It wasn't a snake it was satan aka the serpent, and yes GOD knowing who will do what, does not change free will or your decision.
but instead has given his sons Life for full and complete repentance. God has made a way for me and you, knowing we would betray Him, and our parents would betray Him, has given Jesus Christ so when we rebel and go to sin, we learn sin is evil and doesn't help us. We learn that GOD has our best interest and to trust GOD not ourselves, or others.
Let me give you a example of my Life. GOD gave life, I find out about GOD, betray GOD countless times, until I am broke spiritually, physically, and financially. I give up my attempt at what I foolishly thought was important in life. Sex,greed,ego. Then Repentance got healed spiritually, physically, and financially all of these problems gone because of GOD and his son LORD JESUS CHRIST.
So GOD has taught me, and raised me to do what is right because the LORD is my father. I tried the other way and I almost died and almost ended up with a life in prison sentence. Does this help you understand what's going on? We are here to be fruitful and multiply yes, but most important of all is to realize the Glory of GOD and how gentle, loving, blessed GOD's way is. To realize this I had to give up all the pleasures of sin that I was obsessed with. Once you do this all the pain of life is gone, no more problems. seriously man... No fear of death, No fear of going broke, something beautiful and Glorious is waiting for us to give it all up for it, and that Thing is GOD.