The forbidden TRUTH


LOL You said a txt book has proved there isn't a GOD? Show me considering I have seen his fallen angels and experienced his LOVE, miracles, blessings, and wonders. Tell me what that book says about JESUS CHRIST and look that book you're trusting has a author? But you believe that? Even though no proof is given. You are a Atheist and Darwin founded your religion. Which has NO EVIDENCE! You can choose not to learn and acknowledge GOD, and all the facts, testimony's, and video evidence and the fact human beings can communicate with GOD if one chooses, THE REASON WHY YOU CAN'T PROVE GOD isn't real is for the simple reason GOD IS REAL. If I took a blind man outside and he felt the wind, and heard the birds, and I told him he was outside. He is, but I can't prove it to him despite these obvious things. That's like you two, you are blind. Mr.Durden Your post is one of the most egotistical, blasphemous statement I have ever read.
"I am like God, and God like me. I am as large as God, He is as small as I. He cannot above me, nor I beneath Him be." - Angelus Silesius--- WOW MAN No wonder your not making sense you are quoting a crazy catholic who worships Satan.. I got a real question for you two, because you are not willing to try to find GOD and are only intent on going against GOD to try to fool people on the truth. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? WHAT MAKES YOU NOT LOVE GOD? MORE DIRECT WHAT MAKES YOU (as it seems to me) hate GOD? Give me a real answer not "Oh i can't hate what isn't there" you clearly have no interest in doing anything that could bring you closer to GOD and therefore prove GOD'S existence to you. Instead you chose NOT to do these things and to disrupt people who are trying to get closer to GOD. With this child like mentality of plugging your ears while screaming saying I don't believe you. Which anyone could do including me, so no you are not taking my thread seriously, but if you want to start, tell me why YOU (what seems to me) hate GOD and why you wont take the time to understand of GOD'S way. What law of his don't you agree with that gets you so frustrated? I struggled with them all maybe I can help, and explain why it's a Law and why it's so hard to stop.

I won't be able to post today about my demonic experiences, in detail I will be explaining things like sleep paralysis, U.F.O's, and ghost and more. You see these things are not what they appear to be, or would like to appear to be, they are fallen angels, or the offspring of them called "evil spirits" because angels are given to ability to pro create in heaven, some abused this and took women and even various animals to mate with. Which made nephilim, which when they die, becomes evil spirit's until judgement. I will continue tomorrow. I love you all.
Pro creation going on in heaven is a example that we have no idea what's going to be happening in Heaven. ( other then what's mentioned in the HOLY BIBLE of course)
Furthermore Durden, are aware that in the movie Fight Club Brad Pitt's character is actually real? He is a demon, this is made clear when Edward Norton is fighting "Tyler Durden" in the end at the security cam you can see Edward Norton actually get dragged by something but no one is there. Also when Brad Pitt was talking to Edward Norton with the "GOD does not like you skit" its' clearly obviously a demon talking. In fact the more I think about it, the more obvious it is. Every scene is that anti Christ self ego trash, clearly a movie about demonic possession.
When I was younger I use to think he was just "crazy" until I started to experience demonic events. Which happened when I started to search for GOD, because I was breaking away from sin, by the power of GOD's sacrifice of GOD's son LORD JESUS CHRIST. Then I saw later and it was so painfully obvious especially when I saw the security cam view of the fight at the end, in the parking garage.

Then why are you still trying to reconcile two incompatible things? You might as well say you can go left and right at the same time.... Do you believe god has a plan for us? And by the say just stating, "JUST BECAUSE GOD KNOWS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN BEFORE YOU DO DOESN'T MEAN WE DON'T HAVE FREE WILL", doesn't make it true. If god knows what's going to happen in the future you HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO DO WHAT HE SEES IN THE FUTURE. You have no choice, or god would be WRONG about the future.

How are you not getting this? How is this slipping past you?

Think about this;

Before the universe existed, god knew what was going to happen to you, because he knows the future. How is it possible to alter what god sees in the future? Are you suggesting that you can change gods will? If god created you knowing you will go to heave or hell, you cannot break free from that destiny or you are literally showing god he's 'wrong' about you. What god had 'envisioned' at the beginning of time was innaccurate. That's what you're suggesting.

God cannot know everything that will happen and have it play out the way he intended if we have free will. Free will means we can alter plans that have been laid out before us by god. If we can alter gods plans he's not perfect, OR omnipotent.
Also, how do you reconcile free will with determinism?

The reason you do any action in your life is because of previous things you've done, or other things that have influenced you. You might want to try a new type of Pepsi because you liked the commercial and happen to like Pepsi more than coke. You might choose not to speed on the highway because a loved one died in a car crash, you might push your children to have a better life because you had a hard one. Your actions are dependent on your past experiences, and the decisions you make are the only ones you COULD make in your specific circumstances.

Free will is an illusion.
It does what they all do, include some truth then totally contradict's it's self because it's a tool of confusion made by the devil. Read the Bible. ( including removed books) and see how the truth can be changed drastically warped with added lies and remove chapters, to be made into the quran. With little truth, but it's that small amount of truth that is out of context that people cling too. It's what I was referring too when talking about religion's and denominations. So many lies about the truth people don't know who to trust so instead of research and finding the hidden truth they just give up and choose not to get involved which is exactly what the illuminati wants.
Pen, Durden, Ceepea
Furthermore IF you chose to repent on your knees in truth and honesty under The sacrifice of Jesus Christ and GOD reveals himself to you, would you then worship GOD? would you trust what GOD says as truth? knowing that he alone can create and destroy, made you and knows your mental limitations on thought processing, would you be smart enough to know that HIS way is right and your way wrong? If not then there is no point to even talk to you three. Let's say you wouldn't, because you haven't gone on your knees and asked for forgiveness by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ IN TRUTH AND SPIRIT,( GOD KNOWS WHEN YOU ARE NOT SORRY AND LYING) because you have not mentioned that you did, also I see by your questions you haven't read The Book of Enoch. The Book that was removed from the HOLY BIBLE, by the people that Mr.Durden quotes the satanic catholic church.
Furthermore if you don't want to worship GOD you wont read The Book of Enoch, you won't read the rest of the HOLY BIBLE, you won't do research. By not doing all these things you will not educate yourself about GOD and will not find conviction in your soul. Without conviction in your soul you can not repent, how can one repent if one is not believing? Without repentance you will not have communication with GOD. It is all your decision, if one started out wanting to worship the creator of the Earth and Universe one would set forth a path to do so, and find GOD, and have conviction and receive repentance. If one chose not to worship, and follows the path of the Lost sheep which the majority take, and serve himself instead of GOD (like the Satan did) with Lust, Greed, and vanity one will not seek GOD to worship, and will not repent in truth. I hope you all have the courage to stand alone and go in a different direction. Not based on Lust or Greed or Vanity for ones self, to do the right thing, when you think no one is looking, and to trust what the omnipotent GOD say's is Good and Evil, and to appreciate the fact GOD has given you Life a concept no one can fathom.
Everything contributes and factors in on freewill decisions, this doesn't mean that there is no decision these are just variables.
Pen, Durden, Ceepea
Furthermore IF you chose to repent on your knees in truth and honesty under The sacrifice of Jesus Christ and GOD reveals himself to you, would you then worship GOD?
I used to be a baptist. I went to bible camp, and Sunday school. All I saw were a bunch of deluded people talking to an imaginary friend. If god appeared before a mass of people and did something miraculous I would believe. Leaves falling off of a tree, or a bird chirping isn't proof of god.

would you trust what GOD says as truth? knowing that he alone can create and destroy, made you and knows your mental limitations on thought processing, would you be smart enough to know that HIS way is right and your way wrong?
If god chose to actually show himself in a meaningful way and demonstrated his ability I would most likely believe him.

If not then there is no point to even talk to you three.
You have done NOTHING to answer ANY questions I've asked. This tells me the questions either make you uncomfortable, so you're avoiding them as to not have to answer them, or you don't have an answer because the concepts I'm introducing to you are completely incompatible and it's not possible to have an answer that fits your world view and it's causing you cognitive dissonance.

Which is it?

Let's say you wouldn't, because you haven't gone on your knees and asked for forgiveness by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ IN TRUTH AND SPIRIT,( GOD KNOWS WHEN YOU ARE NOT SORRY AND LYING)
If god created me and knows everything about me, he KNOWS EXACTLY what it would take to make me believe, and he has the power to show that to me in order to convince me. I cannot honestly ask for forgiveness from someone I don't believe exists, for something I don't believe I'm guilty of. If god exists, he knows this!!!

because you have not mentioned that you did, also I see by your questions you haven't read The Book of Enoch. The Book that was removed from the HOLY BIBLE, by the people that Mr.Durden quotes the satanic catholic church.
Furthermore if you don't want to worship GOD you wont read The Book of Enoch, you won't read the rest of the HOLY BIBLE, you won't do research.

Read the bible front to back several times. The bible, read properly is the most potent tool for atheism.

By not doing all these things you will not educate yourself about GOD and will not find conviction in your soul. Without conviction in your soul you can not repent, how can one repent if one is not believing?

How can one believe without evidence? That's the epitome of gullibility. If there was evidence no one would need faith, which is the most important thing in religion because religion offers NO EVIDENCE. NONE. FYI, I don't believe for an instant that the soul exists. It is contrary to everything we know about neuroscience and psychology. If I damage your brain in certain areas I can affect your feelings, personality, moods, traits, etc., etc., etc. If your soul is 'who you are' how can everything about you be controlled by your brain?

Without repentance you will not have communication with GOD. It is all your decision,
No, it's not. Not if god exists and knows everything that will happen. I never had a choice, or else I would be doing something contrary to what god sees (he would no longer be omniscient). If god exists, and has the powers you say he does, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, he would by default, know exactly what you were going to do before you did it. If he knows what you'll choose, how is it possible to choose the other option? Doing so literally makes god 'wrong', which is impossible for a perfect being.

Please address these points, as they keep re-hatching due to you ignoring them, or not having anything convincing or compelling to say about them.

if one started out wanting to worship the creator of the Earth and Universe one would set forth a path to do so, and find GOD, and have conviction and receive repentance. If one chose not to worship, and follows the path of the Lost sheep which the majority take, and serve himself instead of GOD (like the Satan did) with Lust, Greed, and vanity one will not seek GOD to worship, and will not repent in truth.
God knows every single person that will go to hell for eternity before he created the universe. God also had the power to create us in anyway he saw fit, and actually give us free will, but as long as he has a plan for us, free will is not an option.

I hope you all have the courage to stand alone and go in a different direction. Not based on Lust or Greed or Vanity for ones self, to do the right thing, when you think no one is looking, and to trust what the omnipotent GOD say's is Good and Evil, and to appreciate the fact GOD has given you Life a concept no one can fathom.

If god exists, I'm following the only path I could follow as he's the one who is all powerful, and has a plan for me. It's not possible to "go against" something that is all powerful, e.g. god and god's plan. If you can go against gods plan, he either isn't all powerful, or he knew all along you wouldn't follow his plan and he did nothing to change it.
Everything contributes and factors in on freewill decisions, this doesn't mean that there is no decision these are just variables.
I disagree.

When you decide to do something, it's the only decision you could have made in those circumstances.

For instance, let's say you're a baseball pitcher and a batter just nailed a line drive at your head. The ball is flying towards you, and your reaction is to dodge your head to the left side to avoid being hit.

If time was somehow rewound, to just before you moved your head, and then started again, you would make the EXACT SAME DECISION AGAIN, because all of the variables leading up to your decision would be EXACTLY the same. You wouldn't try to catch the ball the 'second' time, or move to the right because you didn't do that the first time, and the variables have not changed. 1+1 will always equal 2, not 3....
Yes Ceepea , God has made everyone for HIS GLORY some for glory of salvation some for glory of destruction. and just because you would want to change your decision to do something different to prove GOD isn't omnipotent, you can't because you don't know what your decision is yet, only GOD does.
Example if you think "GOD knows I want pepsi I will get a coke" GOD already knew you would do, and think that. Also if a line drive baseball is coming at your head, yeah you might get hurt, but it was your decision to play ball in the first place.
So free will is real but GOD already knows who has decided what, and will not stop the world and appear to you in a physical form to prove his existence when you wont take the time to read his words and to seek him in prayer and repentance. If you did this GOD would reveal himself to you, but you don't want to, and you think GOD has to prove himself to you by other means to save you, and communicate? Everyone else repents and worships to communicate with GOD but you think you are better? You want GOD to approach someone who preach's blaspheme, and won't take time from his own life to read GOD's word? DO you know what you ask? You won't even take the time to correct and educate yourself before you communicate with others on this subject? You think your brain is so vast with intellect reading information is below you? Do you think you are omnipotent?
These demons caught on tape UFO's Ghost, even witch craft of those evil weegee boards and other things. All signs, your cognitive thoughts (well some what) your body even go look at your eyes or the eyes of your children, don't lie to me and say oo there is no proof. Proof is everywhere you are living evidence of GOD's creation and defiance apparently, So because you know and choose not to feed your soul with information about you and GOD and his son JESUS CHRIST I asked you why? Why revolt? What is your problems with life? I assure you your problems comes from evil (sin) which GOD is against and WILL FOREVER DESTROY. GOD did not make sin, this is a result of DEFYING GOD with the gift of free will.
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This long and boring debate between you two is going to repel the others lol
I'm actually interested in ghostdriva's opinion because it's rare for someone to study on his own. Most people don't care if their church follows the bible, they just want to feel spiritual.
I actually just had two Jehovah's witness just stop at my house, we agreed on everything until I asked if they go to Church on Saturday the seventh day of the week. Suddenly a completely different side of them appeared. They were very angry said that " Jesus Christ set us free from the law" I mentioned to them that Jesus Christ said 'Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." - Matthew chapter five.
I then explained while Jesus Christ did save us from hell because His father GOD asked him to, GOD doesn't allow us to continue to live in sin. They immediately left, but it's true see what GOD says.
"For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries."- Hebrews Chapter ten.

I wonder what they would of done if I began to mention how Marijuana, and Mushrooms are a gift from GOD and showed them the first chapter of Genesis proving it to be true, too bad they ran off so fast. One second ringing my bell, saying "We want to talk about GOD", the next second they are running to there car. Running from the truth, goes to show you people actively seek there own will and not GOD's even when they show up on your deck saying we believe in the HOLY BIBLE, when I started saying Jesus Christ isn't permission to sin and show how the HOLY BIBLE says that, POOF gone.
Most people do not want to stop sinning, and not listen to anything that says to stop. Even these Men who said they came in the name of GOD who are going door to door. Going door to door preaching lies and ignoring the truth. Literally holding on to the HOLY BIBLE and NOT teaching what is in it. If they are going to pick and choose what to follow and what to ignore they shouldn't have it in there hands.
The older guy was yelling and spiting all over the place, and kept trying to like touch or poke me with his cane. It got very awkward very fast when I mentioned GOD commands people not to sin.
Those poor witnesses! Sounds like you really pissed on their cornflakes... I'm sure they'll get over it, don't beat yourself up for smashing their beliefs!
I look forward to reading your accounts of demons, especially if there is a link/crossover with phenomena such as sleep paralysis and UFOs. There's a lot of stuff I don't understand out there, I look forward to your take on it.

Yes Ceepea , God has made everyone for HIS GLORY some for glory of salvation some for glory of destruction. and just because you would want to change your decision to do something different to prove GOD isn't omnipotent, you can't because you don't know what your decision is yet, only GOD does.
If god knows what your decision will be, then it's not a choice. lol How is it possible to choose the opposite of what god knows? That would mean god doesn't know what you're going to do.

You're still trying to reconcile two irreconcilable things.

Example if you think "GOD knows I want pepsi I will get a coke" GOD already knew you would do, and think that.
That doesn't make any sense. It doesn't matter what mind games you do, god would already know about the mind games and the final outcome before you even existed. If the outcome is set in stone, AKA god's will/plan, you do not have a decision. What you do is 'fated' to you.

Also if a line drive baseball is coming at your head, yeah you might get hurt, but it was your decision to play ball in the first place.

That wasn't the point, which you obviously missed, but we'll just pass over that.

So free will is real but GOD already knows who has decided what,
Does. Not. Make. Sense. If god created everything, and set everything into place so it would happen a certain way, your actions were determined long ago. It might appear that we have free will in that scenario but we do not. Also, any god that would willingly send billions of people to hell for eternity is neither benevolent or just.

and will not stop the world and appear to you in a physical form to prove his existence when you wont take the time to read his words and to seek him in prayer and repentance.

For the second time; I have read the bible before. I used to pray every night.... never did me any good.

If you did this GOD would reveal himself to you, but you don't want to, and you think GOD has to prove himself to you by other means to save you, and communicate?
If god is god, he could do anything. He wouldn't have to play games with peoples 'eternal souls', and condemn people to hell for eternity for finite crimes. If he actually existed, loved people, and wanted to help as many of his 'children' as he could, there are INFINITELY better plans than the ones he's laid out. I find it almost impossible to respect any figure who would behave in such a way.

Everyone else repents and worships to communicate with GOD but you think you are better? You want GOD to approach someone who preach's blaspheme, and won't take time from his own life to read GOD's word? DO you know what you ask? You won't even take the time to correct and educate yourself before you communicate with others on this subject? You think your brain is so vast with intellect reading information is below you? Do you think you are omnipotent?
Straw man much? When did I ever say anything about my own knowledge, or intellect level? Why are you trying to argue against things I didn't state?

I don't want god to do anything, because I don't think god exists. I stated what it would take to make me believe, and you got all butthurt.

These demons caught on tape UFO's Ghost, even witch craft of those evil weegee boards and other things. All signs, your cognitive thoughts (well some what) your body even go look at your eyes or the eyes of your children, don't lie to me and say oo there is no proof. Proof is everywhere you are living evidence of GOD's creation and defiance apparently,
Your argument is the 'god of the gaps' argument. "Look around you, god is everywhere."... That's not how adults behave in reality. I could just as easily say the same thing about pixies, or flying unicorns.... just because something can't be disprove, doesn't mean it's wise to believe it.

Children are amazing creatures. The process that took place for humans to evolve to exist, is nothing short of breathtaking. There is nothing supernatural about it.

So because you know and choose not to feed your soul with information about you and GOD and his son JESUS CHRIST I asked you why? Why revolt? What is your problems with life?
Why do you assume there's a problem with my life? It's not a revolt, it's an entire lack of belief. It's as credible as jack and the beanstalk or Rumpelstiltskin.

'Faith' is belief without justification, and if you care about having as many true beliefs as possible, faith doesn't make sense.

I assure you your problems comes from evil (sin) which GOD is against and WILL FOREVER DESTROY. GOD did not make sin, this is a result of DEFYING GOD with the gift of free will.

If god created everything, god created sin too. How can sin exist outside of 'everything'? Your arguments don't even make sense... lol
Here is some of what has been removed from the HOLY BIBLE but I suggest you buy the Book of Enoch translated by Richard Laurence.
Also check out Testament of Solomon. Which is also true. If one were to read the HOLY BIBLE, you would see how they have been removed because the HOLY BIBLE confirms these things happened.
People don't want me to keep repeating the same things over and over. Just because GOD knows your decisions doesn't mean you don't have one. It's that simple.