The forbidden TRUTH


Well-Known Member
I will be making a much much longer in depth thread discussing all the things I have seen and have been a witness too. Please consider this a rough draft and crash course lesson.
Much like how man has used poisonous (man made drugs) like heroin, crack, ect. to keep the truth about marijuana, mushrooms and many many other natural remedies for our spirit and body from us,
man has done the same to the truth about God. Making religions and denominations and putting the false truth out among the people to keep YOU and others like you from knowing the truth and worshiping the Lord and his only beloved begot child Lord Jesus Christ, now I know what you're thinking you have heard about this before, but think again. What most people know about God and the Lord Christ is a lie, now I will begin to explain why.

First lets discuss the Holy bible, the Catholic church a group and Country that does not follow the Laws and the words of God, decided what gets to be "cannonized" which means what goes in the bible and what gets taking out. Because they are the ones with the money that produces copies of the bible. As you see by allowing people to remove the Words of GOD and to be in charge of such things when they don't believe the Holy Bible has created calamity.

One of the chapters that the Catholic Church and Country took out is the Book Of Enoch, It was completely removed and kept in secret, and in the book of Jude which is still in the Bible verify's Enoch as a Phrophet and quotes him about how what God said to him is coming true. I will copy and paste it--------"And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."

Archaeologist rediscovered the Book of Enoch in the dead sea scrolls also. Another biblical book removed is the testament of Solomon King Davids son. Now the Catholic Church will say that they took them out because it states some angels disobeyed God and that's blaspheme, They are LYING don't listen to that synagogue of satan. All angels like man have free will satan fell because of pride and other angels with him for various things, pride lust for women ect. Angels did rebel hence forth hell was made, and because they had the gift to pro create in heaven some fell and took daughters of men and made "giants" the "nephliem" like Goliath the one David killed. Most and many giants died in the flood of Noah but even WAYYY later some existed in Davids time as we can see.
I feel like this would be a acceptable time to stop and have you listen to the book of Enoch and the testament on Solomon on youtube look for the Richard Lawrence translated version. Also the Catholic chruch doesn't follow Gods laws Catholicism worships priest and saints and thinks they can forgive sin, Catholic church also uses idols which they think are blessed. I can't even begin to talk about the lies they teach I would be here all day. Also the Lord says that every herb, and plant is a gift to us ( in chapter Genesis) so don't let people fool you into thinking weed or shrooms are a sin. God bless I'll add more later P.s utube sky trumpets and blood moons. I will be explaining this at a later time but I'm sure everyone will want to hear the sky trumpets and see the blood moon, the next blood moon in oct, sky trumpets no one knows when they happen but what a awesome experience that was. Look for some vids on utube some people caught the sky trumpets on tape.
Another thing in the book of Enoch you will learn that satan and the rest of the devils are not in hell yet they are here and will be remaining here as "evil spirirts" them and there giant offspring until the day of Judgement. So when they come to you or someone you know don't be fooled they are not aliens, they are not ghost, that psychic saying she is talking to your dead relative is lying (or being fooled) she isn't talking to your relative but a evil spirit. People go to heaven or hell when they die, immediately after they die and we can not communicate from earth to anyone in hell or heaven except, Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord ALMIGHTY who is in Heaven.
the Lord says that every herb, and plant is a gift to us ( in chapter Genesis) so don't let people fool you into thinking weed or shrooms are a sin. God bless I'll add more later
satan and the rest of the devils are not in hell yet they are here and will be remaining here as "evil spirirts". So when they come to you or someone you know don't be fooled they are not aliens, they are not ghost, that psychic saying she is talking to your dead relative is lying (or being fooled) she isn't talking to your relative but a evil spirit. People go to heaven or hell when they die, immediately after they die and we can not communicate from earth to anyone in hell or heaven except, Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord ALMIGHTY who is in Heaven.
He also gave us wine but it's a sin to be an alcoholic and we corrupted it into vodka/scotch/whatever.

Are you sure about going immediately to heaven? In judaism they believed you went to "sheol" which is basically nothingness until judgement day. Islam and Jehovas Witnesses believe you stay dead until the day of judgment when God resurrects everyone, and the Mormons believe in "soul sleep" until the day of judgment.
If you read what I said about man making calamity with adding/changing/ removing GOD's words which creates things called Religions and Denominations. If you want the truth you must follow the non contradicting truth.
All Religions you listed Chip follow only half the Bible, the Old testament which they have also changed stating, God has a Brother and other things that contradict there text because what's been added doesn't follow the latter teachings and it contradicts its self.
Same with Jewish religion. They follow half the Bible, the Old Testament but not the new. Which constantly contradicts its self if you do not include the new. Like how Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son for God, God didn't make him do, it but wanted to see if he would because GOD DOES sacrifice his only Son Jesus Christ for Abraham and his descendants, because Abraham was willing. Or when King David said "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool." This is talking about the Christ the son of God in the Old testament. This is just a couple there are many many more, to understand what's accurate we must read it all and put it together without contradictions. The Bible IS the word of GOD it's just a lot harder to understand what's happening without the chapters "they" removed.( Book of Enoch, Testament of Solomon) and you can verify they belong in there because in latter chapters they refer back to it.
And Yes alcohol abuse is a sin. The green herb which I smoke for medical reasons, is a gift from the powerful CREATOR.
Did some shrooms in high school would like to again.( especially that i'm now in a good spiritual state with GOD) My point was that God has made these things mankind calls drugs when they are not but crack, acid, cocaine ect are. Which are made to confuse, kill, and to deter people from the true "drugs" they need. Much like how mankind has done to the word of GOD.
Monkey if we don't take time to read the holy words we are in darkness, That biblical series the Bible and all those Jesus Christ movies are not accurate.
Some other things people don't know is that the Sabbath is the seventh day of the week and Christians (people who worship the whole Bible) Old and New Testament are bound by those laws like pork is unclean. And on Easter ( resurrection of Christ) those eggs and bunny's are a pegan tradition that Nimrod started ( in the line of David and mentioned in the Bible) The same with theese " Christmas Trees" Bible even mentions it
Jeremiah 10---
10 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
Also mankind has made evil groups that worship the devil which keeps the world in war and poverty. They are the illuminati, the mason, the templars the 1%. They control the media and almost all aspects of our daily life. They also want people to believe evil spirits are aliens to promote the obscure and obscene thought that fish are our great great grandfathers and mothers. I remember seeing glowing red lights in the sky in high school probably 12 football fields in the sky.( masons made up football btw) There is a battle going on those that want more ppl to leave GOD and be on there side to increase numbers falsely thinking it will make there judgement better on themselves but it will NOT it will be worse. Or to just try to hurt God by anyway possible.
all you see around you and all you do is proof, darwin has given you no proof yet you believe him? If you want to directly communicate with God go on your knees and ask for redemption thru his sacrifice of his son Jesus and follow the laws in Deuteronomy and read his word and God WILL give you signs and reveal things to you.
We have not been forsaken and are closer to God than you could imagine. GOD is just waiting for each one of us to stop our running so we can see the glory of his way and be forever blessed, in this life and the next. Hallelujah!
I think it's always an important thing to acknowledge that MAN wrote the bible, not "god"
just gets overlooked sometimes, people assume it's the "word of god", it's not, it was written by a bunch of different PEOPLE (humans, not some special cloud dwelling entity) not to mention it's been re-written, edited, and translated a million times, and I also think it's kinda funny that nowadays if I were to write a huge novel saying god was speaking to ME, i'd be commited. Not to mention branded a heretic. But approx. 1500 to 2000 yrs ago it's ok to do that.
I was forced to go to church 3-4 times a week when I was a kid, until I discovered a little thing called S-C-I-E-N-C-E-
My main point is this I won't force my ATHEISM on YOU, just respect my beliefs (or lack thereof) and don't preach about your religion to ME.
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God reveals things to me and I just told you that he would you, if you did what I stated. Also I want to remind you while you seem to be angry this is my thread in the appropriate section talking about a issue you chose to involve yourself in.
All science is mans observation and clearly proclaims a creator. Do you believe Darwin because he has no laws and it's therefore easier? Any and All skeletons that are Mutant and Giant are explained vividly because of the fallen's ability to procreate with any and all things and make Nephliem Giants from Women, and Mermaids from fish, and Werewolves from Dogs.
Also explains "Evil Spirits" in the book and above in first post that no demons or fallen are yet in Hell.
Although they are all kept hidden, bones of giants search online, also for more proof of GOD watch the "sky trumpets" on youtube. There are no bones that suggest evolution Blaspheme just a evil Masonic school system that suggest it while you are to young to think. Search for proof look for answers.
OP, you clearly do not follow or understand science. Your journey may be new to you, but not to the regulars in this sub-forum. From time to time, we get many enthusiastic believers who have the epiphany that they know the 'truth' where others are fooled. They go on to point to specious 'facts' (usually sourced from nutty YT videos and ultra-biased creationism sites) about christianity, and attempt to downplay science without even understanding it. Evolution by natural selection is a proven FACT, as much a fact as anything we know. Darwin started us down the path, but evolution is verified by many diverse fields of scientific endeavor; genealogy, biology, archeology, etc.. There is mountains of non-contradictory evidence, and no doubt left in science of this phenomenon. It is silly to try to argue against something you haven't taken the time to understand, esp. against people who are well versed in this topic. Every phenomenon we see in nature can be explained without the need for a creator. You tell us to look at the cosmos as proof of a deity, but many of us don't see what you do, and see a wonderful, natural system instead. Yours is not an argument, and certainly not proof of anything. I could just as easily say to look at the cosmos to see proof that there is no deity, both are weak arguments and not proof. You are the one making positive claims, and the onus is on you to provide proof of them. No one has ever been able to do this, but I wish you luck. I do recommend you familiarizing yourself with these scientific concepts, or you'll have no chance of arguing against them...