I'm a couple of pages back, still a bit to catch up on, but thought I might pitch in...agin....
The lord's prayer....
Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy will be done..... hang on.... who's will? So I'm free to do as he wishes. That kind of erodes my 'freedom' in the situation. And to use my own will freely, and for it to be my own choice and not just a carbon copy of god's will, it would have to be different. And probably punishable. So it's try and mimic god or be damned.
And.... god let's children get murdered and abused by not stopping it and then supposedly punishing the offender. Of course, in reality, most of the abused become abusers to some degree, so god might like to adjust his policy here a little. It seems a little..... standoffish to let it perpetuate.
Also, while I'm barely contributing here, if Jesus knew he was the son of god, and was a jew, and was kind of right about most things.... doesn't that just make being non-jewish wrong? God's son was a jew. Sent here to sort us all out, and then loads of people abandon Judaism in favour of their new fangled religion? Dunno, but seems like someone messed up there...
Righty, back to page 15 to catch up...