Schuylaar's Sesh - The Smart Gun Is Already Here Read It And Weep..


See our full special report on gun laws and the rise of mass shootings in America.

Myth #4: More good guys with guns can stop rampaging bad guys.
Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians in the past 30 years: 0
• Chances that a shooting at an ER involves guns taken from guards: 1 in 5

Myth #5: Keeping a gun at home makes you safer.
Owning a gun has been linked to higher risks of homicide, suicide, and accidental death by gun.
• For every time a gun is used in self-defense in the home, there are 7 assaults or murders, 11 suicide attempts, and 4 accidents involving guns in or around a home.
43% of homes with guns and kids have at least one unlocked firearm.
• In one experiment, one third of 8-to-12-year-old boys who found a handgun pulled the trigger.

Myth #6: Carrying a gun for self-defense makes you safer.
In 2011, nearly 10 times more people were shot and killed in arguments than by civilians trying to stop a crime.
• In one survey, nearly 1% of Americans reported using guns to defend themselves or their
property. However, a closer look at their claims found that more than 50% involved using guns in an aggressive manner, such as escalating an argument.
• A Philadelphia study found that the odds of an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times greater if he carried a gun. His odds of being killed were 4.2 times greater.
Myth #7: Guns make women safer.
In 2010, nearly 6 times more women were shot by husbands, boyfriends, and ex-partners than murdered by male strangers.
• A woman's chances of being killed by her abuser increase more than 7 times if he has access to a gun.
• One study found that women in states with higher gun ownership rates were 4.9 times more likely to be murdered by a gun than women in states with lower gun ownership rates.

Myth #8: "Vicious, violent video games" deserve more blame than guns.
So said NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre after Newtown. So what's up with Japan?

United States Japan
Per capita spending
on video games
$44 $55
Civilian firearms
per 100 people
88 0.6
Gun homicides
in 2008
11,030 11
Sources: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Small Arms Survey (PDF), UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Myth #9: More and more Americans are becoming gun owners.
More guns are being sold, but they're owned by a shrinking portion of the population.
About 50% of Americans said they had a gun in their homes in 1973. Today, about 45% say they do. Overall, 35% of Americans personally own a gun.
• Around 80% of gun owners are men. On average they own 7.9 guns each.

Myth #10: We don't need more gun laws—we just need to enforce the ones we have.
Weak laws and loopholes backed by the gun lobby make it easier to get guns illegally.
Around 40% of all legal gun sales involve private sellers and don't require background checks. 40% of prison inmates who used guns in their crimes got them this way.
• An investigation found 62% of online gun sellers were willing to sell to buyers who said they couldn't pass a background check.
20% of licensed California gun dealers agreed to sell handguns to researchers posing as illegal "straw" buyers.
• The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has not had a permanent director for 6 years, due to an NRA-backed requirement that the Senate approve nominees.

Wow page after page of easily debunked and craftily worded "facts".

For example # myth #4, good guys can stop bad guys. Then it goes on to say no armed civilian has ever stopped a mass shooting. Mass shootings make up less than .1% of all shootings so that doesn't say much at all.
I could go on, but since most of the questions are just cleverly worded statements that take advantage of weak minded liberals who hate guns.
In 2010, 15,576 children and teenagers were injured by firearms — three times more than the number of U.S. soldiers injured in the war in Afghanistan, according to the defense fund.

Nationally, guns still kill twice as many children and young people than cancer, five times as many than heart disease and 15 times more than infection, according to the New England Journal of Medicine.

Speaking of selfish
also, i am offering red1966 the opportunity of a lifetime for a sad creature like him.

red, i will offer take a picture of my natural erection at the time of your choosing and post it to RIU or your personal message box at your demand.

if you would like to see my erection, i offer it to you freely. i am sure that schuylaar would be happy to help me take the picture.

all you have to do is ask, buddy.
You sure could swing your "big stick", brutha.

you know that AFLAC (note caps) commmercial with duck/golfing?..the last scene?..instead of him dropping the ball from his wing he should have just popped/laid an egg into the last THAT would have been a stroke of marketing genius.
you know that AFLAC (note caps) commmercial with duck/golfing?..the last scene?..instead of him dropping the ball from his wing he should have just popped/laid an egg into the last THAT would have been a stroke of marketing genius.

I'm sure that makes sense to you, but to your average unenlightened moron like myself, it'd make me think, "huh, wtf?"

Whereas the way they went most people go, "aww, how cute, the duck cheated, but he's only a duck, now the guy thinks he's real good at golf. I bet that made his day." Most people don't give a fuck about artistic intent.
I'm sure that makes sense to you, but to your average unenlightened moron like myself, it'd make me think, "huh, wtf?"

Whereas the way they went most people go, "aww, how cute, the duck cheated, but he's only a duck, now the guy thinks he's real good at golf. I bet that made his day." Most people don't give a fuck about artistic intent.

what i took away from it was poking fun at golfers and instead "fuck, fuck" in the sand it's "aflac, aflac" which sounds like fuck when you say it fast..look bunny, unless you play golf, you may not get it..

EDIT: i'm an all around artisan..i have the power to do ANYTHING and be successful at it..which is why i don't need to pray to a non-existent diety..the power is within ME..i know you know that, though this is for BNB's of riu.
what i took away from it was poking fun at golfers and instead "fuck, fuck" in the sand it's "aflac, aflac" which sounds like fuck when you say it fast..look bunny, unless you play golf, you may not get it..

EDIT: i'm an all around artisan..i have the power to do ANYTHING and be successful at it..which is why i don't need to pray to a non-existent diety..the power is within ME..i know you know that, though this is for BNB's of riu.

That was my point, so it's not marketing genius. The fewer may not get it is what marketing is after. Everyone gets the chosen commercial.