Thinking of a new light ..

Mmmm..No..Ain't green ...
Gold ? With aluminium ?
They do not 'match' that good,I think ....

The color ,that I 'm thinking ...
Is kinda an 'ironic' ,for an all-white led fixture ...
I've just given you the biggest tip ,ever ....
...but con iron...+ nicquel....dont levitate well...;-) its only a joke... ...iron+nic...

red and blue + FC Barcelona stickers
white + FC Real Madrid stickers

only more jokes... deportiv jokes...
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Never seen before a pink led grow light ...
Hot pink ...
I was thinking something like yellow or orange ...

yellow all the way. put a ferrari emblem on it too:hump:.. The very first ferrari's were yellow thats why the background in the logo is yellow


or red, white and blue and put an Angels logo on it

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yellow all the way. put a ferrari emblem on it too:hump:.. The very first ferrari's were yellow thats why the background in the logo is yellow


or red, white and blue and put an Angels logo on it


Ugly ass angels logo? Nah......Phillies logo is way more classy and historical than those fly-by-night franchises:-P should do white and blue like the great P.S.U. and Greece.....just saying