Why does God care if I masturbate?


Well-Known Member
Seriously. Is the guy sitting up on his cloud in heaven watching me masturbate and getting all pissed off? Is he like "Man, MidwesternGro is at it again. This is making me really mad! He knows he isn't supposed to do that!" Why does he watch me masturbate it if it pisses him off?

I love to masturbate. I find it very rewarding and I'm good at it. Hell, I wish it was an Olympic sport. All of you do it too, everybody does it! Why the heck would God care? It doesn't make sense. I would get a gold medal every time if we made it a sport. Hell, make it a team sport! We could jack each other off in circle jerks, every gay dude on earth would watch that. Think of all the advertising income. I would watch the women's masturbation team all day, and I would "practice" to it.

You could place me on a wheaties box with a huge erection and my gold medals hanging from it. Tell all your kids if they masturbate really hard they can be like me one day. I'd be the champion of that shit! Just my luck that the one thing I'm really good at is hated by God.

I can see why religion hates it. Think about it. At the end of masturbating you get a huge reward, it never disappoints. Now compare that with prayer. Doesn't even cum close, amiright? If prayer was rewarded with an orgasm I would do that instead of masturbating 2 or 3 times a day.

Everybody masturbates. Your mom and dad do it. Your kids do if they are old enough. Even grampa beats his dick! Why do we act like it is such a big deal? Welp later all, I'm off to masturbate.
God is not real so don't worry you can be a grade A champion wanker without any of the guilt...... and if I'm an absolute idiot and God actually does magically exist in his cloud mansion well then he is king of the voyeurs so he's in no position to judge us for spanking the monkey
god doesn't care about anything we do. it's the devil, pretending to be god who tries to dictate our actions. no masturbation means more rape, pedophilia, animal fornication...

god said here's your home, have fun. the devil spins religion to his own gain.

'true post'

i actually read a comment similar to that bs up above yesterday. i'm catholic, and was taught that fapping was sapping (of the soul).

not sure if i believe that, but if masturbation is a sin, i'm 500% hellbound.
Looks like were all going to the molten hot semen pits of hell
It's a big deal to him. Forget about all those babies born with AIDS or the impoverished, God is preoccupied with what you do with your penis:cuss:. He HATES that shit! If you rub your dick you are not good with God. He can't stand gay sex either, it's a big deal to him and it makes perfect sense. LOL! :fire:
It's a big deal to him. Forget about all those babies born with AIDS or the impoverished, God is preoccupied with what you do with your penis:cuss:. He HATES that shit! If you rub your dick you are not good with God. He can't stand gay sex either, it's a big deal to him and it makes perfect sense. LOL! :fire:

But can't I just rub one out and then pray for forgiveness?.... I'm not down with all the hip rules of this cult
Lmao ,cuzz supposudly its moraly wrong and its the devil breaking you ,with lust and adultry ,but hey im not judging you but i feel you man lol, but i.been masturbation free for months now ,it is hard but fck it , if YOU dont feel nothing wrong get yo medals man, smoke it up ,and whack it down hahahha

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No offense to anyone, but this is my belief. You don't have to agree or even read it. Hopefully this isn't against RIU rules either.

As per your question, if you think about it, you are paying homage to yourself, rather to him. Satan is ruling the earth at this time, as mentioned earlier, trying to distract us all from doing Jehovah's will. Someday the earth will be made perfect again, as will we, just as it was intended. "on earth as it is in heaven" If this were to not come to pass, that would mean that God lied. Knowing that his word is true, we can look forward to it.

That is just the beginning of it though. I will go on if you'd like, but I'm sure there'd be a lot of grumbling. Remember though, to celebrate the death of Jesus as he said to do at his last meal with his disciples. This year it will fall on Monday 4/14 after sunset. Why celebrate his death rather than his birth? Besides Jesus telling us to, this was his ransom sacrifice to his father for us all.

Someday, you will understand.
God doesn't care but my boyfriend gets really jealous...
Dude won't mastubate..I find it very odd. He actually said he's offended that I want to finish myself without him at times. ..this annoys me I need to diddle my skittle at times..it's my body lol

How you doin'? I see we have something in common.