Help with heat issues


Active Member
I finished my first grow and am starting my second. New issues due to time of year. I have a framed in 6x6x9 room framed in my garage. Electrical added so plenty of outlets. I have two 600 watt hid mh/hps lights and have a 440 cfm fan and charcoal filter. Setup worked well until April. My garage is warming up and have bad heat issues when testing it. I bought a small 8000 btu air conditioner to help, thinking it would be plenty, but I was wrong. Cools room very fast while lights are off, but the HID lights are putting out too much heat still. Reached into 90's with AC, fans and lights on. Need advice. Bigger AC unit like 12000 btu? I have to vent 15' straight up through attic. Or do I have to move to cool tubes which I know nothing about. Help!


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU! i'm in the same boat--the winter air kept my temps great, but now i'm having problems with heat too. not as bad as you--i bet those two 600 watts are indeed putting off a lot of heat in that room you've built! how did your first grow go? that would be awesome to have that size of a room and with that kind of wattage. i'll watch for the experts to advise so that i can learn too. good luck with your grow! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Have you tried running the lights at night and keeping them off during the heat of day? That's the cheapest fix so might be worth trying if you haven't.


Well-Known Member
bugeye how would one go about switching if there are girls currently in the flower room? leave the lights on for 24 hours or let them sit in the dark for 24? thanks!!


Active Member
welcome to RIU! i'm in the same boat--the winter air kept my temps great, but now i'm having problems with heat too. not as bad as you--i bet those two 600 watts are indeed putting off a lot of heat in that room you've built! how did your first grow go? that would be awesome to have that size of a room and with that kind of wattage. i'll watch for the experts to advise so that i can learn too. good luck with your grow! :cool:
First grow was great until I messed up PH on plants and then stressed them with light twice during dark cycle. Ended up with hermies but learned a lot. Growing THC bomb and White widow. I have no light issues now and won't ever again.


Well-Known Member
some think ph isnt an issue. that you can just throw in some nutes to water & dose your plants with it.. lol I have to say I wished it was like that.. But we know better now.. ;) haha
First grow was great until I messed up PH on plants and then stressed them with light twice during dark cycle. Ended up with hermies but learned a lot. Growing THC bomb and White widow. I have no light issues now and won't ever again.


Active Member
bugeye how would one go about switching if there are girls currently in the flower room? leave the lights on for 24 hours or let them sit in the dark for 24? thanks!!
Have you tried running the lights at night and keeping them off during the heat of day? That's the cheapest fix so might be worth trying if you haven't.
I ran a night cycle during flowering and had too keep door open last three weeks during light cycle at night to bring in cooler air with a fan. Planning on 18/6 cycle with dark from 1-7. Still need to figure out cooling solution.


Well-Known Member
bugeye & greenlikemoney so should i slowly change the time to night or just do the switch? i'm not following...sorry.
It probably doesn't make a huge difference. Extending your lights beyond 12 hours will make them revert back to vegging if you do it for a few days in a row. Just doing it once won't do much at all, maybe slow them down a little but shouldn't stress them into hermie. My personal preference would be to extend the dark period until you want to start your new light schedule. Slightly less stressful in my book, but just my opinion.

So I would probably do it all at once and just extend the dark period to get it done. So if you are running 6am to 6pm and want to reverse that, I would let the lights go off at 6pm and not turn them on again until 6pm the next day, off at 6am.


Well-Known Member
I am getting ready to take this F1 Brush Hog I have going that's in flowering now & send it back to either 24/24 or 18/6 I haven't decided that yet. ;) PIC_0832.JPG PIC_0850.JPG


Well-Known Member
and why is that may I ask :confused: lol been doing it for years now.. lol
it would freak me out at this stage! :-) experience makes one braver! from what i've read, the plants really look ugly for a while...i had a hard time trying uncle ben's technique for topping just because of the unknown. why are you reverting the brush hog you've got going?


Well-Known Member
I finished my first grow and am starting my second. New issues due to time of year. I have a framed in 6x6x9 room framed in my garage. Electrical added so plenty of outlets. I have two 600 watt hid mh/hps lights and have a 440 cfm fan and charcoal filter. Setup worked well until April. My garage is warming up and have bad heat issues when testing it. I bought a small 8000 btu air conditioner to help, thinking it would be plenty, but I was wrong. Cools room very fast while lights are off, but the HID lights are putting out too much heat still. Reached into 90's with AC, fans and lights on. Need advice. Bigger AC unit like 12000 btu? I have to vent 15' straight up through attic. Or do I have to move to cool tubes which I know nothing about. Help!
Before you buy a bigger AC unit....
The Garage ambient temp is what?
If it's above 75/80 f... you need to vent out the hot AC air inside garage also...
If it has a window, get a window exhaust fan, and run it 24/7 to cool the inside of garage also...
That will help [almost no cost] with the temp inside your grow box...
The air inside garage surrounds grow box...
I had same issue last year with my basement getting over 85 just outside the grow room... cooled ambient temp outside grow...
And inside temp went down also...
Try it...
Good Luck !


Well-Known Member
Well I can understand that.. Just saying though.. If you wanted to keep a strain that you have been flowering & dont have anymore seeds of its an option.. Here is also a Power Pie I had flowered all the way out, saved a few small popcorn buds on it, then back in re veg she went.. ;) Power Pie re vegging --> PIC_0939.JPG PIC_0995.JPG PIC_0994.JPG
it would freak me out at this stage! :-) experience makes one braver! from what i've read, the plants really look ugly for a while...i had a hard time trying uncle ben's technique for topping just because of the unknown. why are you reverting the brush hog you've got going?