Why is it that...


Well-Known Member
You are terribly misinformed

Do you know how much money the Koch brothers have spent on conservative politicians political campaigns in an attempt to influence politics?
How does that question support your contention that he is misinformed?


Well-Known Member
Not all wealthy business men spend millions each election cycle buying politicians to influence American politics, that's absurd. A small minority do, and it works fantastic

They would not go out of business if they refused government subsidies, again, absurd;

Koch Industries total revenue in 2012 exceeded $115 Billion, David and Charles Koch are both worth $40.6 Billion a piece

They bought conservative politicians for a fraction of the price of the return on their investment and those politicians voted on legislation in favor of big business interests, like Koch Industries
That's a pretty strong accusation. Can you provide an example? Even one?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I've had a dick in my ass, mouth and hands. Cum in my mouth, face and rectum. I've also been on the giving end of all of the above. I did it all voluntary, no coercion or payment. I'm not one bit gay either.

What you said is simply not true.
I'm pretty sure that qualifies as gay


Well-Known Member
Any individuals who spend millions of dollars funding the campaigns of politicians in an attempt to influence legislation in their favor is an enemy to democracy. The issue is not a horizontal problem between left and the right, it's a vertical problem between economic classes of people. The majority of wealthy people are good people, it's the tiny fraction of big business owners who benefit from being able to secure legislation that go against American citizens interests. Isn't that what the government is for, to represent the people and the peoples interest, not big business?

That is effectively buying democracy, that is how they do it, legalized bribery. In any other country we would call it corruption, all it is is double-speak, and it's totally normalized here.

View attachment 3130770

This started in 1974-76 and has been upheld by the Supreme Court in 3 later court cases. The spending in politics by individuals needs to have limits, and corporations should not be defined as individuals. Elections should be publicly funded. This would give more power back to American citizens and reduce the size of the government.
They tried public funding of elections, but Obama refused to go along with it, so McCain didn't, either.


Well-Known Member
Non-gay man-love is an oxymoron.
I wholeheartedly disagree red. Perhaps you should experiment. I issue you a guarantee you won't go to hell. If it doesn't work out, I will go to hell on your behalf. Just remember to play safe.
Also, most developed countries have formulas for paying for elections out of the public purse. This whole political 'money-ball' is caustic and will not end well. mark my words.

Scalia will go down in history as one of the worst supreme court justices in the 20th century. Not to be a dick but you all would be better off if he retired.


Well-Known Member
I wholeheartedly disagree red. Perhaps you should experiment. I issue you a guarantee you won't go to hell. If it doesn't work out, I will go to hell on your behalf. Just remember to play safe.
Also, most developed countries have formulas for paying for elections out of the public purse. This whole political 'money-ball' is caustic and will not end well. mark my words.

Scalia will go down in history as one of the worst supreme court justices in the 20th century. Not to be a dick but you all would be better off if he retired.
There were at least 4 other justices that agreed with him. There have been some pretty bad justices, falling off the bench drunk, etc. Scalia wouldn't make the top ten.


Well-Known Member
I guess we'll have to wait for Letterman to tell us. Wait, he's retiring. Now we'll never know.


Well-Known Member
I've supported removing all money from politics since I brought this topic up. You're the liar
No you didn't. Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers, Cock brothers,