is 722 too low a ppm for the first week of flowering?

What ppm should i give it for optimal growth? When is the point where you're just wasting nutrients because the plant won't use it? I use the lucas formula just micro and bloom in a 1:2 ratio.

Damn that's pretty high do you always use that high from beginning of flowering? And do you use the recipe on the bottle?

And do you raise it later on?


Well-Known Member
I never go above 700 through out flowering, with my setup the plants start to get unhappy. I can't understand why some people can get there levels so high without damage.


Well-Known Member
700 in early flowering is pretty high. Even for a waterfarm. Usually my ppm is 4-500 at the beginning of flowering. And yes I grow in a waterfarm.


Well-Known Member
depends on your conversion rate on your PPM meter, i run ~1000 ppm @ .5 conversion with great results


Well-Known Member
You got to work the plant up to take the stronger nutes or you will burn the plant up. Trust me I have burnt the shit out of plants using nutes too strong, but now I gradually increase my nutes I start around 300-400ppm and work up to 1600ppm and run around there throughout flowering until last week of flush. Don't get any burn on my plants at all now and they grow very fast and big.


Well-Known Member
It can depend a little on the strain. I'm growing Pennywise and God's Gift, and the Pennywise can take higher nutes than the God's Gift. I just switched to flowering and Pennywise is at 600ppm and God's Gift is at 450. If I go to 500 on the GG, the tips start to turn yellow. Everything's healthy at 450, so that's where it'll stay.

The more I grow, the lower my ppms are.


Well-Known Member
Im confused again lol. So if your conversion is .5 and your using a TDS meter and your ppm's are 500 is it not true that your EC is 1000 but your ppm's are still 500? Is this why when people say there running 1500 ppm's they actually are using an EC scale and in fact its 750 ppm's? Sorry for confusion lol.


Well-Known Member
Im confused again lol. So if your conversion is .5 and your using a TDS meter and your ppm's are 500 is it not true that your EC is 1000 but your ppm's are still 500? Is this why when people say there running 1500 ppm's they actually are using an EC scale and in fact its 750 ppm's? Sorry for confusion lol.
EC or electrical conductivity is highly dependent on temperature. wikipedia is your friend if you want to learn something.


Well-Known Member
I think that's a tad high also. I've run Waterfarms a bit and one thing that happens is ppm increases due to evaporation and small res volume.

I think Yoda hit the nail on the head. Increase slowly watching leaf tips for burn. In all my hydro efforts, I've never gone over 1200. Never had nute burn either.
Good luck,


Well-Known Member
EC or electrical conductivity is highly dependent on temperature. wikipedia is your friend if you want to learn something.
Actually I'm not that confused. When i read people are running 2000 ppm's i can only assume they mean ec reading of 2 and there "ec" meter is reading 2000 like mine does. I would love to see a plant at 2000 ppm's! I should have stated my post better i guess.


Well-Known Member
1640 ppm. Plants seem fine dwc.
Although my water temp is running a little hot today and yesterday with how hot it's been out here.

Also I think the water come out of the tap at 140 or 150 so it's actually more around 1500.

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Well-Known Member
Thats amazing! I am trying myself to get a better understanding of how this all works. I am trying to raise ppms but 700-750 seems about the limit with every strain I have done ( about 12 so far). I guess the thing that really matters is are they happy.


Well-Known Member
It might have a lot to do with your method of growing, no? I recently switched to a flood table and ive already noticed i can bring my PPM's way higher than what i used to run on DWC. Truth. :peace::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I run dwc and I'm at 1700 now. I run all organic nutrients so that may help as its harder to burn with organics. But I've gotten soil up to 2500 or so before because I had a romulan strain that just always looked hungry. Always listen to.your plants.

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