The forbidden TRUTH

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thanks for the advice...but I move according to the way I am moved...all my actions are ordered and all my ways are of the great spirit... and speaking of the more serious issue you still have not answered my question...are you inspired ? or do you even know what happened to the people of the earth at the time of babel ,not that I expect you to because I know that you don't know the answer to that so I can only say that I have been where you are... until I understood truth ,and part of the opening of my mind and the blinding of my eyes was the understanding of babel...
This is the reasoning of ghost.


Circular arguments. The worst kind of dumb.
Why is it so bad to maybe think that Jesus might of been married to Mary Magdalene. Not sure what Bible that you study from ( more likely King James ) and nothing wrong with that. I am just saying that when following the translation from our print from the old, sorry but it clearly shows that there were women following the disciples and some written statements make it sound as if a few had brought along their wifes (as Married). Of course you will not find this in the Catholic Bibles because of the priest beliefs that they are not to wed. But all denominations can agree that God created Eve for Adam and said that it's good for a man to have a companion. Well I think that God wouldn't of wanted His one and only loving Son to be alone. Sorry this is how I feel and I know that people will blast me here for even thinking this as it would be blaspheme.......HOW IS THIS SO ?????
Hell, since I am going to get blasted, I might as well go one further..... God's word says over and over of how much He protects a marriage between two, and countless story lines of how much He despises divorce. He has made us in His own image.... OK.... we can hopefully all agree on that, Right ? Who was with God in the beginning before anyone including Angels. Well, not to sure about the Angels part, but we do know for a fact, according to His word, that the Holy Spirit was at his side. I am sure everyone knows what I am getting at but I will not say it just out of respect to one's here with their beliefs. But I see my God as fair and just. An Awesome God, and very loving, and I don't believe for one second that He was alone. The Angel of God visited Holy Mary ( very well could be replying to the Holy Spirit came to Mary ) If the Holy Spirit was who if possibly think that I am thinking of and now we are told Mary is given Child who is the Son of God. Well, that just makes me believe my belief even more. Let me just leave with this thought in closing....... Then why is it that people refer to Mary as " Holy Mary, Mother of God"..........? I just think people try to make things to complicated and fog everything up including their minds..... Just read it as it reads and I promise it will make a lot more sense. I mean, look at how complicated we have made growing marijuana. For God's sake, it's only a WEED that grows like a WEED. Peace everyone............
There is nothing that would ever suggest any relationship in The HOLY Scripture. If you can prove Scripture is holy by using THE HOLY BIBLE as a reference that is legitimate, such as Book Of ENOCH or Testament Of Solomon. There is nothing to suggest this and many things contradict this. Jesus was never married, had no children and died sinless.
And for your idea that it was okay for fallen Angels to take wives the daughters of men, (and other creatures) and to teach mankind of abortions and metal working, to make swords to kill. Well since the POWER has declared it evil, It is evil. Your'e wrong.
thanks for the advice...but I move according to the way I am moved...all my actions are ordered and all my ways are of the great spirit... and speaking of the more serious issue you still have not answered my question...are you inspired ? or do you even know what happened to the people of the earth at the time of babel ,not that I expect you to because I know that you don't know the answer to that so I can only say that I have been where you are... until I understood truth ,and part of the opening of my mind and the blinding of my eyes was the understanding of babel...

You have free will your actions are not ordered. Unless you are calling your own soul "Great spirit" which is so much vanity I can't describe. Then your just referring to yourself in third person and claiming you can't take responsibility for your own actions. Which is wrong. And people will be held responsible for there actions, if you break this law or the law of GOD you will be held responsible. To choose not to follow these Law's without taking responsibility is not a option.
Ghostdriver, does the original greek New Testament say that mary is the mother of God?
Wikipedia says: Theotokos is the Greek title of Mary. Its literal English translations include "God-bearer", "Birth-Giver of God" and "the one who gives birth to God"

Marry Joseph's wife (Joseph being from the from the line of Abraham and King David) gave birth to Jesus Christ. She was a Virgin. Jesus Christ our GOD (Almighty made Jesus GOD over mankind in Hebrews after sacrifice) entered the world in flesh in a body that can die and has all kinds of other problems (Like ours since Adam and Eve ate the apple, at which they became mortal).

Marry Magdalene traveled with the Apostles after our GOD Jesus Christ set her free from seven demons. Our Lord GOD also appears to her first after the resurrection when she goes to his tomb, before He confronts the masses. No sexual relationship ever happened with her and GOD Christ. As I stated how I know in previous post
This is the reasoning of ghost.


Circular arguments. The worst kind of dumb.

Why believe the HOLY BIBLE? because it tells you how to communicate with GOD and save your soul. If something contains the wisdom to communicate with the Power that creates creation, one can then trust that information as reliable and legitimate.
Why believe the HOLY BIBLE? because it tells you how to communicate with GOD and save your soul. If something contains the wisdom to communicate with the Power that creates creation, one can then trust that information as reliable and legitimate.

Hey, George! It's nice to see you back here. How is the medication going? Are you still going to that clubhouse during the day? Have you bought a camera yet? I feel like chipping in with members here to get you a good camera so we can see what the hell you are seeing. Those UFOs above your place sound interesting...
Hey, George! It's nice to see you back here. How is the medication going? Are you still going to that clubhouse during the day? Have you bought a camera yet? I feel like chipping in with members here to get you a good camera so we can see what the hell you are seeing. Those UFOs above your place sound interesting...

Sir, insults and don't change the truth.
You have free will your actions are not ordered. Unless you are calling your own soul "Great spirit" which is so much vanity I can't describe. Then your just referring to yourself in third person and claiming you can't take responsibility for your own actions. Which is wrong. And people will be held responsible for there actions, if you break this law or the law of GOD you will be held responsible. To choose not to follow these Law's without taking responsibility is not a option.
[do you think that Adam and eve had free will?]... [and how often do you break god's law?] ...and you still haven't answered my question ,what happened to the people of the earth after the tower of babel and what did they do and become?
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Why believe the HOLY BIBLE? because it tells you how to communicate with GOD and save your soul.
You can't even prove that souls exist, let alone need saving from a deity you also can't prove exists. LOL

If something contains the wisdom to communicate with the Power that creates creation, one can then trust that information as reliable and legitimate.

Anyone can talk to god, but god doesn't talk back. You, thinking you see 'signs', like "looking into a child's eyes", is NOT god talking. That's you using your conformation bias to validate your beliefs.
You can't even prove that souls exist, let alone need saving from a deity you also can't prove exists. LOL

Anyone can talk to god, but god doesn't talk back. You, thinking you see 'signs', like "looking into a child's eyes", is NOT god talking. That's you using your conformation bias to validate your beliefs.

Wrong, If one follows the HOLY BIBLE and try's to communicate with GOD, communication will happen thus proving souls exist. I never said looking into a child's eye is GOD communicating with me, I said it bothers me how atheist look into there child's eyes and believe they have no soul, GOD's form of communication consist of, but is definitely not limited to, things like actually seeing events of GOD unfold like I mentioned earlier about the "white explosion" or having GOD reveal things to ones self, ( hard to describe what a revelation is like) or having GOD save you from suicide by lifting you up on your feet, or a vision, miracles and et cetera. GOD will communicate in ways we can't imagine.
Lol I said suicide. Still lost your life though.
Don't feed da troll people.
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[do you think that Adam and eve had free will?]... [and how often do you break god's law?] ...and you still haven't answered my question ,what happened to the people of the earth after the tower of babel and what did they do and become?

Yes Adam and Eve had free will, Men and Angels have free will. Mankind started to build a giant tower to go up into the atmosphere because when GOD came to Earth He came down from the sky, they had no idea it was a different dimension, They said to each other things like what's GOD going to do to stop us? scatter us? and change our tongues? GOD got angry and did just that.
Moved the continents and scattered the people, changes their langue.

How often Do I break GOD's law? If I can never, but sometimes I say something mean or rude, or think something evil. But I seek repentance. The path is hard but more rewarding then anyone can fathom.
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Lol I said suicide. Still lost you life though.
Don't feed da troll people.

Yeah, one time I committed blaspheme and was actually suicidal( like speaking to GOD and blaspheming) , but GOD picked me up. When I lost all family and friends and gained the love of GOD and The Son Lord Jesus Christ, but then thought I lost it, I went to a dark place, but many miracles happened to me to show me I was forgiven, including picking me up from a slouched position, to me being suspended, with only my tip toes touching. Like a ballerina.
Wrong, If one follows the HOLY BIBLE and try's to communicate with GOD, communication will happen thus proving souls exist. I never said looking into a child's eye is GOD communicating with me, I said it bothers me how atheist look into there child's eyes and believe they have no soul, GOD's form of communication consist of, but is definitely not limited to, things like actually seeing events of GOD unfold like I mentioned earlier about the "white explosion" or having GOD reveal things to ones self, ( hard to describe what a revelation is like) or having GOD save you from suicide by lifting you up on your feet, or a vision, miracles and et cetera. GOD will communicate in ways we can't imagine.
Riiiiigggghhhhht...... the 'white explosion'.... sounds like a bad porno.
I think you're as crazy as people who speak in tongues, and you're either lying (most likely) or you're delusional (not the good kind) you're apparently having audio/visual hallucinations.

You want to believe god exists so you find reasons to believe ordinary things happening are 'god'.

EDIT: Also, people don't need souls to be amazing or deserving of love. If you believe that you're one fucked up dude.
Riiiiigggghhhhht...... the 'white explosion'.... sounds like a bad porno.
I think you're as crazy as people who speak in tongues, and you're either lying (most likely) or you're delusional (not the good kind) you're apparently having audio/visual hallucinations.

You want to believe god exists so you find reasons to believe ordinary things happening are 'god'.

EDIT: Also, people don't need souls to be amazing or deserving of love. If you believe that you're one fucked up dude.

Wrong, If one follows the HOLY BIBLE and try's to communicate with GOD, communication will happen thus proving souls exist. I never said looking into a child's eye is GOD communicating with me, I said it bothers me how atheist look into there child's eyes and believe they have no soul, GOD's form of communication consist of, but is definitely not limited to, things like actually seeing events of GOD unfold like I mentioned earlier about the "white explosion" or having GOD reveal things to ones self, ( hard to describe what a revelation is like) or having GOD save you from suicide by lifting you up on your feet, or a vision, miracles and et cetera. GOD will communicate in ways we can't imagine.--- Try it and then tell me I'm wrong
Wrong, If one follows the HOLY BIBLE and try's to communicate with GOD, communication will happen thus proving souls exist. I never said looking into a child's eye is GOD communicating with me, I said it bothers me how atheist look into there child's eyes and believe they have no soul, GOD's form of communication consist of, but is definitely not limited to, things like actually seeing events of GOD unfold like I mentioned earlier about the "white explosion" or having GOD reveal things to ones self, ( hard to describe what a revelation is like) or having GOD save you from suicide by lifting you up on your feet, or a vision, miracles and et cetera. GOD will communicate in ways we can't imagine.--- Try it and then tell me I'm wrong
What the fuck do you not understand about "I used to be a christian"?

It's a a myth. Dozens of religions have all claimed the same thing, and they've all had believers that have claimed the same thing as you, and they've all been equally as full of shit as the last one.
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