Have you grown "Green Crack"? Answer this quick question.


Well-Known Member
How much stretch did you see, and when did it stop?

I'm not really experienced with Sativas, never liked them. My attitude promo gave me a ton of Sativa seeds and I didn't want them to go to waste so I planted them.
Only issue is I planted them with Indicas in the same area, I didn't realize or even see a problem till the last week of veg and first week of flower. My plant skyrocketed, like someone was injecting it with steroids and stem-cells.

I would just like to know how much stretch they do in flowering, 1-2 Ft? Maybe more? It's grown possibly a foot in a week or two, and it's climbing fast, so fast I had to switch out my MH/HPS combo for both MH/MH but even that isn't stopping it.

Nearly 5ft (Including pot)


Well-Known Member
LOL,,,,They can triple in size, breed dependent.
Super crop it!
I love sativa's.
I hate sativas because I'm bound to indoor growing. If I lived in CA, I would most likely grow nothing but sativas.
This wasn't what I wanted to hear either =[

Guess I'm going to supercrop both my green crack and sage n sour, they are nearly the same height (Green crack surpassed it a few days ago)
The problem is the sage n sour is a true sativa and has like 50 tops, they all stretch to the same height.
The green crack on the other hand, has a very distinct way of growing, it will not open its branches, they all grow STRAIGHT UP from the nodes, making them easier to control, and giving them a lot of light penetration.

Now if that wasn't problem enough, I'm in a 4x4 tent, 6 plants, and ALL have 4 tops each.
Either I'm gonna get diminishing returns on my yield, or I'm gonna have one mega harvest day.

Guess if anything I'm gonna have a lot of trim to turn into bubble hash!


Well-Known Member
Just started a GC a few weeks ago and I've been a little concerned at how much she is stretching right out of the gate. Went out and bought a new bulb as I figured I had light issues. Good to know that is just her nature. I started bending her stems just to try and slow her down a bit.


Well-Known Member
Just started a GC a few weeks ago and I've been a little concerned at how much she is stretching right out of the gate. Went out and bought a new bulb as I figured I had light issues. Good to know that is just her nature. I started bending her stems just to try and slow her down a bit.
You're going to have the same problem as me, so make sure you flip to flower before you can't handle it anymore, trust me.

I supercropped ALL my plants about 5-7 times in their 6 week veg. They are still 5ft, and are starting to grow taller than me, and on top of that, about 1-2ft from hitting the lights.


Well-Known Member
You're going to have the same problem as me, so make sure you flip to flower before you can't handle it anymore, trust me.

I supercropped ALL my plants about 5-7 times in their 6 week veg. They are still 5ft, and are starting to grow taller than me, and on top of that, about 1-2ft from hitting the lights.
She won't flower until late July/early August so I'll be topping and LSTing/supercropping to keep her in check. She'll move to a greenhouse with maybe 10' of vertical grow space so I'll be okay chopping her back if she really gets going. Learned the hard way that bud on the ceiling is not a good thing!


Well-Known Member
She won't flower until late July/early August so I'll be topping and LSTing/supercropping to keep her in check. She'll move to a greenhouse with maybe 10' of vertical grow space so I'll be okay chopping her back if she really gets going. Learned the hard way that bud on the ceiling is not a good thing!
Ha damn man, with a 10ft ceiling I would be having fun with that.
Buds on the ceiling though? Looks like you already had your fun lol.


Well-Known Member
In such a small area you might want to downsize plant count , canopy management as im sure you know is crucial & your indys are gonna get hammered if they share the light you gotta keep raising for the GC , and yes GC stretches out fast as fuk , my GC plants went up nearly 10 inches in about 36 hrs , they averaged about 2 inches per day & ended up 2.5 to 3.5 times the size before budding .


Well-Known Member
In such a small area you might want to downsize plant count , canopy management as im sure you know is crucial & your indys are gonna get hammered if they share the light you gotta keep raising for the GC , and yes GC stretches out fast as fuk , my GC plants went up nearly 10 inches in about 36 hrs , they averaged about 2 inches per day & ended up 2.5 to 3.5 times the size before budding .
Holy shit bro, excuse my language but 3.5x?
I don't think I'm ready for that, I don't have any extra room.

I wonder how bad of an effect the plant would take on if I cut the entire cola midway and let it heal 1 week into flower.

I'll also most likely trash my Gigabud, while its suppose to be Sativa, its showing 100% indica qualities, short, bushy, and slow growing in veg.
That will leave 4 plants, because one is also an auto that only has 2 weeks left.

The 4 remaining plants are all similar in height, about each plant is probably 6 inches off from the next, so the lowest plant is maybe 3.5ft, the tallest is maybe 4.5ft.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. not really to be honest. I get by lets say that. ;) most goes to me :) don't like any traffic @ all. Wouldn't want any of my neighbors complaining on me. know what I mean? * edit Sorry, its BBK.
Yea I know what you mean, better safe than sorry anyway.
The LED seems to be doing you justice though, I need to start crossing some strains to get he quality you do.
I assume you're in an area with cuts? Wish I had the opportunity, seeds are nice, but I wouldn't mind a proven clone only strain.


Well-Known Member
make my own cuts/clones ;) Each of the 60 strain I have kicked out this past winter has all been from seed. ;) Although I take cuts from most of the keepers. & continue working on & perfecting the genetics.
Yea I know what you mean, better safe than sorry anyway.
The LED seems to be doing you justice though, I need to start crossing some strains to get he quality you do.
I assume you're in an area with cuts? Wish I had the opportunity, seeds are nice, but I wouldn't mind a proven clone only strain.


Well-Known Member
make my own cuts/clones ;) Each of the 60 strain I have kicked out this past winter has all been from seed. ;) Although I take cuts from most of the keepers. & continue working on & perfecting the genetics.
Wish I had a friend like you in my area, we would be making some killer strains, I've been doing some research into breeding and also looking into crosses that haven't been done before, I want to make one killer strain that if taken to other states people would ask about that strain to see if they could get it again. Basically the type of strain that makes people think "What the fuck have I been smoking all these years if this is weed"

I haven't told a soul about me growing, if I did I would probably have found people in my area that do grow, because I'm in a very populated zone. Right now though I'm a lone solider, although I do happen to know a moderator on here, who happens to be very close by, I won't say who, I even know where he lives lol, but he doesn't know me. =[


Well-Known Member
I myself would love to be able to be a caregiver for someone. Its just something about seeing & working with these plants that so rewarding not only for the grower him/herself. But also for the patient as well. Makes me feel good knowing I contributed to helping someone elses life just a tad better for that day they had/have their med's. ;)
Wish I had a friend like you in my area, we would be making some killer strains, I've been doing some research into breeding and also looking into crosses that haven't been done before, I want to make one killer strain that if taken to other states people would ask about that strain to see if they could get it again. Basically the type of strain that makes people think "What the fuck have I been smoking all these years if this is weed"

I haven't told a soul about me growing, if I did I would probably have found people in my area that do grow, because I'm in a very populated zone. Right now though I'm a lone solider, although I do happen to know a moderator on here, who happens to be very close by, I won't say who, I even know where he lives lol, but he doesn't know me. =[


Well-Known Member
I myself would love to be able to be a caregiver for someone. Its just something about seeing & working with these plants that so rewarding not only for the grower him/herself. But also for the patient as well. Makes me feel good knowing I contributed to helping someone elses life just a tad better for that day they had/have their med's. ;)
I know what you mean, I'm trying to start documenting my grows from now on in some way. That way if I ever do try to be a caretaker I can show people what I'm capable of.
I feel the same way though, these plants are just exciting. It's also something about it that puts you in a place of zen when taking care of them, almost like their your children.
One day hopefully my state becomes legal or medical and I'm able to help people in my area, it would make me a happier person.


Well-Known Member
Ive found that sd cards work really well 4 this. well they do 4 me anyways. ;) I hear that.. I call mine my babies if that tells ya anything ;)
I know what you mean, I'm trying to start documenting my grows from now on in some way. That way if I ever do try to be a caretaker I can show people what I'm capable of.
I feel the same way though, these plants are just exciting. It's also something about it that puts you in a place of zen when taking care of them, almost like their your children.
One day hopefully my state becomes legal or medical and I'm able to help people in my area, it would make me a happier person.