Know the facts, but need some experienced opinions

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
I am in duplex. The roommates are cool with it, and Its far away from the neighbors side.... I have some of my clothes still in the closet, will they stink?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
No,smell won't be an issue for a while yet...but it will be,thats why i asked...there are some things you can do to help with that too...just use the search panel...keyword it,ya know...and if you saw that link for the cannabis grow bible,go read it...thats the most I have ever learned in 4 hours

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Funny you should ask just figured it out last night myself...let me double check myself then I will post back,ok?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Ok,top left of your screen...Marijuana on that,it takes you to the main forum page...scroll down til you see "Post your pics"...From that page just click upload and follow the directions

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
When you have time,from the main page,scroll down to Grow journals...check out ragin cajun 420's may get some good ideas

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
thats what I was got some good genes there,why kill em out of hand...they will fool ya sometimes....they may get stunted from something you do,but given time they will usually recover,and make a crop if you are lucky enough for a of them may make a good mother for it...thats an excellent way for a guy with no seed to get started...and its simple enough,if you read and do it right

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
They arent growing much in the stem now, They have started growing from the leaves and upward. Stay tuned for pics. They might be a little off, but I wouldn't call them my own unless they were :)

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Plants start different sometimes,so just give it about 2 weeks,you will be happier about question...what are you watering with?...have you tested the ph of the water yet?

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
No I havent. I use a filter for my drinking water, so I run all the water through that, then I usually let it set on the windowsill about 24 hours before I use it. its just tap water.... I plan on getting some ph strips.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
get the kit from a hydro shop or online supply...there are different brands,but it should come with ph up and down,so you can make adjustments as necessary....This is one of the most crucial things,next to having the right nutes(fertilizers) for the next couple of weeks....let em grow some,they have all they need for are doing right by letting it sit lets the chemicals evaporate,and lets the temp get right...Never use cold water,always lukewarm

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
Ok so I caught my roommate stealing from my stash today with my webcam while I was at work. Whats something good I could do to him to teach him a lesson. I thought about putting something not pleasant to smoke on the weed and leave it for him. Any suggestions?

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Ok so I caught my roommate stealing from my stash today with my webcam while I was at work. Whats something good I could do to him to teach him a lesson. I thought about putting something not pleasant to smoke on the weed and leave it for him. Any suggestions?
depends how much? i would find it very offensive if someone did that to me.

id give the guy a bowl of salvia and put weed on top of the bowl so he cant see it. let him take a few hits...

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
hmmm,well,I hate to say it,but if you can't trust him with your stash,you sure won't be able to trust him while you are growing...One of those home safes ought to help keep sticky fingers outta your smoke tho...I think I gave 30 bucks for mine...the main thing is I have never used it for my stash...I better not have to