The forbidden TRUTH

He will not grow tired or weary- Isaiah 40::28 This is because this is after creation, GOD will never create ALL creation again. So therefore "He will not grow tired or weary" this is the second time I explained this to you.

Here is a video of some demonic activity above the Jerusalem the Dome of the Rock.
LOL.... what a guy! I find it amusing that you think that YOU can somehow interpret the bible "as it was meant to be" lol....

What about the other 107 contradictions I posted?
What I find baffling is anyone claiming they know what God wants, intends, thinks or anything of that sort. How can an imperfect being (human) understand a perfect being (God)? How can any person be so arrogant as to say THEY are the one who understands God?

Take any object in front of you, a pen, a blade of grass, a spec of dirt, and tell me that you completely understand it, it's makeup, it's purpose, it's origin etc. I will venture a wild guess and say you can't, all of these things are finite, imperfect (some will say they are perfect in their imperfection, this is beside the point). So if we can't understand these very "simple" things, how can we understand anything of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent entity.

I know what the word of GOD has shown me, and what GOD has revealed to me which is not a comparison to what the Master Creator know's for GOD know's all. When one states " I know GOD" they mean I know GOD in a relationship, not know what GOD knows.
I'm a couple of pages back, still a bit to catch up on, but thought I might pitch in...agin....

The lord's prayer....

Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy will be done..... hang on.... who's will? So I'm free to do as he wishes. That kind of erodes my 'freedom' in the situation. And to use my own will freely, and for it to be my own choice and not just a carbon copy of god's will, it would have to be different. And probably punishable. So it's try and mimic god or be damned.
And.... god let's children get murdered and abused by not stopping it and then supposedly punishing the offender. Of course, in reality, most of the abused become abusers to some degree, so god might like to adjust his policy here a little. It seems a little..... standoffish to let it perpetuate.

Also, while I'm barely contributing here, if Jesus knew he was the son of god, and was a jew, and was kind of right about most things.... doesn't that just make being non-jewish wrong? God's son was a jew. Sent here to sort us all out, and then loads of people abandon Judaism in favour of their new fangled religion? Dunno, but seems like someone messed up there...

Righty, back to page 15 to catch up...

The LORD's prayer is a prayer said to worship GOD, when one states "Thy will will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven" One is stating I will do your will LORD, because you are worshiping the GOD. You are free to do anything, but GOD made laws. Just like America has laws (except ALL GOD's Laws are righteous) just because people don't kill people in America doesn't mean we are not free? These laws are for a reason to protect one another. GOD doesn't just let people get killed he sends people to Hell, for a eternity, which is more then we can ever fathom. We have free will so One can decide to be a serial killer and go to HELL, but that's where one would go. Because the event actually happened and GOD says this is just punishment. (I'm sure being murdered is a really really bad experience) But GOD gave made a sojourn will, and will let you decide if you agree with those laws and won't stop you. Punish you, but not stop you. Freewill, baffling...

First, there are too different definitions of a "JEW" First there is the Definitions of the People who live there, it's the capital of Israel. Now Israel is the people that the LORD freed from Egypt, Abraham's descendants. There Kings include King Sal from the HOLY BIBLE, King David the one who killed the nephilim giant from the HOLY BIBLE. Davids son Solomon from Solomon's Testament that got removed from the HOLY BIBLE, Now the whole record of Israel goes Back to the Time of Adam the first man, It's the Old Testament. Until Jesus Christ that's all that was Holy scripture. ( Note Book of Enoch was in HOLY BIBLE at the time read JUDE)

People who followed the Laws of the HOLY BIBLE were called "JEWS" because it was the people of Israel who had the Word of GOD. When Jesus Christ the messiah which the scripture spoke of GOD's son arrived on Earth through the Virgin he was considered a Jew because he follows the scripture of the Israel Scribes. However the Jewish priest killed Jesus which was meant to happen, but until this day the deny he is the Son of GOD and wait for another, they believe half of the HOLY BIBLE.
LOL.... what a guy! I find it amusing that you think that YOU can somehow interpret the bible "as it was meant to be" lol....

What about the other 107 contradictions I posted?

LOL if you use complete sentences so I can address your question instead of posting things that happen out of order and context,
I am more then happy to show you how wrong this website you said you got this information off is telling you blasphemous lies.
Guys, ghostdriver is Neveah! Think about it, the trolling style, the seeming lack of comprehension, and now he's posting pro-christian videos along with ufo videos. Plus, Neveah hasn't posted since this joker started. Good going, George! That was a lot of fun, you are the best at what you do, you sly dog ;)

Lol, youre funny.

I dont have any sock puppets. I only use one username at a time.

Remember when RIU shut down a few weeks ago? I got bored and started to blog on a different forum. There are mostly Christians that I am preaching to, on that site.

Plus RIU isnt working on My smartphone good either. RIU has some problems, as far as My smartphone goes. I dont even know how to play videos on RIU now.

I preached to RIU for over a year and no one believes in Me because I talk to mostly Beef and Tyler, both Atheists. The Atheists dont want to listen to a Person claiming to be Christ.

Anyways, Heisenberg said that I cant preach about My Christ complex, so that kind of turned Me off from posting more; because all I want to talk about is why Im Christ.

Im not mad at any one person on RIU, its just that I dont get very good responses to the things I post. From being on RIU, I have come to appreciate Atheists more, because, to be candid, there isnt too much evidence for Jesus OR God.

By the way, I am NOT GhostDriver.

Since RIU isnt working properly on My smartphone, and Heisenberg said I cant talk about My Christ complex, you guys might not read Me as much. I am going to be doing the majority of My posting on different sites.

It is what it is.

I do hope to be reading your posts from time to time though. The thing is this: I have been posting on RIU for over a year and no one cares about Me. I need to spread My Message to other people too.

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I was wondering where he was lol...

Ive been blogging on a different website.

Maybe I will get some believers on the other site, lol.

P.S. I also noticed that Beef changed his name to Ceepea, lol. Its still good old Beef to Me. I can tell by the way he writes and the things he talks about.

Beefbisquit= Ceepea.


Ohh yeah, and I asked Ghostdriver to try and prove the living Christ, but he didnt respond to Me either. Ghostdriver likes to not answer all the questions, lol.

I inquired into your 'disciple' program a while back and never heard back. it was disappointing but I'm over it. Maybe riu is like me and just not ready to take that big first step.

stay real

Shit's gettin deep now mofo's. lol
I inquired into your 'disciple' program a while back and never heard back. it was disappointing but I'm over it. Maybe riu is like me and just not ready to take that big first step.

stay real

Shit's gettin deep now mofo's. lol

I dont check My PMs anymore, if you sent Me a Personal Message.

I figure, it takes Me a long time to "type" out a response on My smartphone, and I would rather do public messages because I dont have anything to hide.

I dont need "disciples" anyways, I need witnesses that will advocate for Me AFTER I die. I could use some advocates while Im alive, but its all good.

I know the Truth, and I know that I have loads more evidence then Jesus does, plus, its a true story and I dont need to prove anything to anyone. I am telling My true story from the eye Witness point of view, and I am way more credible then any ~2,000 year old author.

But you might be right, the world isnt ready for Me yet. Or at least, the people Ive talked to are not ready for Me.

-Fallen Angel activity. What do you think of these three video's Ceepea
Sky trumpets are acoustic gravity waves. Already discussed this.

If you can't get the gist from point form, that's your problem not mine. The information has been presented to you, I've done my task. If you choose to make excuses as to why you're not going to respond that's your prerogative.

My points will remain in this thread for anyone to read, unresponded to.

As for the "UFO's" they're fake videos. A 2 second search yielded me these results. Try to disprove what you believe sometime, instead of just gobbling up whatever anyone posts on youtube.
Ive been blogging on a different website.

Maybe I will get some believers on the other site, lol.

P.S. I also noticed that Beef changed his name to Ceepea, lol. Its still good old Beef to Me. I can tell by the way he writes and the things he talks about.

Beefbisquit= Ceepea.


Ohh yeah, and I asked Ghostdriver to try and prove the living Christ, but he didnt respond to Me either. Ghostdriver likes to not answer all the questions, lol.

Yes. Yes I am.

Already posted this a few times.
I know what the word of GOD has shown me, and what GOD has revealed to me which is not a comparison to what the Master Creator know's for GOD know's all. When one states " I know GOD" they mean I know GOD in a relationship, not know what GOD knows.

You're just a different colour of crazy....

There are Jews, Muslims, Buddhist etc. that all claim their religion is the on, true religion, and that they have spoke with god...... you're no different than any other delusional nutcase, from any other delusional nutcase religion.
You're just a different colour of crazy....

There are Jews, Muslims, Buddhist etc. that all claim their religion is the on, true religion, and that they have spoke with god...... you're no different than any other delusional nutcase, from any other delusional nutcase religion.

Did I not explain the contradictions and illogical things behind pagan religions? Or show you signs? Have I not answered everyone of your question? Have I not told you how to experience these things for yourself? Yes, Yes I have. Also I am not, nor do I even know who this Nevaeh you accused me of being is. Also that link saying those fallen angels aren't real because it was only 15 feet in length is ignorant. They don't need to be the size of a human aircraft they are fallen Angels. Here is that guys website he explains that he is able to make a similar video, which isn't similar at ALL! LOL If you watch it the light in the original is constantly transforming shape. And he also mentions how eye witness saw this not just the people who recorded it.

So wrong again, your quick internet search has failed you again. also Ceepea what about this

Well this is why
I have so much more to show and type later about the approaching judgement time coming. I'm going to go brook and brown trout fishing today, The things you claim are evolving into Humans! LOL
While i'm gone ask me questions about the HOLY BIBLE which you claim are contradictions in complete sentences, so I can understand you LOL and I will gladly answer your questions that you seem unwilling to take the time to answer for yourself.
Prove Jesus Christ? you mean besides all the HOLY SCRIPTURE, that I have proven is authentic, and besides showing you videos. And besides having this truth, which is indeed the truth, be the only thing that is logical and possible? And besides the fact AT ANY TIME if one chooses to actually seek the TRUTH to seek GOD they would experience first hand the communication of the ALMIGHTY AND LORD CHIRST. Yes I know this would require one to follow the Laws of GOD which clearly you hate or you would being doing them anyway, and would have experienced these things for yourself.
I've followed this thread from the beginning. I've found it interesting. I'm a bit disappointed that you question my Perfect relationship with god, but I suspect that's down to you having your head stuck up your arse.
Just so you know:

You spout an awful lot of shit
Your 'proof' fits into the category above
You've attracted a handful of people who can be bothered to read and refute said shit.
The reason nobody is really asking you anything you can answer properly is because of the amount of shit you talk
Nobody has stepped up to back you because everybody knows your full of shit
You have no christian supporters of your strange ramblings, at least none prepared to buy into it publicly. And look foolish. Like you do.
I'm pretty sure vanity is low on God's list of desirable assets, and your 'head in the ass cock sureness' is one of the most blatant displays of vanity and ego I've seen on this site.

If you ever decide to recount you tales of demons, sleep paralysis and other supernatural occurrence, I would really genuinely like to be privy to them. I'm sure they would be fascinating and informative.

At the moment you are nothing but a failed preacher arguing badly with people who think you are full of shit. in fucking Hard Mode.

I'm sooooooo over it. Outta here. Peace.
God and I have an agreement. I don't bother him and in return he leaves me alone to get on with my shit. I think he'd be annoyed if I spent my all to short and precious time on anything but leading my 'good' life. Well, I'm 'good enough' for myself and family anyhoo.
And that is as deep as I'm ever likely to get on RIU. Now I'm off to T&T to post rubbish for a change... Peas out
I told you that you were wrong with no insults, doing SIN is not acceptable by anyone. And doing sin more then "bothers" GOD, it makes GOD furious. No one has a free pass to sin. I also stated over and over how my sin is greater then any two people combined here. Sometimes I will say something ignorant or sarcastic this happened to me the other night, I am not perfect but when I sin now, it is a complete accident and I seek repentance immediately. Which GOD will forgive, but when one willingly defiles himself with sin purposely, and continues to go against GOD's Laws purposely, that is the path of destruction. So by everything I have said about me being a filthy sinner, I fail to see the Vanity. I Love you, I hope you gained some wisdom from this thread.
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I told you that you were wrong with no insults, and I stated over and over how my sin is greater then any two people combined here. I fail to see the Vanity.
Yeah. I'm wrong because you're right. And you didn't insult me, which is nice. But you believe what I say as much as I believe what you say.
Didn't particularly intend to insult you, but I do believe that your belief in your own 'rightness' pretty much equates to vanity in the extreme. anyway. Carry on, let me know when you're ready with the demon experiences. I really am interested there.