RIU Weight loss Support Group


Staff member
i mean it depends how hard youre trying to acheive your goals.. if you dont mind it being a little harder and take a little longer to achieve results..use a looser diet, the diet im referring to is a pretty strict diet for results pretty fast, but its also geared toward adding lean mass and cutting fat asap. specifically a weight loss diet would be different, it also depends what your diet looks like now.. and what works for me may not work for you or vice versa, like for example some people can eat bread when they cut, i cannot. lol..and yes sugar from fruit is the best sugar you can eat, but at the end of the day its still sugar..and you body doesnt need it.
but your body needs fruit, for many reasons , and sugar comes with it.

If you think your diet is strict you should try mine LOL


Well-Known Member

The real trick is to find ways to keep food interesting.
You do have to plan your meals and possibly carry snacks with you so you dont find yourself
in mcdonalds sucking dick for a fat fix.
Know's what he's talking about. The two above points make the dif between success and falling off the wagon IMHO.

For me though, I do better to eat 3 meals. I read a book (EAT TO LIVE) and he talks about not eating the small meal several times a day. He says it's because it keeps your body/organs in a constant state of digestion which is not good for you. I used to eat 6 mini meals and it was okay, but it was a hassle ordering my life around what and when I was going to eat. so after reading that, I found 3 is better for my body.

Just started Cross fit yesterday. I was the only girl in our basics class. What a rooster fest. LOL I thought I'd be a mess today., but the only thing sore is my quads. Yikes. We did do massive squats.


Well-Known Member
redmeat and dairy should be included in any well rounded diet, ill replace 10 oz fish or chicken for a lean cut of red meat maybe 2x a week. moderation. skim milk, while protein..also like 12g sugar/8oz..so i watch that..i dont do cheeses when cutting..greek yogurt a few times a week..but again what works for me may not work for you/others..


Well-Known Member
what i do for meals is ill take a whole bag of chicken and cook it all..evoo and thats it lol little seasonings or whatever, then a bag of broccolli or similar green, then i take those chinese take out plastic trays with lids and divide the food into like 7-8 oz chicken and like 5 oz broc...do the same with fish..ill grill sometimes and bake potatoes on the grill for pre and post workout..always try to change up your protein and carb sources like not always chkn or not always fish.. same with potatoes and rice and stuff..


Staff member
Know's what he's talking about. The two above points make the dif between success and falling off the wagon IMHO.

For me though, I do better to eat 3 meals. I read a book (EAT TO LIVE) and he talks about not eating the small meal several times a day. He says it's because it keeps your body/organs in a constant state of digestion which is not good for you. I used to eat 6 mini meals and it was okay, but it was a hassle ordering my life around what and when I was going to eat. so after reading that, I found 3 is better for my body.

Just started Cross fit yesterday. I was the only girl in our basics class. What a rooster fest. LOL I thought I'd be a mess today., but the only thing sore is my quads. Yikes. We did do massive squats.
you are correct but alot of people still choose to eat 5-6 small meals a day
i choose three meals, a mid morning snack and a mid afternoon snack


Well-Known Member
and lol ^^ everytime i get in a steady relationship i fall off the wagon..i dont know what it is..girls make me fat. hahahjkjk..no i think its the- always cooking delicious foods for dinner i shouldnt be eating thing.hahah

EDIT> i do
workout-done maybe by 10-11 am
7-730 ish
1030-11pm sleep

but then theres little hardboiled eggs and a few shakes and some nuts or some little snack randomly scattered through the daylol


Well-Known Member
but again what works for me may not work for you/others..
It's obv you know what you're talking about and the comment above shows you understand everyone is working towards different goals.

Thanks again for the input, I'm determined to improve my health and I'll post any updates or questions.

And sunni....your a godsend. If it's cool with you I might hit you up for more dietary advice.


Staff member
It's obv you know what you're talking about and the comment above shows you understand everyone is working towards different goals.

Thanks again for the input, I'm determined to improve my health and I'll post any updates or questions.

And sunni....your a godsend. If it's cool with you I might hit you up for more dietary advice.
yup go ahead,
^_^ , im lacking in fitness information for men as im female so what works for me doesnt for men, but i do know amazing nutrition information

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
and lol ^^ everytime i get in a steady relationship i fall off the wagon..i dont know what it is..girls make me fat. hahahjkjk..no i think its the- always cooking delicious foods for dinner i shouldnt be eating thing.hahah

EDIT> i do
workout-done maybe by 10-11 am
7-730 ish
1030-11pm sleep

but then theres little hardboiled eggs and a few shakes and some nuts or some little snack randomly scattered through the daylol
Its these girls i always get forced to fatness when a girl is entertaining my penis on a daily basis to. One day im all buff and strong the next day im eating me n eds pizza with chicken wings fries and extra ranch getting head while a tyler perry movie plays!


Well-Known Member
Know's what he's talking about. The two above points make the dif between success and falling off the wagon IMHO.

For me though, I do better to eat 3 meals. I read a book (EAT TO LIVE) and he talks about not eating the small meal several times a day. He says it's because it keeps your body/organs in a constant state of digestion which is not good for you. I used to eat 6 mini meals and it was okay, but it was a hassle ordering my life around what and when I was going to eat. so after reading that, I found 3 is better for my body.

Just started Cross fit yesterday. I was the only girl in our basics class. What a rooster fest. LOL I thought I'd be a mess today., but the only thing sore is my quads. Yikes. We did do massive squats.
Crossfit should be very effective for making lean muscle n endurance.
As far as the three meals or several
you are correct to adjust it to your needs. If you can not meld life schedule and eating you are setting yourself up to fail.

I also agree that red meat and dairy are fine in moderation at some point.
The problem with food addicts is at first eating a little cheese triggers a craving for MORECHEESE!!!!

I recomend a very clean diet for the first month if you can hack it.

Then mellow out a bit until you find a happy medium.

Don't be to hard on yourself.
I know some very high level athletes
who have a cheat day.

What ever works for you.

I also recomend staying away from your scale. It will only frusterate you.

Just trust that if you are eating well and exercising good things are happening.
Of course you want to keep track
but the scale can really mess with your mind unnessecarilly.


Well-Known Member
If I can get a basic weights program going, along with football once a week and a swim or cycle at the weekend I should be ok for fitness but I think I'll struggle with the food side.


Well-Known Member
welp good luck everyone. safety first! feel free to pvt msg me any and all, im in the process of being accepted majoring in exercise kinesiology (like sports science) ive been working out for about 10 years on and off(except injuries and then laziness from being injured lol!!) my mentor is 83 and still lifting. haha he recalls when people thought they were "queer" for bodybuilding. haha funny stories..

EDIT: yes i forgot that, usually people include a cheat day once a week, i used to do it sunday..but id cheat with healthy foods..just eating as much as i want..but what i do now is power through like 2 or 3 weeks..then a cheat day..junk food tastes like garbage after not eating it for that long anyways.hahaha everyone good luck once again!


Staff member
If I can get a basic weights program going, along with football once a week and a swim or cycle at the weekend I should be ok for fitness but I think I'll struggle with the food side.
dont feel to bad pretty much everyone struggles with the food aspect of it find someone who can support you through your "bad times"
but dont forget to give in sometimes too
if you want that damn donut with a latte once a week, have it

you wanna have a beer and pizza with friends one month...do it.

try not to make it so constricting in your diet that ...it affects your positive attitude.


Well-Known Member
willpower..you CAN eat like shit, but if youre genuinely interested and want to take the step to getting in shape..youll realize its 5 steps forward, 4 steps back with eating like garbage..trying to go east heading west..trying to go up the down escalator, you can do it..but lol itd be waaay easier if it was working with you instead of against you.


Well-Known Member
If I can get a basic weights program going, along with football once a week and a swim or cycle at the weekend I should be ok for fitness but I think I'll struggle with the food side.
Someone doing tons of work like that will of course require more calories.
Im pro carbs for breakfast as long as they are healthy.

I liked whey protien mixed with fruits
and oatmeal for breakfast and just about 1/2 cup of pasta with my lunch.

You will start to feel mentally fatigued when you are starving yourself. Nothing will be fun.

You prolly already know this stuff but im posting for anyone who don't.

Starving yourself and overworking is not what this is about.
You will weaken yourself and overindulge and give up.

Lifestyle not a weight cut


Staff member
willpower..you CAN eat like shit, but if youre genuinely interested and want to take the step to getting in shape..youll realize its 5 steps forward, 4 steps back with eating like garbage..trying to go east heading west..trying to go up the down escalator, you can do it..but lol itd be waaay easier if it was working with you instead of against you.
its been PROVEN. that people who are so strict on a diet FAIL.
and they binge eat shit and fall off the wagon

so yes moderation of the "bad" things once and while is good MENTALLY. it promotes that people feel like they're achieving something while not being so constrictive that they have freedom
same reason animals in testing will do the job to get the treat.
its the same with weightloss

there are of course the powerhouse people who can throw themselves into it like 150% and never eat a bad meal but those people are so few and far that the most general people
who are overweight and eat nothing but bad shit they cant just do it so completely without feeling so upset and end up binge eating and falling off the track
people need some sort of "reward" inorder to continue on their goals.