The forbidden TRUTH

People don't want me to keep repeating the same things over and over. Just because GOD knows your decisions doesn't mean you don't have one. It's that simple.
You still haven't shown how it's even possible.... If god knows what you'll do then you're fated to do that action. How is it possible to do the opposite of what god has fated you to do?
GOD knows YOUR decisions, but they are still YOUR decisions. Understand?

So, god created everything, has a specific plan for everyone, knows everything everyone will do, but people still make their own decisions? lol

How fucking high are you?
There's no getting around it;

'Free will' is incompatible with 'god's plan'. They are virtual antonyms.
If I don't get to post about my demonic experiences tonight I will tomorrow, I have gotten side tracked by many things, but it will go over dreams, sleep paralysis, U.F.O's, Ghost, shadow people, a lot of things including some personal things, some just weird. But i'm going to tell it all, well not all... some of my sins are just too humiliating sorry guys. I will be posting a lot though.
:wall: what don't you understand ceepea? You can choose anything...To worship GOD and not sin, Or to Hate GOD and defy his existence and kill people. Everything you do is your own decision GOD made you yes, and knows your decision. But GOD didn't make you sin. In fact GOD commands no one sins. We CAN as in have the ability, but can't because GOD forbids it. But we have freewill to do anything. You could run outside naked attacking stop signs singing the west side story, you have free will. I mean it would be a sin to go do that, children running around and such don't reveal your nakedness to anyone but your wife. But do you understand the concept?
:wall: what don't you understand ceepea? You can choose anything...To worship GOD and not sin, Or to Hate GOD and defy his existence and kill people. Everything you do is your own decision GOD made you yes, and knows your decision. But GOD didn't make you sin. In fact GOD commands no one sins. We CAN as in have the ability, but can't because GOD forbids it. But we have freewill to do anything. You could run outside naked attacking stop signs singing the west side story, you have free will. I mean it would be a sin to go do that, children running around and such don't reveal your nakedness to anyone but your wife. But do you understand the concept?

So, before anything ever existed, god knew everything that was going to happen for eternity. He created everything according to his will, and has a plan for everything in creation. He knew Lucifer would fall, he knew the snake would tempt Eve, he knew about the fall from Eden, he knew about every sin that every person who ever existed would commit, (after all it's part of his plan). He knows what you'll do, think, and say before you do, but somehow, we still have free will.

If god knows I'm going to have unprotected sex with a hooker @ 11:49am on June 3rd 2025, what are the chances that I decide to not have sex with her? What are the chances that I DECIDE or CHOOSE to not do that?
ghostdriva, when reading the new testament I noticed Jesus would sometimes sound stern or angry when correcting others, and you said movies don't really follow the bible, do you think Jesus was humble and nice like the movies portray him?
Those poor witnesses! Sounds like you really pissed on their cornflakes...
lol at some point he's gonna have to realize that actions are just as important as belief. I respect the witnesses because the bible says you will know the wolves by their fruit because a rotten tree cannot produce good fruit.
It wasn't a snake it was satan aka the serpent, and yes GOD knowing who will do what, does not change free will or your decision.
but instead has given his sons Life for full and complete repentance. God has made a way for me and you, knowing we would betray Him, and our parents would betray Him, has given Jesus Christ so when we rebel and go to sin, we learn sin is evil and doesn't help us. We learn that GOD has our best interest and to trust GOD not ourselves, or others.
Let me give you a example of my Life. GOD gave life, I find out about GOD, betray GOD countless times, until I am broke spiritually, physically, and financially. I give up my attempt at what I foolishly thought was important in life. Sex,greed,ego. Then Repentance got healed spiritually, physically, and financially all of these problems gone because of GOD and his son LORD JESUS CHRIST.
So GOD has taught me, and raised me to do what is right because the LORD is my father. I tried the other way and I almost died and almost ended up with a life in prison sentence. Does this help you understand what's going on? We are here to be fruitful and multiply yes, but most important of all is to realize the Glory of GOD and how gentle, loving, blessed GOD's way is. To realize this I had to give up all the pleasures of sin that I was obsessed with. Once you do this all the pain of life is gone, no more problems. seriously man... No fear of death, No fear of going broke, something beautiful and Glorious is waiting for us to give it all up for it, and that Thing is GOD.
Ceepea, :wall:
God isn't going to tell you what you're going to do before you do it, so you can change it from happening. God has made a list of things not to do, it's chapter Deuteronomy in the HOLY BIBLE, also in Mathew.
Ceepea, ghostdriv, let me explain free will since both of you won't ever quit. As the saying goes, the future isn't set in stone. The reason Jesus said not even the angels know when the earth will be destroyed is because the future isn't set in stone.
Example: if you feel like murdering someone, God will feel who is about to die but if you change your mind halfway to his house than God will know that no one is going to die. God also has the option to stop you because he's more powerful and nothing can stop it.
Jesus was nice and humble, he is the son of GOD and got humiliated, tortured, and killed for mankind's immortal soul. However many things about Jesus in movies I do not think is accurate for example I use to think that the shroud of Torin was real, now however I know that GOD had men cut there hair to not look like women, There have been specific cases where GOD has told certain individuals Aarons sons, I think, and Samson NOT to cut their hair, but at this point in time I do not believe Christ had long hair. Also WE KNOW for a fact not one bone on Jesus Christ was broke. Thus fulfilling the prophecy which states this, and the shroud of Torin has long hair and appears to have a broken nose. So in my OPINION it is not the face of GOD's son. I THINK Jesus Christ had short hair.
Only GOD knows the minute of his coming, and for your hypothetical situation GOD knew if you would turn around or not turn. GOD has the power to do ANYTHING but he gave man a sovereign will, so I agree and disagree. I could be wrong but I felt like you were trying to bring peace between us two, remember what Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Ceepea, ghostdriv, let me explain free will since both of you won't ever quit. As the saying goes, the future isn't set in stone. The reason Jesus said not even the angels know when the earth will be destroyed is because the future isn't set in stone.
Example: if you feel like murdering someone, God will feel who is about to die but if you change your mind halfway to his house than God will know that no one is going to die. God also has the option to stop you because he's more powerful and nothing can stop it.

If the future is not set in stone (which according to the laws of physics, it certainly is) then there could be no omniscience and god could not know beforehand what is to occur. In your example, god is not omniscient and that person you mentioned does have free will. God is becoming aware of his decision AFTER he made it, that is not the definition of omniscience. Our point is that if god DID know what was going to happen, there would be no free will, as there could be no choice. There's a world of difference between free will and the illusion of free will...
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Our point is that if god DID know what was going to happen, there would be no free will, as there could be no choice. There's a world of difference between free will and the illusion of free will...
I never believed in true free will anyway, with all those stories of God messing with populations. Which reminds me...
ghostdriva, do you think God messed with the Maya? Either the Mayans or Aztec's would flatten their baby's forehead by pressing or sitting on wood paddles. The spanish where right to be disgusted by them.