FUCK "weight loss".
Set your goals around body composition and performance, as they are a far more accurate assessment of your fitness than your weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, and measuring your weight will NOT reflect your muscle gain, which could make you believe you are not making progress.
Cardio is king, and this fact is proven time and time again in combative sport competition. Learn how to come up with a cardio plan that gets your heart rate up to an appropriate (read SAFE) level for your current fitness level, maintain it for at LEAST 20 minutes, and build on that.
FUCK weights.
Do you plan on being a competition body builder, or power lifter? No. Then stick with body weight exercises. Look at swimmers, rock climbers, and especially GYMNASTS. Those folks have an excellent body composition, great strength and endurance, and excellent strength to weight ratios. Heavy weights are great for ego's and injuries, but that's about it, that's why wiry guys with good cardio can school the shit out of big "power" dudes that burn out after a minute of intense exertion.
Body weight exercises are where it's at, and not only do they build strength and endurance, but they also build on your cardio, require NO fucking equipment, and can be done ANYWHERE, ANY TIME.
Diet is the key to your existence. You are what you eat, and if you eat a bunch of shit, your body will reflect that. You may not like "healthy" foods, but that's probably because you have conditioned yourself to eat foods high in fat, sugar, salt, and other bullshit. Recondition yourself to view food as FUEL and not a "treat", and after time, it will taste better, and you will actually be able to enjoy the NATURAL sweetness common in fruits, and the NATURAL flavors found in veggies. FUCK salt, FUCK butter, and FUCK any other fattening bullshit used to "flavor" your foods. Use spices instead, like garlic, hot peppers, ginger, black pepper, cumin (I love that shit), all spice, etc... You should have plenty of fats in your diet without having to add fats to flavor the fats.
Yogurt is a "secret weapon", and IMO, the bomb. Not the store bought shit filled with sugar, but plain yogurt filled with the things you put in it yourself. I make my own using store bought plain yogurt and a gallon of milk. I toss in pecans, or hazlenuts, coconut, strawberries, or blueberries, or whatever kind of fruit I have available, and it is fucking DELICIOUS. Yogurt is an excellent source of vitamins and proteins, and the active cultures help you digest your food more efficiently. A huge bowl of yogurt makes an excellent meal by itself, or a snack, and helps build muscle.
Whatever you do, do it carefully and consistently, and you will improve your quality of life.
Best of luck.