Know the facts, but need some experienced opinions


Well-Known Member
Ok so I caught my roommate stealing from my stash today with my webcam while I was at work. Whats something good I could do to him to teach him a lesson. I thought about putting something not pleasant to smoke on the weed and leave it for him. Any suggestions?
Take him into the woods tie him to a chair, make him eat acid (LSD) then tell him you will set him on fire in an hour. Come back in an hour and pour water over him- he will think its petrol and freak out for ever....LMAO .........a bit extreme maybe??:joint:


Well-Known Member
Take him into the woods tie him to a chair, make him eat acid (LSD) then tell him you will set him on fire in an hour. Come back in an hour and pour water over him- he will think its petrol and freak out for ever....LMAO .........a bit extreme maybe??:joint:
lmao...extreme? yes!!
funny? abso-fucking-lutely.
u evil genius lol
1st time i took acid, some1 put "The Wall" on............lmao

Razorback Romulan

Active Member

My Romulan plant is developing yellowish brown spots on the leaves..... and my cherry kush plant is turning very pale, almost yellow....
I will post pics as soon as I find my camera.
Can anybody gimme some advice?


Well-Known Member
18/6 for veg bro.
wot lights u got? u say 3 but wot kind?how close u got em.......etc.
dunno bout how diff each will be..haven't smoked those 2......guess all strains can have diff hits and highs not the same. then there's the sativa/indica thing...
did ur mate buy the seeds or.......?
and why the fuck am i aasking so many questions questions questions. :lol:...sorry..wasted.
start a journal dude!!!!!!!!! then we can all keep track as u go along :smile:
so apparently..this is "bad newbie advice", according to the dick who minus repped me for saying the above!......hmmmm well mr...your buds must be just soooo fucking killer.....kiss-assmaybe you have enough experience in growing to grow GROW YOURSELF A COCK ya prick!!


Well-Known Member
woah ^^.....

uhm so i just read though all this and heres my "opinions" thats all they are... opinions...

everyone I know uses 24 hr light in veg.
Keep your lights about inches away and move them lots as plants grow.
Water and let soil dry completely.
I start using Superthrive at the second watering. then start with my nutes around 2 weeks.

I think they need some food right now. pics definitely.

oh and growing with room mates is just asking for trouble... dont piss him off...

30x salvia..... ~shivers~

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Mate, I think you need some domes on these babies. Like 2ltr cola botles cut in half. Are they alway wet, always dry? do you mist them? what water are you using?
Dont lose faith, but you gotta buck up your ways. Read more, theres all the info out there. You cant hope someone is gonna have all the answers dude. Mine were as bad as that and ill be harvesting soon. Hope you put your finger on it. :peace:

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
I have 3 75 watt florescent "growing lights". I also have one 200 watt cfl in a reading lamp thats positioned right over them. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say b/c I'm ripped. I filter tap water through a drinking filter and try to let it set in the windowsill for a day, but sometimes I have to guess at room temp cause the get dry. I water them everytime its dry about half an inch below the surface. Then I water them thoughly.... till water comes out the bottom. I havent started nutes or anything. The leaves that had bad spots got pruned off. They were getting pretty dry, and the top of the plant is still growing. Whats the best way to prune?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Hi Buddy, sounds lik you are doing most things OK, certainly you're watering anyway. Mibbee try the domes for a couple days see if they perk up any. Using domes increases humidity within the domes. Your plants look a bit dried out. It also looks like you dont have much soil in them cups. Id place domes on them and lightly spray the plants and inside of dome with water. Plants can absorb water this way as well as through the root system. I think this will help. You shouldn't be worried about pruning t now - not for a while. If material looks dead, you are best to remove it as you have been. good luck


Active Member
hello i am new and i would like to ask yuo if there is a way smeone could send me some seeds with regular mail letter, of cuourse i will send you money.

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
I still haven't got a hold of any 2 liters, but I took the "too little soil" advice to heart and transplanted them into 2-5gallon buckets. I mixed 2 parts soil to one part peat moss. I think there might have been peat moss already in the soil i bought. Will too much peat moss hurt? How long before I start nutes?

Also I bought a new bong. Anybody ever smoke out of one of these?
GrassCity.Com - Molino Mini Bong
If so let me know, I can't wait for it to get here!