Fresno Bans ALL Marijuana Cultivation!!


Well-Known Member
Bullshit dude!!!

After removing almost 200 marijuana plants from a Fresno home, an 80-year-old Fresno man was cited by Fresno County Sheriff's Office detectives Thursday for violating a new ordinance prohibiting marijuana grows in Fresno County.

Deputy Chris Curtice, spokesman for the sheriff's office, said detectives contacted Xay Lee on Thursday morning at his home on Tyler Avenue near Willow Avenue in east-central Fresno. Although Lee had a medical marijuana recommendation, he was still cited under the county ordinance.

Detectives later drove to an abandoned winery in the area of Huntsman and Bethel avenues near Selma, where they found four marijuana "hothouses" at the rear of the property. Three of them contained almost 800 marijuna plants, and a fourth had been recently prepared for transplanted plants, Curtice said.

Detectives also eradicated 200 marijuana plants from an abandoned residence located near the winery. There were no arrests, Curtice said.

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It aint like I grow legal or anything, but still. lol. There are alot of disabled vets in Fresno that I know need these meds that these large grows provide. This type of stuff the cops are doing is more than criminal, it's immoral.
I see an opening in the market. If there is a need then fill it.

It sucks that cops can come rip your grow and there's nothing you can do, just hope the charges don't stick. Cops out here rip plants and never issue charges for small time growers. I've heard from multiple people on the inside that not everything gets turned in and destroyed, they are keeping it for themselves.
Like anyone needs another reason not to go to Fresno
Lmao. I know right.
I see an opening in the market. If there is a need then fill it.

It sucks that cops can come rip your grow and there's nothing you can do, just hope the charges don't stick. Cops out here rip plants and never issue charges for small time growers. I've heard from multiple people on the inside that not everything gets turned in and destroyed, they are keeping it for themselves.
Yeah the prices have gone up around here. Even for midgrade. Looks like I'll be makin some good money in the dry season.
The cops around here are crooked. One time they stole my .357 and let me go free. I was pissed, but at least they didnt arrest me lol.
Fresno County supervisors fined two people $73,000 for growing marijuana at their homes under the county's new marijuana cultivation ban.

The ban, which took effect in February, will result in fines of $1,000 per plant found on property or inside homes.

A man from the Kerman area, Bret Harmon, was fined $30,000 for having 30 marijuana plants in his garage. He did not show up for Tuesday's hearing.

A woman was fined $43,000 -- $1,000 for each of the 43 plants found at her mother's home west of Sanger. Her mother also can be on the hook for the fines through a property lien.

Phaeth Holapatiphone, 33, of Manteca, was cultivating marijuana in her mother's backyard to treat her depression. She said she was on antidepressants, but marijuana helped her feel better. She said she grew marijuana because her mother didn't want her going out on the streets to buy it.

Sheriff's deputies "didn't give me fair warning," she told supervisors. "They talked to my brother one day and came back the next day to remove the plants."

Holapatiphone said she was threatened with jail if the plants were not pulled.

"If they gave me enough time to pull up my plants and not get caught with them I would have done that," she told supervisors.

Supervisors passed the cultivation ban because of 20 violent incidents related to marijuana cultivation last year, including murder, assaults and home-invasion robberies.

Sheriff Margaret Mims said the ordinance was a message to growers.

"The board tried with its first ordinance to address the issue because people still continued illegal activity," she said. "As the problems progressed and public safety issues progressed, they had to take a stronger stand (with the ban) and they did."

Despite voting to impose the fines, Supervisor Henry R. Perea said there must be a way to get medical marijuana to people who need it.

"I don't dismiss the few folks who say medical marijuana has been a positive influence in their lives. I do believe it," he said. "We all know there are a lot of folks who scammed and played the game and killed the golden goose, but it doesn't mean we don't still have a responsibility to provide the medicine to people who need it."

Fresno lawyer Brenda Linder said she will seek a temporary restraining order to stop the county from continuing to go after small-time growers like Holapatiphone.

The county is charging "exorbitant, excessive fines," she said.

"In this case there were 43 plants for one person and that is not what the sheriff and the board advertised they were going after and wasn't the criminal enterprise they kept touting to the news media," Linder said.

Linder said she has 30 days to go to court to contest the ordinance.

At the end of Tuesday's actions, supervisors said they would conduct marijuana hearings in the future only if a person appeals their fine to the board.

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They are state police and this is technically against state law as far as I know. These growers could probably go after the department. Would be ballsy/sketchy but I think unless feds are.taking them out, the state police are acting against state law which is insanely illegal.

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That's like some vigilante shit on the police departments fault. And shouldn't they be more worried about the meth in Fresno than the people growing weed legally?

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from the article..
"In this case there were 43 plants for one person and that is not what the sheriff and the board advertised they were going after and wasn't the criminal enterprise they kept touting to the news media," Linder said.

since when isn't 43 outdoor plants that you'd easily get say a pound per plant, not considered a big grow, and what kind of patient would need 43 pounds of mariijuana ffs? that's almost a pound of weed a week, eff me, that's a ton and a half..
she's an idiot for growing 43 trees outdoors under the guise of medical imvho.. come on, 43 plants, really? no wonder why she's no longer depressed, she's stoned out of her gourd 24 / 7, 365 days a week..
from the article..
"In this case there were 43 plants for one person and that is not what the sheriff and the board advertised they were going after and wasn't the criminal enterprise they kept touting to the news media," Linder said.

since when isn't 43 outdoor plants that you'd easily get say a pound per plant, not considered a big grow, and what kind of patient would need 43 pounds of mariijuana ffs? that's almost a pound of weed a week, eff me, that's a ton and a half..
she's an idiot for growing 43 trees outdoors under the guise of medical imvho.. come on, 43 plants, really? no wonder why she's no longer depressed, she's stoned out of her gourd 24 / 7, 365 days a week..

Well so am I but I don't got no 43lbs lol
They are state police and this is technically against state law as far as I know. These growers could probably go after the department. Would be ballsy/sketchy but I think unless feds are.taking them out, the state police are acting against state law which is insanely illegal.

Sent from my LG-LS980 using Rollitup mobile app
The Feds recently created a Task Force in Fresno(in 2012 I believe) that works in conjunction with the Fresno County Sheriffs Department to eradicate marijuana grows. They basically just took sheriffs costume off of some pigs and gave them Fed costumes to put on. I call them costumes because they are fuckin clowns.
from the article..
"In this case there were 43 plants for one person and that is not what the sheriff and the board advertised they were going after and wasn't the criminal enterprise they kept touting to the news media," Linder said.

since when isn't 43 outdoor plants that you'd easily get say a pound per plant, not considered a big grow, and what kind of patient would need 43 pounds of mariijuana ffs? that's almost a pound of weed a week, eff me, that's a ton and a half..
she's an idiot for growing 43 trees outdoors under the guise of medical imvho.. come on, 43 plants, really? no wonder why she's no longer depressed, she's stoned out of her gourd 24 / 7, 365 days a week..
She might be also donating surplus meds to other patients though. I can't judge her.

And it's fucked up that they are gonna fine a 80 year old mmj patient 200,000 for growing a simple plant.
from the article..
"In this case there were 43 plants for one person and that is not what the sheriff and the board advertised they were going after and wasn't the criminal enterprise they kept touting to the news media," Linder said.

since when isn't 43 outdoor plants that you'd easily get say a pound per plant, not considered a big grow, and what kind of patient would need 43 pounds of mariijuana ffs? that's almost a pound of weed a week, eff me, that's a ton and a half..
she's an idiot for growing 43 trees outdoors under the guise of medical imvho.. come on, 43 plants, really? no wonder why she's no longer depressed, she's stoned out of her gourd 24 / 7, 365 days a week..
43 plants awww thats chicken shit.....a 43 plant grow is small time personal use in cali.. maybe shes into concentrates.
She might be also donating surplus meds to other patients though. I can't judge her.

And it's fucked up that they are gonna fine a 80 year old mmj patient 200,000 for growing a simple plant.

i'm not saying it's not, just saying she was a bit naive to think that growing that many plants wasn't going to bring her to someone's attention..
idk, this is coming from someone who doesn't live in a med state, from the outside, it looks to a lot of people that were given this huge chance to be able to grow cannabis quasi legally for medical purposes, but than too many greedy people had to run in and ruin a good thing for everyone.. people who aren't truly sick or in need of mmj, or people who just think it's ok to grow crazy amounts of plants.. 43 people for one person? even if she were getting rid of it to a dispensary, i'm sure she wasn't gifting it to them for free.. i'm not saying she should be mind you, i'm just saying she's one of many taking advantage of the current system, then people wonder why they start to crack down..

of course, no one should be arrested over a plant, everyone agrees with that, but when given the chance that people in cali have been given, i'd sure as shit do my best to make sure i didn't go overboard and lose it..
like i said, not trying to be evil, just trying to give a different persepective from what people who live out there see is all..
my point is mr sunshine, and i've been saying this for years.. a lot of people will go out and get a mmj card, 215 compliant, and think they're some how legal to grow now.. ok, fine, maybe according to california law, they'r allowed to grow, but even at that, there's only one place that i know of in the us that they're federally legal to grow, and that's the u of miss..
any other person who germs one cannabis seed, is breaking federal law, and can, and will be arrested as they see fit.. of course it's a bunch of bs, everyone i think agrees with that.. my point is just that just because someone has a med card, doesn't make them save from federal law..
i just see it all the time, oh, i'm a med patient, i'm legal to grow, and people honestly think that they're fine and not breaking any law by growing, when in fact, until cannabis is rescheduled, if it's ever rescheduled, people who grow will always be doing so in violation of federal law..
i keep saying it in the politics section, but no one wants to listen to me, but i feel bad for the people in colorado who suddenly think that nothing is going to happen, but what happens when obama is out of office, and say we get some neo con into the oval office who actually starts upholding the federal law for a change? it's gonna be really ugly imo.. if cannabis isn't rescheduled before 2016, i'm afraid we're going to start to look at these days as the glory days of cannabis in the us..
of course i could be wrong, just call it a hunch..