Bill Nye owns Heritage retard on climate change


Well-Known Member
You don't understand science. Attempting to explain this to you will be a waste of time.

If you're really interested in knowing the answer (you're not), go take a science class at a community college near you. Or do you believe education is all just liberal bias?
says the unemployed guy that posts about batin all the time and complains about college educated people making money off the backs of non educated people.


Well-Known Member
says the unemployed guy that posts about batin all the time and complains about college educated people making money off the backs of non educated people.
Actually I work full time and lead a pretty enjoyable life, and it's fun to point out how morons like you can't accept reality. You're met with the collective cock of science every time you open your mouth and that shit is hilarious! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
LOL that part was particularly hilarious! Highlighting how bullshit and childlike the Heritage Foundation retards argument was. Sat there and stared at him and said they simply disagree with the facts, Nye accepts ACC like the rest of the scientific community, and the only idiots who don't are too uneducated on the subject or have a politically vested interest in keeping dummies like you dumb, like Heritage Foundation retard does

Completely owned, on live TV, fuck!
Oh so I'm a dummie now? Learn that from your hero Bill?

It will come down to power and you know it.
When your camp graduates from diapers to pull up pants come and get some, take it....hell call it for the greater good or "for science" or whatever gets it up for you junior; come and try to choke us out we know that rocks you!


Well-Known Member
Oh so I'm a dummie now? Learn that from your hero Bill?

It will come down to power and you know it.
When your camp graduates from diapers to pull up pants come and get some, take it....hell call it for the greater good or "for science" or whatever gets it up for you junior; come and try to choke us out we know that rocks you!
This fabricated "us v. them" mentality that exists inside your mind is exactly the problem. When science says something you disagree with, it's never you that's wrong, it's always science. That's an incorrect way to assess reality.

The good thing about science is it's ability to guard against personal biases and test real data and come to real conclusions regardless of anyones personal beliefs

Most people who don't accept ACC simply don't know enough about it, and I wouldn't call them dumb, just ignorant of how it all works. The dumb ones are people who actively attempt to argue against the facts, the people who disagree with the vast majority of experts who study it who think they know more because they "watch a lot of tv...", and given this post, you seem to have taken that stance, too.


Well-Known Member
Can we stop blaming global climate change as the instigator of all the bad weather that happens. Its almost as if people want you to believe that every day will be 75F and sunny, EVERY FUCKING DAY if it weren't for humans making the globe so much hotter.
We had tornadoes and hurricanes before any global warming started happening. If you hear about bad weather more often its because the media reports on it so often to try and link it to GCC.
To late, the fix is in. This climate tax is forever and ever.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think it would be best if people started dying. It would solve most of the worlds problems.
If we could invent something, like a virus, to target specific populations, that would be best.

You don't want all people dying in equal proportion, some people have proven throughout history they aren't worth having around.

I would start with populations that for the past 200 years have not been able to feed themselves without assistance from the outside world.

Then maybe populations that tend to over use and over pollute.

So first africa, then America.


Well-Known Member
So 100+ years is "just a blink in time", huh?

"The Earth has seen much more extreme weather in it's past" has it?


So if we only have a measly 100+-ish years in recorded climate data, how do you know "the Earth has seen much more extreme weather in it's past"?


He's got an engineering degree from Cornell, you're a climate change, vaccine denying idiot

The ability to procreate should rely on scientific knowledge because of idiots like you
Engineering has nothing to do with weather, or climate.


Well-Known Member
If we could invent something, like a virus, to target specific populations, that would be best.

You don't want all people dying in equal proportion, some people have proven throughout history they aren't worth having around.

I would start with populations that for the past 200 years have not been able to feed themselves without assistance from the outside world.

Then maybe populations that tend to over use and over pollute.

So first africa, then America.
Are you referring to AIDS?