Police: Pot might be factor in Montana killing

You would run, judging by how many excuses you made for backing out of the challenge you issued.

I'm actually serious now, I'll be in the US in a couple months, you better be getting in shape. I'm going to come knock you out since you're too scared to man up on your little threats. I know why too, you're just afraid because you can't bring your gun.

You better not keep trying to convince everyone how tough you are. I'll see it and let everyone know how scared you are to carry out your threats when you actually get called out.
Come one then. quit talking about it and bring it.
You just keep on running that dick sucker of yours. 2 months, lets do it pussy.
I am going to have to since you're too fucking scared to man up on your threats.
Yea, cause I'm not going to fly to puerto rico to put you in your place. Do you even listen to the dumb ass shit you spew? I didn't find out you were there till after the fact you fucking twerp.
i agree a new born with little cognitive reasoning has almost no preference who picks it up, feeds it or wipes shit off its ass
but what choice does it have

they have the choice to show preference to one race or the other, since they can differentiate. but they don't show any preference until later on, because racism is a learned behavior, not an innate one.
Yea, cause I'm not going to fly to puerto rico to put you in your place. Do you even listen to the dumb ass shit you spew? I didn't find out you were there till after the fact you fucking twerp.

Bullshit. You're just fucking scared because someone finally called you out on being an internet tough guy talking shit behind a monitor in your mom's basement.
that's learned behavior. newborns show no preference for their own race or others, despite being able to differentiate between races.
We don't even have the ability to recognize our own reflection for well over a year. Even longer to learn language. And our brains don't stop developing until age 25.

I remember your baby study. You've added the "despite being able to tell the difference" bit to it.

We don't even know we're humans when we're born. That is the most meaningless study you've ever regurgated.
Yeah stick to what you're good at, talking shit on the internet and then making excuses for why you can't back up your threats.
Seems to me like you are the one who keeps talking shit. I already agreed to meet when you bring your bitch ass to america. What is there left to talk about?

Looks like you are the only one trying to convince people, now shut the fuck up and we shall settle this when you don't actually come and meet me..
I remember your baby study. You've added the "despite being able to tell the difference" bit to it.


Overall the results obtained in Experiment 1 suggest that at birth, newborns display no spontaneous preferences for faces from own- or other-ethnic groups. Although null results can be difficult to interpret, it is unlikely that these results are due to an inability to differentiate between faces from different ethnic groups, given that newborns discriminate between faces from within their own ethnic group (Pascalis & de Schonen, 1994). The most likely account is that newborns are able to discriminate between faces from different ethnic groups, but no group elicits a greater attraction.

wooops, you just showcased your stupidity again.
Seems to me like you are the one who keeps talking shit. I already agreed to meet when you bring your bitch ass to america. What is there left to talk about?

Looks like you are the only one trying to convince people, now shut the fuck up and we shall settle this when you don't actually come and meet me..

Or you can stop making excuses. You asked me if I wanted to find out how tough you are. I said yes, I would love to beat the crap out of yet another skinhead.

Your response:

"oh uh, well uh, the thing is, no thanks, I'm scared to leave my neighborhood."
i'm watching "erasing hate" on netflix right now and just wondering what chapter or organization sirskinhead belongs to. violence seems to be their calling card.
Or you can stop making excuses. You asked me if I wanted to find out how tough you are. I said yes, I would love to beat the crap out of yet another skinhead.

Your response:

"oh uh, well uh, the thing is, no thanks, I'm scared to leave my neighborhood."
And he just keeps on talking. and resorting to lies..

haha,, its quite obvious you are scared..
Which state you flying into? I wanna make sure I meet you once you get out of the airport. (make sure you fly somewhere into the south). You gonna call the cops on me to once you get your ass beat?

Should I take it a bit further and slice your bitch ass up after I break your dick sucker? I'd love to see you bleed out..

You know how cool it is to bury your hands deep inside a corpse and grab a still beating heart? I do.

Overall the results obtained in Experiment 1 suggest that at birth, newborns display no spontaneous preferences for faces from own- or other-ethnic groups. Although null results can be difficult to interpret, it is unlikely that these results are due to an inability to differentiate between faces from different ethnic groups, given that newborns discriminate between faces from within their own ethnic group (Pascalis & de Schonen, 1994). The most likely account is that newborns are able to discriminate between faces from different ethnic groups, but no group elicits a greater attraction.

wooops, you just showcased your stupidity again.
No, perhaps, yes, it doesn't matter. What my point is, what you present as definite fact, they say they really don't know, but we're going to guess.

In the past, I guess even you recognized that and didn't mention it.