Just curious, how long did it take for the police to get to your house?
The next day, about 10 hours since I was not in immediate danger.
Just curious, how long did it take for the police to get to your house?
The next day, about 10 hours since I was not in immediate danger.
Ill admit that im part of the equation. I dont make the right decision ALL of the time.
Im not level headed %100 of the time. Just like everbody else....
introducing a gun into my life is just one more negative variable that I don't need. It's all about risk vs reward for me.
you can continue with your snide remarks and obvious misdirection. I'm kinda over this thread anyway.
this discredited "study" was not a "study" but rather, the talking points at a symposium.A subsequent Kellermann-led study identified both fatal and nonfatal injuries occurring in homes in 3 cities – Seattle WA, Memphis TN, and Galveston TX. It noted that for every time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally justifiable shooting, there were four accidental shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides. (J of Trauma, August 1998. pp: 263-267). He then developed the now much criticized 43:1 ratio that states every time a gun is used in self-defense, it is 43 times more likely to be used in a homicide, suicide, or accidental shooting.
this discredited "study" was not a "study" but rather, the talking points at a symposium.
here it is in it's full and complete glory, a grand total of 7 pages.
this bullshit non-study has been flogged by gun grabbers for over a decade, yet has zero substance.
it is not "peer reviewed", it is not scientific, and it is NOT proof of anything except: in large urban centers you can find crime.
Gun ownership INCREASES your chances of not becoming a victim. Not everyone is responsible enough to own a firearm though. As long as you follow the rules of ownership your chances of accidents happening are so minimized as to be insignificant.
everyone will buy this..hence the death threats to those who try..
I'll take my chances...if by "insignificant", you mean much more likely to kill yourself or a family member rather than an intruder, then yes.
and if by "your chances of not becoming a victim", you mean that you are far more likely to fall on your own sword rather than stop an intruder, you are also right.
All of your statistics are pretty much suicides, not "Accidental shootings" as you claim. Nice try though.if by "insignificant", you mean much more likely to kill yourself or a family member rather than an intruder, then yes.
and if by "your chances of not becoming a victim", you mean that you are far more likely to fall on your own sword rather than stop an intruder, you are also right.
most of the people I know who are all about guns are the pussies who got picked on in high school
What shitty school did you go to? Weird kids doing things for attention all own guns now? The world really isn't like that. 2 out of 3 people own a firearm in this country. Most of them own a firearm for sporting purposes, rarely is the only reason somneone owns a firearm so that they can kill someone when the opportunity presents itself. Wanting the ability to defend yourself is not the same thing.
LOL I love the stereotypes, its like the opposite of the liberal stereotypes with a Prius and flowers or something.i've noticed that with righties, guns are the equivalent phallic symbol..like their trucks.
To directly answer your question if any of my thousands of friends puts of pics of all their guns unprovoked? It has never happened to tell you the truth. I have a friend that posts his fucking cars all the fucking time though, and don't forget the people that post about their children 5 or 6 times per day.
i can't believe you say this with a straight face, stick man.
the whole point of this thread is that when technology exists you will do anything to stand in the way of your precious guns..including death threats of 2 gun store owners for doing the right thing..do try to get some help:
Or like how you only post partisan puff pieces? Same thing really.just like winterskunk posts food.
Indeed. I have 4 guns, 2 are used for hunting as is my crossbow, my sidearms usually my px4 is always with me as a just in case. I've only had to pull my sidearm once because of two drunk fuckers trying to start shit and one had a 3 ft steel bar, I took aim at his knee caps and gave him the option to turn around and go home or lose his knees..
They turned around and went home.
People seem to think that moments like that are easy to deal with.. Let me tell you, in my stance, my back leg was shaking, but I would have done what needed to be done if he would have taken one more step closer to me.
Gun ownership INCREASES your chances of not becoming a victim. Not everyone is responsible enough to own a firearm though. As long as you follow the rules of ownership your chances of accidents happening are so minimized as to be insignificant.