Killing Oil Prices

and now to show off my crap , sry its not as pretty as your oil goddess and oilmkr




that is textbook color and texture. I'm guessing it's not pure co2? Use of co-solvents?
RSO from ethanol isn't nowhere near as good as co2 and ethanol, that is a known fact. Naptha oil is gross. The shit I post is not even coffee filtered, just raw blast from my vessel and evaporated off. Raw BDS, no winterizing, pre decarboxylated prior to extraction, w plenty of top note to spare. R&R your so modest too!
R&R, learn supercritical water, since its in more abundance than co2 and just as eco friendly. It's tunable through the temperatures ranging from ethanol-hexane and everything in between. 3,200psi 374C. Its fucking hot, but your automated so wtf?
GG- Do you decarb your oil when you make your juice?

Also I hear you on the RSO. Ive never made rso myself but recently I have been doing quick washes, then decarbing the oil, then I suck it up into a syringe and inject the oil into veggie capsules my local health food store sells. one full hash pill is more then enough to lay someone out. at lower doses it does a great job of relieving pain, anxiety, and causes a very mellow sense of overall well being. the first time my girlfriend took one of the hash pills i filled it a little too much, and she was literally acting like she had taken a strong hallucinogen. could barely talk, looked mad confused all the time, and was breathing really heavily. the next morning when she woke up she told me she felt like she was going to have a heart attack, i think she had a panic attack tho from too strong of an dose. we have since found a proper dosage for her and she loves taking small doses at night after a long day.

I use decarbed and non decarbed oil in my juice for vaporizing. It is like comparing sativa to indica. I think a lot of people would prefer the non decarbed (QWISO). It is more of an instant buzz. In my experience, they are equally as potent as long as the decarbing process was done to perfection. In other words, not over heating during the decarbing process.

I went through a similar experience as your friend. That happened to me with a batch of RSO that I super long soaked. I just wanted to see what it was like. Not my preferred type of buzz in regards to the long soak. Something about long soaking put me to my knees, literally! I crawled to bed. Laying in bed, non stop having panic attacks. That was a bad trip. I don't long soak anything any more.

Everybody is different as well as every strain is different. Even if a person has a high tolerance to smoking. I highly recommend to start off taking very small doses of RSO.

I have made other oils where I can eat larger quantities of it without anxiety or panic attacks. Especially when the oil is freshly made. It is not fully decarbed and high in THCa. It is a very comfortable and not nearly as intense. However, with that same oil, 6 weeks later, it could be way stronger from naturally decarbing. I have noticed a difference in just 24 hours after the oil has been purged and stored. The potency has increased. Then I will keep taking the oil (maintenance doses) and anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, boom! the oil suddenly doubled in potency and knocks me on my butt! It forces me to reduce my dose size. I don't really consider my oil done until it naturally cures in about 6 weeks.

In my opinion, if you try to force it all to decarb with heat, you will cause more damage than good.
RSO from ethanol isn't nowhere near as good as co2 and ethanol, that is a known fact. Naptha oil is gross. The shit I post is not even coffee filtered, just raw blast from my vessel and evaporated off. Raw BDS, no winterizing, pre decarboxylated prior to extraction, w plenty of top note to spare. R&R your so modest too!

It is beyond my comprehension why someone would decarb the buds before making oil with them.

For me to do so would be very wasteful.

If what you say is true about your finished product not being refined, that is very impressive. I must say, it sure does look refined to me.
RSO from ethanol isn't nowhere near as good as co2 and ethanol, that is a known fact. Naptha oil is gross. The shit I post is not even coffee filtered, just raw blast from my vessel and evaporated off. Raw BDS, no winterizing, pre decarboxylated prior to extraction, w plenty of top note to spare. R&R your so modest too!

I thought you had no interest in the RSO.
How do you plan to use your oil?
RSO, is pretty bunk. I don't like it since Ive been spoiled by co2 concentrate. The wives tales are very true and the best stuff I have ever tried. So now I have no desire to puff on anything but the best. So co2 oil made from trimmings is about the worst case scenario I blaze on. When you know better, you wont waste time w $2.00 co-solvents(isopropyl) and this is why, isopropyl is a denaturing product that evaporates at exactly the same temperature as ethanol. That means all the alcohol must be evaporated and no residues should be left unlike the residues left from food grade ethanol. Those residues are just water and since its made for human consumption at worst case scenario, if ingested would be a little tipsy. The alcohols are so way different, once the comparison is made, nobody in their right mind would go back to something deemed substandard, or fake dab. Looks like the real thing, but when dabbed out the crackpipe, it leaves no resinous trace a dab had just been taken. Ethanol on the other hand leaves the oil w body and texture, when dabbed from the crackpipe it leaves the oil well preserved, and obvious a dab was just taken.
It is beyond my comprehension why someone would decarb the buds before making oil with them.

For me to do so would be very wasteful.

If what you say is true about your finished product not being refined, that is very impressive. I must say, it sure does look refined to me.
It's because co2 has such a high selectivity for nano-particles and micro-particles. It's truly the shit. I hate coffee filtering the product due to losses. At times, an ice plug forms and then it dislodges and causes a blow out of plant matter. If that happens, filtration is a must. Sinster funnels baby work way better than coffee filters. When you say refined, you mean activated charcoal and diatomaceous earth? Perhaps a fractionating column? What do you mean refined? To decarboxylate prior to extraction means from that point on, you can have the lower heat and vacuum practices applied. Ignoring that will keep the acid forms in tack, meaning it won't metabolize into a hydroxy11 vs a delta9 if eaten. Goes right through you leaving you wondering if you even feel its effects. The cannabinoids are also a bit easier to extract since there isn't a moisture content protecting these fatty acids of methyl esters from non-polar solvents. Not an issue if ethanol is used, but butane kind of doesn't do as well as decarboxylating first.
No this is not chemistry, so learning chemistry won't teach much about SCFE or it's principle guidelines. I never took a chem class, yet supersede many people who happen to major in chemistry if we were to put fourth our best efforts. It's not me doing better work, it's the solvent working harder than I. I just decide it's conditions and tuning up the co2 properly. So blasting a can of butane is also not chemistry, it's gross common knowledge trying to replicate real honey oil for people who don't have a pot to piss in. So you guys rave on and on about how pretty your product looks, but you don't have to cough to get off. It seems the area butane takes the bout, harshness.
Why is the thread named as such? Because it's cheaper to produce this product than butane extracts. Because it's so much better, you guys won't believe me until you try it, so wtf you waiting for? Fear of the unknown scares most cowards, but I don't live my life in fear. Of being shown up, of someone doing better work, or someone trying to tell me patent infringements. Eat a dick if you think for a second JYNdustry is going to scare me into stopping something I was doing well before he got the idea to patent a process nobody w ½ a brain would ever rely on as their exclusive way to make oil. Thats outrageous. Go back to the drawing board, think conscience methods beyond the scope of I can see the yield and perhaps done w far less plant matter, and your on your way. Wasted money patenting a passive co2 extraction and not having any idea what the competition is doing and claiming infringed patents is fuckin hilarious to me! Have one of your investors take a lesson to see just how different and forward thinking I got this beast to be. No chance Jason, in dabbers challenge nor in any patent court as I would represent myself and beat your well financed, but under schooled team of investors get embarrassed out the courthouse.
where do you come up with this stuff man?
I feel like it's kind of getting worse?
I worry about you mkr
here I thought an oilmakr thread was actually starting to go somewhere. He was talking sane, posted us a few shots that we have been waiting for for ever. Then he posts those last two responses. Uggghh
That dude who was coming from up north, flaked on me. It turns out he got stopped by the pigs in Bakersfield, claiming the DA was pursuing conspiracy to manufacture. I haven't heard from him since. So I did some research on the dude and he was affiliated w an investment company in Texas, where Jason resides. He called me out for a bogus wax challenge, in efforts to warn me of his patents and for me to stop selling my equipment. If I didn't, he was going to pursue me for patent infringements, yet no numbers checked out. So my response is FUCK YOU take my ass to court if you feel that froggy, then jump. Since I was aware of his process, Ive done that same type of extraction and must say, I never went that route due to small yields. So that methodology was ditched for more efficient ways to skin a cat. I had altered my methods for two things, the yield along w potency and where the fine line is as not to cross it. So my point is this was most likely just a ploy to find out my where a bouts. So they have nothing but people who were willing to accept cash for days of rented space. So understand I am pissed off at his desperate attempts to cash out. Just cause it has a patent doesn't make it a good idea, it was just a good idea for the patent office to generate revenue. So he's trying, but barking up the wrong tree. So I ask him to bring it. Graywolf will be in my area in the near future 3-6 weeks or so, where we will meet for tea and cookies. I will gift him some honey oil, where at that time I will be either bone fide or laughed at and seen as a joke. So kit gray wolf, fadedawg.
It is beyond my comprehension why someone would decarb the buds before making oil with them.

For me to do so would be very wasteful.

If what you say is true about your finished product not being refined, that is very impressive. I must say, it sure does look refined to me.
Here is my complete set up. Where would the refining take place? From the vessel, to the ISO2, then to the VWR for purging. It's a Raw BDS and hasn't been fractionated by temperature in a column and collected. Note the 1,1,1 trichloroethane along w the touch screen programmable logic controller? One huge separation from jyndustry, but not the only area that differs. So come get your patent infringement sukafish.
Okay omkr, that is three insults, three strikes, the gloves come off!

RIU said they are not taking this anymore, well it has been a while and your BS has been left up. So, I am going to speak freely.

Let's get to insult #1: you invite me over to review a perverted comment made in an inappropriate place on another thread. I let that slide. You PM me after the fact just in case I might have been offended. Then you come up with this shit?

#2: you say RSO is bunk period, so in turn you are calling my oil bunk. You have not earned any place on any forum that I am aware of to even make that statement. You haven't even come close to being able to make that statement. Really, the way I see it, you are a wannabe.

#3: Suckafish! really? just for asking a valid question? for submitting a query as to if your oil was refined? That could be taken as a complement, especially if it is not. I can't see how that would be taken as an insult. Just for scientific reasons, to learn. I guess you are the loser, not I.

I asked because I wanted to see how you would respond. Which, based upon your response, well that confirmed everything I needed to know. You are a jerk, fruit loop, bi-polar maybe? If you had a quality oil, your response should have been one of two things, if your oil is in fact not refined, winterized, polished, filtered, any thing like that (which you do seem to know quite a lot about). Which would not be preformed using your extraction set up pictured.

First expected response would have been something to do with pressure, heat or lack of, timing, other things I cannot even think of.

Then, maybe I would have been more eager to try your method.

You do own a freezer, yes? I bet you own a few other things that are not in the picture. So what is the point of the picture? What did that really prove? Oh, by the way, you are obviously not too educated about patents either or did you put up that picture deliberately? Now nobody can patent it.

The other logical response would have been the color is due to the strain that was used, as even I know, different strains react differently to extractions. I have a strain, blueberry jam, that oil made from it looks just like yours without any refining. I have decided not to use it due to the green. You can't really see the clear green tint in this picture.
QWISO BBJ 190  SVD 12-12-13 031.jpg
Nice plant too, sad to see it go, but it just won't do.

It is obvious that you have never tried quality RSO. I can understand somebody not wanting it because it does not fit into their lifestyle because it is too potent and long lasting, again, when made correctly.

Still smoking your oil eh? Or should I call it disintegrating? I must admit, the threads name is correct.

How dare you say that I haven't the guts to try something new? I have tried a lot more "new" than you, I am sure of that. I watched the Run From the Cure video and I donated out about a 1/2 pound of oil in a three year period. That equals out to be about 56 ounces of premium buds, the cream of my crops. Then you tell me I don't have the guts to take a little risk? I am willing to take more risk than what you can imagine. I do find it very difficult to bring myself to take any risk from the words you speak since more than half of them I see as false.

Suckafish? Sorry punk, you insulted me and my oil. If I were insulting your oil, I would have referred to it as looking like a refined little pee puddle! :P

Let me show you what I'll be sucking on. No combustion for this gal, vaporizing or ingesting only.

QWISO, mix of 4 strains.
QWISO 4 strains mixed 4-2-14 036.jpg

Over 30 grams of straight QWISO, 4 strains. It will have to last another two months, but I do have back up.
QWISO High Grade 30 grams 4-18-14 007.jpg

Grow up little man, there are big boys and girls out there!
Grow goddess that comment wasn't directed towards you. I'm sorry it came off that way. My apologies and it was meant to Jason as he was claiming my methods were patent infringements. He was serious, as am I, but not towards you.I didn't mean for you to take it as if you were who I am talking about, so everyone I am asking Jason to jump if he feels froggy. No offense, but RSO does suck ass. Don't believe me, follow the methods w no substitutions and see why it's called bunk. Its not like your Rick Simpson standing up for gay rights or anything. But if I whip on potent ass bho and turned my nose up to it when I discovered the magic w co2. Separates classes w ease, thus making me a snob only wanting the best. Next thing I would like to clear up is pictures don't prove shit. From the pictures no one can say which piece of equipment is down right now. The clarity of extracts or aesthetics is not important to me vs the potency, taste and yield being a higher priority. Lots of my oil comes out creamy black and in person people are like $50 a gram for that? At that point its put up or shut up, so they can always see what the high price is all about. The revolving door is spent on equipment, solvents, and material to have a generally well medicated patient. It's not disputed from then on. Everyone is fond of my wax, but nobody likes my prices. Solution was targeting like minded people who appreciate the finer things in life and if it costs more, so be it.
Hey murder,
I'll make my way to a computer tomorrow, I can't delete messages on my phone with the new site layout..Will like when I do..