New And Updated Rollitup

Thanx for getting stuff back together boss , And all the hours you and the other staff like sunni that put into this !!!!!
Nice to see that we're back up, I guess it will take some time to get used to the new look, was worried that I may not be able to log on any more.
I have an issue. For some reason I am listed as a new member, as you may or may not know I have been here now for going on 2 years. Also showing no trophy points, and its also looking like all but 200 and some likes where taken from me. ?? Thanks 4 your help.
Hey Guy's

Ok first off lets get this out of the way, I apologize :) we were in the process getting new servers up before this happened and doing the switch to the new software when, vbseo was injected with a redirect/javascript inclusion. Which made us get blacklisted in Google until we could fix the problem.

As most of you seen we fought with it for 2 days trying to get it back but vBulletin + vbseo programming was just not cutting it. So we had to make a decision.

1) Remove vbseo all together and let Google re-index all the pages on the site and be stuck with vBulletin software.
2) Install xenforo as our new software and do an update across everything.

We opted for #2 as it was the best for the future of the site, even though we realize that we were not able to give you guy's/girls ample notice about this.

We did the best by posting our status on Twitter but the way vBulletin session handling was we had to empty the database every few hours so you guy's could see the message :(

So that's it there, I am really excited with xenforo and the speed and pure strength of the programming put into this is amazing.

So let's use this thread to discuss issues that you see, or major changes that need to be addressed. This upgrade was rushed because we wanted to get everything back online ASAP.

First check out here :
Admin...I have a suggestion: when a post is made have it dated and timed ( "Joe Blow 4/8/14 @ 5:00 am); as opposed to "Joe blow, 5 minutes ago". In 10 mins its "Joe Blow, 15 minutes ago"

The software and server have to continually update all posts for like 2 days or so just for knowing when the post was originally made.

Hey brother, hope all is well my man..


But, hey bro..I had the same EXACT issues yesterday, and was a bit offended that I was referred to as a ” new member”

Just post some brother, all your trophies will pop back up and your likes (most) will be back.
And your status will read” well known member”

just need to post a few times.

Hope this helps bud!
ok cool deal thanks ;) I keep getting this shit now. lol

The following error occurred:
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.


Hey brother, hope all is well my man..


But, hey bro..I had the same EXACT issues yesterday, and was a bit offended that I was referred to as a ” new member”

Just post some brother, all your trophies will pop back up and your likes (most) will be back.
And your status will read” well known member”

just need to post a few times.

Hope this helps bud!
ok cool deal thanks ;) I keep getting this shit now. lol

The following error occurred:
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
Wait..what does this^ mean?

Anybody else see..
” The Following Error Occurred...
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.”

It's below Dank's post to me.
I swear this is some nutty shiznit! lol I was hoping to come back and all of the server issues would be worked out. Hopefully things will be back to normal here soon.
Wait..what does this^ mean?

Anybody else see..
” The Following Error Occurred...
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.”

It's below Dank's post to me.
ok cool deal thanks ;) I keep getting this shit now. lol

The following error occurred:
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

Sorry guy's for the late response, passed out at 4am and slept right through the alarm. Are you still receiving this ? The permissions are acting a bit weird which is why some people are not seeing likes, we are going to be fixing this today.
It's all good thanks.. Nope haven't sen that anymore. Just been the likes is all now. Hopefully you guys will get er fixed up right. ;) Thanks again though
Sorry guy's for the late response, passed out at 4am and slept right through the alarm. Are you still receiving this ? The permissions are acting a bit weird which is why some people are not seeing likes, we are going to be fixing this today.