Know the facts, but need some experienced opinions


Well-Known Member
oh my bad i should have told you dat check out ya local dro or plant shop or check out or your reg site dat you order from dey should have it everyone loves neem oil

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
Thanks I will look for it. I took the plant out in the garage, and thought maybe the bugs would retreat after a couple hours, I also spayed some lysol shit in my closet, aired it out, and when I brought the plant back in, checked it a few hours later, and the bugs were still there. I declared the Romulan D.O.A its already down the garbage disposal. The cherry kush it getting BIG. pics will be posted soon.

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
Finally!!!! here are some pics. What do you guys think? is it an indica or a sativa?

here is a pic of the bugs..... how do I get rid of them. They arent hurting the plant


Well-Known Member
looks like a gnat to me, could very ell be putting larvae in your soil that are eating your roots, you can water with Gnatrol to get em or neem oil.

mr west

Well-Known Member
u could make some home made pest stuff, tobaco juice and garlic. I dont know the exact recip but im sure u could find it with a little investigating dude

mr west

Well-Known Member
Other fly repellent recipes involve garlic, probably the most powerful natural fly repellent there is although the products of garlic-based fly repellents tend to be rather on the unpleasant smelling side, especially when combined with the likes of lavender oil.


Well-Known Member
Use neem oil... I am having the same problem with gnats. I just started with neem oil and so far so good. Spray the soil and plant once a day for a week. Neem Oil doesnt kill the bugs on contact but fucks with there head and they stop eating & havin sex. Hence they die off naturally. Also fucks with any present larve the same way. Just fucks them up biologically. Great stuff.

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
oh damn. I am starting to have some yellow spots on the leaves. Any idea whats causing this? I havent watered recently except for some garlic water to try and get the bugs away.

mr west

Well-Known Member
normaly bout 2 weeks but could be sooner or longer dipending on strain lol. males will probly show first s the girls tend to be a bit slower. how did u gewt on with the yellowing leaves?


Active Member
i keep my plants on 24/7 for veg cause of quickness, but it puts a little more stress on your plants when you switch them to 12/12. All weed grows under pretty much the same conditions, but will excell under their own special requirments so the only thing you can do is keep and eye on them and adjust your nuts accordingly. I have never grown either of those strains so I cant help with specifics, but the lighting should be the same for both. My best advice I can offer is to grow them short. Start flowering at about 12 inches, but veg them proper with cfls about 4 inches from the top of the plants, so at 12 in they are really bushy. Good luck with the grow!:eyesmoke: