls of various sizes. That shit was impossible to work with so I used flour. Going to dose tonight...
I've found one work-around for pics, it's painful but if you have a way to reduce the file sizes it works as follows:
Reduced in size to get under the 1Mb limit, then used the "Upload a file" option instead of the pic uploader, then inserted them as thumbnails or full pic, Used IE, but this should work in most browsers. Just have to have a way to reduce the file sizes :(