Schuylaar's Sesh - The Smart Gun Is Already Here Read It And Weep..

he wasn't born jewish, big difference.

kynes, why are you so lazy? post #45:

How many times will your sources have to be revealed to be utterly full of shit for you to finally realize that you just might be a very very poor judge of information and a very easily duped sheep?

Do you really think guns kill more people than heart disease?

According to the CDC, over 600,000 people die each year from heart disease in the US alone, yet you willfully and ignorantly think guns kill more.

I suppose the New England Journal of medicine is a republican outfit; will be your next defensive strategy to try and save whatever shred of integrity you have left.
kynes, why are you so lazy? post #45:
According to data from emergency
departments in the 66 hospitals in the
National Electronic Injury Surveillance
System All-Injury Program, an estimated
73 505 people of all ages were treated
for nonfatal firearm-related injuries in
US hospital emergency departments in
2010, among them 15 576 children and
adolescents younger than 20 years.

Of those, 6236 (40%) required hospitali-
zation for their injuries. Adolescents 15
to 19 years of age had nonfatal firearm
injury rates nearly 3 times that of the
general population (62.9 vs 23.9 per
100 000).

Most (79%) of the nonfatal
injuries to adolescents were attributable
to assault, and assault-related
injuries were responsible for 84.5% of

footnote1, the 'source" for the above "statistics" for 2010:

. National Center for Injury Prevention and
Control, US Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Web-Based Injury Statistics Query
& Reporting System (WISQARS) Injury Mor-
tality Reports, 1999–2009, for national,
regional, and states (May, 2012). Available
injury_reports.html. Accessed June 8, 2012


so the injury&mortality rates from only 66 participating hospitals between 1999 and 2009 is the "source" for the claimed nationwide statistics for 2010...

and even then 79% of the injuries were the result of criminal assault.

your story is full of shit, and i had to dig up the actual source myself, which was NOT what you claimed.

and i'm the one who is lazy?
How many times will your sources have to be revealed to be utterly full of shit for you to finally realize that you just might be a very very poor judge of information and a very easily duped sheep?

Do you really think guns kill more people than heart disease?

According to the CDC, over 600,000 people die each year from heart disease in the US alone, yet you willfully and ignorantly think guns kill more.

I suppose the New England Journal of medicine is a republican outfit; will be your next defensive strategy to try and save whatever shred of integrity you have left.

ahh but how many "children" between the ages of 0 and 19 die from heart disease or cancer?

if you focus on the population least likely to get cancer or have a heart attack you can make the already dubious numbers dance.

thats why the left loves autistic-level overly specific stats narrowly tailored to suit their agenda.

the fact remains, the stas claimed were not real, merely extrapolations form 66 participating hospitals between 1999 and 2009 to fabricate a very creative number for 2010
most of the people I know who are all about guns are the pussies who got picked on in high school
You must know a lot of people. I don't know a single person who is "all about" guns, and I have 1893 friends according to my FB. Hell I got a ton of friends here on RIU and still haven't met this mystical gun owner you talk about who is "All about" guns.
most of the people I know who are all about guns are the pussies who got picked on in high school
most of the people i know who try to link everything to the high school experience, and blame all the world's troubles on "bullying" are weenie little pansies who havent gotten over the wedgies swirlies and and melvins they brought upon themselves by being OBNOXIOUS DORKS.
most of the people i know who try to link everything to the high school experience, and blame all the world's troubles on "bullying" are weenie little pansies who havent gotten over the wedgies swirlies and and melvins they brought upon themselves by being OBNOXIOUS DORKS.

Weird, in my experience the bullying pretty much stops after grade school doesn't it? I am sure there a re a few uncivilized folks of the high school level who might bully someone occasionally, but in retrospect it ends pretty quickly as people grow up.
I'm just saying when I was in school there was always those shitty little troll kids who did weird shit for attention and now they're shitty troll adults...with guns! who are always posting on facebook about guns this, and 2nd amendment that... just waiting for the chance to shoot somebody and get back at all those girls who would never date them and all the guys who would make fun of them.
I'm just saying when I was in school there was always those shitty little troll kids who did weird shit for attention and now they're shitty troll adults...with guns! who are always posting on facebook about guns this, and 2nd amendment that... just waiting for the chance to shoot somebody and get back at all those girls who would never date them and all the guys who would make fun of them.
so the only people you know are dylan klebold and eric harris?
I'm just saying when I was in school there was always those shitty little troll kids who did weird shit for attention and now they're shitty troll adults...with guns! who are always posting on facebook about guns this, and 2nd amendment that... just waiting for the chance to shoot somebody and get back at all those girls who would never date them and all the guys who would make fun of them.

i have a buddy like that too. he got into guns big time after getting robbed at gun point. says he needs a gun now.

but he told me that the gun was in his face before he had any chance to react. i asked him what good having a gun would have done him at that point. that kinda made him flip his lid.

had to block him on FB because of how incredibly annoying he was getting with the whole guns/rawn pawl/libertarianism is so awesome stuff. and that's usually the type of thing i like to troll.
most of the people i know who try to link everything to the high school experience, and blame all the world's troubles on "bullying" are weenie little pansies who havent gotten over the wedgies swirlies and and melvins they brought upon themselves by being OBNOXIOUS DORKS.

aren't you middle aged, barely cracking min wage, and living with your mother (and 8 other family members) currently?
I'm just saying when I was in school there was always those shitty little troll kids who did weird shit for attention and now they're shitty troll adults...with guns! who are always posting on facebook about guns this, and 2nd amendment that... just waiting for the chance to shoot somebody and get back at all those girls who would never date them and all the guys who would make fun of them.

What shitty school did you go to? Weird kids doing things for attention all own guns now? The world really isn't like that. 2 out of 3 people own a firearm in this country. Most of them own a firearm for sporting purposes, rarely is the only reason somneone owns a firearm so that they can kill someone when the opportunity presents itself. Wanting the ability to defend yourself is not the same thing.
What shitty school did you go to? Weird kids doing things for attention all own guns now? The world really isn't like that. 2 out of 3 people own a firearm in this country. Most of them own a firearm for sporting purposes, rarely is the only reason somneone owns a firearm so that they can kill someone when the opportunity presents itself. Wanting the ability to defend yourself is not the same thing.

do you have any friends on facebook who will, unprompted, show pictures of their 7-8 handguns in just about any thread about any topic at least 3-4 times a week, to people who have seen them over and over again?

i used to.
What shitty school did you go to? Weird kids doing things for attention all own guns now? The world really isn't like that. 2 out of 3 people own a firearm in this country. Most of them own a firearm for sporting purposes, rarely is the only reason somneone owns a firearm so that they can kill someone when the opportunity presents itself. Wanting the ability to defend yourself is not the same thing.
to a lefty who doesnt understand anything but his own narrow world view all guns are tools of violence and oppression, suitable only for use by lawer infurcement professionals and deranged lefties who discover teenagers skinny dipping in their pool...

do you have any friends on facebook who will, unprompted, show pictures of their 7-8 handguns in just about any thread about any topic at least 3-4 times a week, to people who have seen them over and over again?

i used to.

I see people do that with their homes, cars, children, families, pets, you name it, all the fucking time, I mean like millions of times per day.

What is your point?

That people like their belongings?

This is the USA, home of the Consumer after all.
I see people do that with their homes, cars, children, families, pets, you name it, all the fucking time, I mean like millions of times per day.

What is your point?

That people like their belongings?

This is the USA, home of the Consumer after all.

you must have some weird friends then.

i have seen people post pics of their pets, maybe their kids, but not so often or so belligerently.