Active Member
Tomorrow I'm going to buy a cheap (relatively) carbon filter and fan as Im on a very tight budget. Here's the link to the one on EBay at the bottom.
that I found that looks like the best one for that price (I don't want to buy a single fan so I though Id better
get the inline one)
So here's what I need help with - Has anyone reading this got experience buying a fan and filter cheap like these ones?? Are they worth going for? Will it work right without breaking down? and what is the smell reduction like? Does it take it away completely??
I really just want to make sure I;m not wasting my cash tomorrow.........Oh and by the way,the cupboard Im growing in is about the size of 2 phone booths put together. Thanks 4 any help.I REALLY need it lol.
that I found that looks like the best one for that price (I don't want to buy a single fan so I though Id better
get the inline one)
So here's what I need help with - Has anyone reading this got experience buying a fan and filter cheap like these ones?? Are they worth going for? Will it work right without breaking down? and what is the smell reduction like? Does it take it away completely??
I really just want to make sure I;m not wasting my cash tomorrow.........Oh and by the way,the cupboard Im growing in is about the size of 2 phone booths put together. Thanks 4 any help.I REALLY need it lol.