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ghostdriva didn't answer my question because he doesn't want to admit at least one egyptian god wasn't fake or dead.
ghostdriva didn't answer my question because he doesn't want to admit at least one egyptian god wasn't fake or dead.
The one asking if you think all pagan gods are dead and/or fake. I asked because the bible says the only living god is the creator and other religions are fake but God allows things like the Hindu Milk Miracle to happen.MonkeyChimp what question didn't I respond to?
offended ???the only way you can tell me that the apple taste good is only if you ate onePen if you're offended by someone teaching you something how will you ever learn?
that is not how religions came about...If you read what I said about man making calamity with adding/changing/ removing GOD's words which creates things called Religions and Denominations. If you want the truth you must follow the non contradicting truth.
I don't know you, but I know that God has made a way for those who seek him to reach him and communicate with GOD. So you ask for more "proof besides your cognitive thoughts, a giant ball of fire floating in the sky ( the sun) and communication through prayer and all creation in general, I'll list a few things for you to google
*not in any particular order*
Sky trumpets-happening now
Kentucky meat incident- rained infant flesh during abortion laws in Kentucky, God hates abortions.
Blood moons-happening now like sky trumpets
Ufo sightings- fallen angels and portals
Wee gee boreds and psychics- talk to evil spirits
And it's all explained vividly, search that and tell me if you need more "proof"
If you don't love GOD and his son Jesus Christ just admit it instead of trying to prove against his existence. But I don't know why anyone wouldn't Love and trust God's way is best, he made You, The Earth, The Sun, The Moon, Heaven and all things. If Your ego has let you fallen into the lie that You know best You are mistaken.
what he saidOP, you clearly do not follow or understand science. Your journey may be new to you, but not to the regulars in this sub-forum. From time to time, we get many enthusiastic believers who have the epiphany that they know the 'truth' where others are fooled. They go on to point to specious 'facts' (usually sourced from nutty YT videos and ultra-biased creationism sites) about christianity, and attempt to downplay science without even understanding it. Evolution by natural selection is a proven FACT, as much a fact as anything we know. Darwin started us down the path, but evolution is verified by many diverse fields of scientific endeavor; genealogy, biology, archeology, etc.. There is mountains of non-contradictory evidence, and no doubt left in science of this phenomenon. It is silly to try to argue against something you haven't taken the time to understand, esp. against people who are well versed in this topic. Every phenomenon we see in nature can be explained without the need for a creator. You tell us to look at the cosmos as proof of a deity, but many of us don't see what you do, and see a wonderful, natural system instead. Yours is not an argument, and certainly not proof of anything. I could just as easily say to look at the cosmos to see proof that there is no deity, both are weak arguments and not proof. You are the one making positive claims, and the onus is on you to provide proof of them. No one has ever been able to do this, but I wish you luck. I do recommend you familiarizing yourself with these scientific concepts, or you'll have no chance of arguing against them...
DO you BELIEVE that THE bible IS the WORD of GOD...All Religions you listed Chip follow only half the Bible, the Old testament which they have also changed stating, God has a Brother and other things that contradict there text because what's been added doesn't follow the latter teachings and it contradicts its self.
Same with Jewish religion. They follow half the Bible, the Old Testament but not the new. Which constantly contradicts its self if you do not include the new. Like how Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son for God, God didn't make him do, it but wanted to see if he would because GOD DOES sacrifice his only Son Jesus Christ for Abraham and his descendants, because Abraham was willing. Or when King David said "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool." This is talking about the Christ the son of God in the Old testament. This is just a couple there are many many more, to understand what's accurate we must read it all and put it together without contradictions. The Bible IS the word of GOD it's just a lot harder to understand what's happening without the chapters "they" removed.( Book of Enoch, Testament of Solomon) and you can verify they belong in there because in latter chapters they refer back to it.
And Yes alcohol abuse is a sin. The green herb which I smoke for medical reasons, is a gift from the powerful CREATOR.
Did some shrooms in high school would like to again.( especially that i'm now in a good spiritual state with GOD) My point was that God has made these things mankind calls drugs when they are not but crack, acid, cocaine ect are. Which are made to confuse, kill, and to deter people from the true "drugs" they need. Much like how mankind has done to the word of GOD.
My son you are living according to my plans for you...I guess what I am trying say is you are the SHIT and I am very happy with the way I have created you...MY WORDS...signed by...the pen of a ready writer...Honestly, the man upstairs is thrilled that I go through life as a good person. I love my family and friends, I help strangers for no reason other than to help, I do no harm in any way to any living thing, except of course in the unavoidable ways that even my low impact living causes. No shit, your god thinks I'm The Shit. I live by reasonable means in a sustainable manner.
I havn't got it on paper and signed by the guy, but then I havn't seen him sign off on your preachings either. Right?
Er, cool. Happy to oblige.My son you are living according to my plans for you...I guess what I am trying say is you are the SHIT and I am very happy with the way I have created you...MY WORDS...signed by...the pen of a ready writer...
Psa 45:1 " my tongue is the pen of a ready writer"