Schuylaar's Sesh - The Smart Gun Is Already Here Read It And Weep..

In all seriousness....would you go for it?

In all serious, after what I have had to do hand to hand, unarmed and un-trained? Now I am trained and since the first second counts for the ruse,
I doubt that I would even think about it. I would just do. I train for it.

It is not something to decide to go for. Too late then.

Seriously. Have you been held at gun point? I have. 3 times now.
Seriously. Have you been held at gun point? I have. 3 times now.

Once, but that cop was over reacting. I was actually laughing, had to be there. Had the cop laughing 20 minutes later, no ticket, no report, walk away with a hand shake. Even still, when you are looking down a barrel, laughing or not, you can feel it looking back.

I always figured if someone was going to point a gun at me, if they are out of arms reach and actively drawing down on me, Im fucked if they want to make something of it.

Im not highly trained, so I don't know, who does until they are thrust into the situation? Im sure I'd be pissing my pants, but who wants to die on their knees begging some piece of shit not to shoot?
99.9999999999% of people can't disarm someone with a gun.

And unles you practice it everyday, you will loose it. It is, a perishable skill.

Always wanted to learn Krav maga....
*drum roll..citation please?
Pfft like this will be even remotely difficult to prove, heck I will even use sources that you yourself use, so it must be correct right?

According to Mother Jones( ) there have been a grand total of 67 mass shootings since 1982 in the USA, 67 total. so 32 years and that s about exactly 2.094 mass shootings per year, vs the 104,000 people shot each year (injuries, accidents, intentional, all forms) according to politifact ( )

so 2.094/104,000 = .00002013 or .002%

Aww sorry hun, its not Bucky style math.
99.9999999999% of people can't disarm someone with a gun.

And unles you practice it everyday, you will loose it. It is, a perishable skill.

Always wanted to learn Krav maga....

I found a Victor Marx Video, if you blink you will miss it.

Also, if you know guns well, you can just grab the slide of the gun and push it back a tiny bit and many semi autos will be disabled and unable to fire. Then just use your heel to crush the inside of the attackers knee, watch him fold like a leaf as you grab the gun holding wrist and place a lock on it and at the elbow, all the while turning and sweeping with the foot so that you can take your forearm and smash it down on the locked elbow, easily snapping it. As you sweep the leg and stand up, you should be able to detach the arm at the elbow with relative ease, some of the tendons may be difficult, but this is what I was taught.
At this point if the perp isn't totally in a state of shock, you are in a perfect position to take the outside of your foot and violently smash it down on the bridge of the nose.

If this entire sequence takes you more than 1 second to accomplish, you are a slow fat girl.
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I found a Victor Marx Video, if you blink you will miss it.

Also, if you know guns well, you can just grab the slide of the gun and push it back a tiny bit and many semi autos will be disabled and unable to fire. Then just use your heel to crush the inside of the attackers knee, watch him fold like a leaf as you grab the gun holding wrist and place a lock on it and at the elbow, all the while turning and sweeping with the foot so that you can take your forearm and smash it down on the locked elbow, easily snapping it. As you sweep the leg and stand up, you should be able to detach the arm at the elbow with relative ease, some of the tendons may be difficult, but this is what I was taught.
At this point if the perp isn't totally in a state of shock, you are in a perfect position to take the outside of your foot and violently smash it down on the bridge of the nose.

If this entire sequence takes you more than 1 second to accomplish, you are a slow fat girl.

i'm not sure why you keep referring to me as "fat" or "lard"'ll need citation or stfu already.
Once, but that cop was over reacting. I was actually laughing, had to be there. Had the cop laughing 20 minutes later, no ticket, no report, walk away with a hand shake. Even still, when you are looking down a barrel, laughing or not, you can feel it looking back.

I always figured if someone was going to point a gun at me, if they are out of arms reach and actively drawing down on me, Im fucked if they want to make something of it.

Im not highly trained, so I don't know, who does until they are thrust into the situation? Im sure I'd be pissing my pants, but who wants to die on their knees begging some piece of shit not to shoot?

Oh Dude<! I am not counting the cops. That would put it to 8 times. I comply with the cops. They will shoot you without any hesitation.

Accosted and surprised, there is no way to not show fear, so I use that. No way to not get water knees and all woobly, so just go with it. That is the ruse. A very real ruse.

And it gives that extra second or 3 to get the thrill of success going in the perp and getting him thinking, if not saying, "I ain't gonna kill ya, you cry baby puke gag wimp."

That eases the trigger take up, hopeful and if it works, he thinks I'm going down on my knees to beg, but I do a shaky, cowering stand up step forward, inside the muzzle, if at all possible.

Then he is mine with elbow or headbutt, thumb eye, etc, and might just end up shooting himself. (woops) :)

But, like Beef says, unless your hands are trained, don't try it.

Kav Magra is for extremely vicious. instant action, as is my thing, Wing Chun.

If you can't become instantly cunning and vicious, don't try it.

I train every day, and not in that specifically. The speed of hands takes years to develop, along with the accuracy. I made this Mook Jong, and I'm learning Wooden Man Form now. All this automatic opposition. That leaves the brain free for cunning.

what i took away from it was poking fun at golfers and instead "fuck, fuck" in the sand it's "aflac, aflac" which sounds like fuck when you say it fast..look bunny, unless you play golf, you may not get it..

EDIT: i'm an all around artisan..i have the power to do ANYTHING and be successful at it..which is why i don't need to pray to a non-existent diety..the power is within ME..i know you know that, though this is for BNB's of riu.
You're unemployed and they took your kids away. Who are you kidding?
I found a Victor Marx Video, if you blink you will miss it.

That's it. If you can do one of those, sad dejected, "go ahead and kill me, I'm so pathetic, boo hoo hoo" things and get a touch with your forehead, you don't even have to gauge the distance.

But, the perp will try to jump you or take off running. Be prepared.
i'm saving this post and will re-post in 5 years..we will have a good laugh. that is all.

In 5 years the government is going to become like Nazi Germany and confiscate all my dumb guns and force me to replace them with .22 smart guns? If that happens, why would they even allow me a .22 smart gun? Or will they only turn it on if they see in their camera I have it in my mouth?
i'm not sure why you keep referring to me as "fat" or "lard"'ll need citation or stfu already.
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia
I didn't and I don't. Never have. If you think I was referring to you when I said a slow fat girl, you might want to realize the world doesn't revolve around you and I wasn't talking about you or to you. Now take your paranoia somewhere else.
Oh Dude<! I am not counting the cops. That would put it to 8 times. I comply with the cops. They will shoot you without any hesitation.

Accosted and surprised, there is no way to not show fear, so I use that. No way to not get water knees and all woobly, so just go with it. That is the ruse. A very real ruse.

And it gives that extra second or 3 to get the thrill of success going in the perp and getting him thinking, if not saying, "I ain't gonna kill ya, you cry baby puke gag wimp."

That eases the trigger take up, hopeful and if it works, he thinks I'm going down on my knees to beg, but I do a shaky, cowering stand up step forward, inside the muzzle, if at all possible.

Then he is mine with elbow or headbutt, thumb eye, etc, and might just end up shooting himself. (woops) :)

But, like Beef says, unless your hands are trained, don't try it.

Kav Magra is for extremely vicious. instant action, as is my thing, Wing Chun.

If you can't become instantly cunning and vicious, don't try it.

I train every day, and not in that specifically. The speed of hands takes years to develop, along with the accuracy. I made this Mook Jong, and I'm learning Wooden Man Form now. All this automatic opposition. That leaves the brain free for cunning.

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That is fuckin' cool man!

NoDrama makes it sound easy, but it's not. I did lots of hand to hand in the Armed forces, but I'd be stupid to think I could use it successfully now. I also know firearms quite well, I own LOTS of them, but there's no 'thinking' when it comes to most MA's. You either have the muscle memory or you don't.
Yep. Hand to hand. I hate that. I've been almost pathologically afraid of it (secretly) since my first real fight at 15. Then came the home invasion combats, later on.

Fear is the mind killer.

Breath gives all the time in the world.
That is fuckin' cool man!

NoDrama makes it sound easy, but it's not. I did lots of hand to hand in the Armed forces, but I'd be stupid to think I could use it successfully now. I also know firearms quite well, I own LOTS of them, but there's no 'thinking' when it comes to most MA's. You either have the muscle memory or you don't.
Don't you have a range you can go to? Most cities have them and they are pretty cheap and almost every town I know has a public range nearby.

I just step out my back door and walk a short distance to a hillside where I have my pistol range set up.
Don't you have a range you can go to? Most cities have them and they are pretty cheap and almost every town I know has a public range nearby.

I just step out my back door and walk a short distance to a hillside where I have my pistol range set up.
The outdoor range that I go to is only 5 dollars to enter and you can shoot for as long as you have ammo.

I cant wait to have my land so I can setup a nice shooting course.

Gonna train on that thing like there is a civil war coming. HA!
Nice Dune reference there.

But really its not fear that is the mind killer, its uncontrolled fear, or some might say panic that truly saps all your senses and good judgement from you.
Yep. $125/year gets me all the rounds I can throw at the indoor/outdoor range as well as clays and trap...