Could anyone help me out gathering info on what would be needed to build my own COB grow light for a PC case? Rough dimensions are 40cm x 40cm x 18cm (HxLxW)
Could anyone help me out gathering info on what would be needed to build my own COB grow light for a PC case? Rough dimensions are 40cm x 40cm x 18cm (HxLxW)
Ahh only 1 cob? I think I may have the measurements wrong so it may be a bit bigger than that, its basically a gaming PC case so quite a bit bigger than your normal PC tower.
Ahh only 1 cob? I think I may have the measurements wrong so it may be a bit bigger than that, its basically a gaming PC case so quite a bit bigger than your normal PC tower.
If you are going to use 2 cobs make sure you get a driver that is dimmable because yes it could be overkill very easily. Each cob can easily cover a 1 foot by 1 foot area. 40cm in height is only 15 inches which isnt very much room for a plant to grow. If i were you i would definitely go with a bigger space to grow in. Are you trying to grow 1 plant in there? Because that would probably be the world record for smallest weed plant lol. You will need to keep your cob at least 6 to 10 inches away from your plant depending on how many milliamps your pushing that cob. What kind of cob and driver were you looking at?
So many light build info posts in this thread, is there a template standard for say 500-1000w?
Has anyone determined a basic number of red LED, blue LED, and what kelvin kind is the most practical, with what driver arrangement?
I wouldn't be reluctant to build something if it was pretty straightforward.
I looked at drivers from an electronics supplier and thousands came up. Knowing the electrical 'language' would've been helpful...
The above link is a great intro to design and build of DIY Led lights. When I built mine, I was concerned that cpu coolers wouldn't be sufficient for cooling. Running 1400 ma through my citizen 048 1212 (gen 6) gives me about 50 watts each cob. And heat is not an issue. If you have old coolers and thermal paste laying around, it's pretty inexpensive and quite effective. Course now the strips are the rage (for good reason), but last years tech is always the cost effective way to go.