Gorilla Glue #4 in Michigan

Man... I would love to have a clone but I cannot afford the price they are asking.. Someone near me in Northern Michigan is asking $250 a cutting.
I think my better half would not go for it! But it looks beautiful, how dose it tastes(^o^)
I herd SL sold some?. Some got them for free. He is not part of my circle. We dont have the same ethics. Everyone that I know got her for free.

If your asking me about he Cannatonic#4 no I have not. I remember someone asking me if I had any but that was so long ago I dont remember the conversation well. I know I never got any.
I agree Nancy that you should be compensated for clones since you are providing a product. My issues rise with the greedy bunch which unfortunately is the majority of the mj community. I know a guy who received a cut for free and he wanted to charge me a 1000. I am willing to pay for good genetics because that's all I care about because I need good meds for my chrons, but a grand for the flavor of the month is extortion especially when they aren't the breeder.

I was able to sample the glue and it was a very good strain but again wasn't worth a grand for a cut(no strain is worth that). I know I will probably never get a legit clone because I am not I those circles but oh well. What a pointless ramble. Sorry, have a good one everyone
Bodhi paid $20k for a cut to make the Goji. that will put things in perspective. People will pay for outstanding genetics. The problem I see is everyone is different what I like may not be what anyone likes. I have a hard time justifying paying or sealing cuts. There are some that dont like GG#4. With these dudded plants that are being reported doesn't help. Some might be smoking on some of these plants that are not a good representation of gg#4. I wish I could get one of these dudded plants to investigate this issue. If you can only find cuts that are for sale they shouldn't be more the 25$ IMO.
Bodhi paid $20k for a cut to make the Goji. that will put things in perspective. People will pay for outstanding genetics. The problem I see is everyone is different what I like may not be what anyone likes. I have a hard time justifying paying or sealing cuts. There are some that dont like GG#4. With these dudded plants that are being reported doesn't help. Some might be smoking on some of these plants that are not a good representation of gg#4. I wish I could get one of these dudded plants to investigate this issue. If you can only find cuts that are for sale they shouldn't be more the 25$ IMO.

I highly doubt Bodhi paid anything for the Nepali Kush cut, he was just saying what it cost in the mid 2000's
she is definitely a great plant...! but I have multiple unworked strains from seed outperforming her in various departments..but
like homey said she checks all the boxes.
chem skunk lingering tang flavor
since we are all shut down over here I might be comfortable throwing up a few pics soon
Today I had the pleasure of trying gorilla glue#4 shatter. I was ripped. I'm in San Diego. And the owner of Health Stone Glass was able to hook my buddy up with some of that. It was very very nice. I tried it 4:00pm, it is now 10:54pm and I have just woken up.
here is a shot from 28 days of 12/12..she was slow to take off as she was sitting next to a light leak.
same re-amended soil I have been using 18+months


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And? Have you smoked any yet? Is the juice worth the sqeeze?

I smoked some when i got the cut and was impressed, not quite mind blown..but that was chem grown in pro mix I'm pretty sure.
I don't have any samples ready so I can't give it an honest review yet.
I think it all comes down to preference, whatever works for you, run it. like I said I have other stuff from seed I am just as excited about trying and they photograph almost as well as glue