Thinking of a new light ..

Great pics SDS. What is the soundlevel of it when it fully is operational? Did you use silent fans or is that of no use in that casing?
I'm having actually the same question ...
Testing / 'burn -in' time,when fixture will be fully completed and operational ready ,
will give a definite answer ..

Still the Fan speed / power is adjustable ..
(Voltage regulator 6.8- 13.3 ..Tried with PWM ,but these two-wire Sunons used ,due
to Auto-restart fuction ,did not operate with PWM control.

So ,I've made a LM 2576 adjustable switching voltage regulator
(custom etched pcb/ 10A 80mH inductor /SB560 Schottky as free-wheeling diode/2200 uF 50V 105C
+ 22uF Tantalum as output caps ,and LC ripple noise filtering at output .4A max )
.A 12 position rotary switch -with 11 pretty nice' clicks '- adjusts Fan speed/power .
'Superficial' Tests done showed that goes from almost non-audible operation up to relatively loud ....
But with lid open...And placed on a bench /stand ,not hanged on air .

All four fans used are the Sunon MEC 0251V1 A99 .
5.4 Watts each ( @ 12 V ) .They feature Magnetic Levitation Tech and magnetic bearing tech (VAPO )
Dust-proof /oil-free.Pretty powerful . ( 3100 rpm / 108.2 CFM @12 V / 44.5 dB @ 12 V )...

...I can not always connect to the internet and have had trouble connecting for several last days...

...I would have liked to participate more but I'm late edit or modificate or erase my lasts posts...sorry... ...and sorry too for my offtopics on this thread... have it almost finished ... ..great job...:clap::clap::clap: my mind or in my dreams im tuning your version to my personal tastes... dreamsss... ...only in dreamsss... back to the sasquatch cave...It was a pleasure to share...

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Ummmm Eggs

Sunny Side Up

Ooooh the name: Game Changer :bigjoint:

How many watts is this Game Changer?

As you are all about this being a giant bulb killer do you plan a GC 400/600/1000?

Ooooo maybe cal it David

Dumb Question...:dunce:

If you ran them softer to avoid the fan and related circuitry cost, how much luminous loss and how much $$$ savings

I guess the chassis would likely then need to be finned so heat could escape
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Ummmm Eggs

Sunny Side Up

Ooooh the name: Game Changer :bigjoint:

How many watts is this Game Changer?

As you are all about this being a giant bulb killer do you plan a GC 400/600/1000?

Ooooo maybe cal it David

Dumb Question...:dunce:

If you ran them softer to avoid the fan and related circuitry cost, how much luminous loss and how much $$$ savings

I guess the chassis would likely then need to be finned so heat could escape

1) I'll have it on a Watt-meter soon ..

2) Not really .I think for now I'll 'settle ' for a while with this light ..

3) ..Versus which Goliath ? :P

4) Fans can be avoided with CXA 3070 .Except if you drive the CXAs at 350-700 mA .
Can't really estimate $$$ savings .

5) Yes .In fact at such case (passive cooling ) ,better not to have any case at all ...

Heatsink and CXAs and the CC drivers remote ..
Beautiful work SDS.............Seriously a top- notch build friend as always. Cobs make it a little easier huh?:wink:

Still can't get over when you SUCCESSFULLY re-flowed those tiny ass Oslons onto your own home-made mcpcb back in the day........that was mind-blowing stuff.

be safe

Yes ,Cobs make things wayyyyyy easier ....

Yeah,I sometimes can't get over it myself,when I look at them !
And they still work fine ( Although I've managed to destroy one of the pcbs ,in one panel,by accidently decapitaning
the lens dome of couple of Oslons on that pcb ...Tiny and very sensitive ...)

Reflowed ,at stove ,twelve Oslons at once per mcpcb ....
9x mcpcbs ....108 Oslons hot-plate reflowed...

Yeap...It was 'challenging ' enough !!! :P

But ,for sure they're great little ones ,those Oslons !


Yes ...
COBs / Arraysonly, for me from now and on ...

Single diodes are still Ok ....
But you've to become ..something like McGyver (Remember the TV-series ? ) ,in order to
make your own designs ,the way you want them to be ...

Tiny ass leds ,with almost unvisible to the naked eye pads ....:P
(You see one ,they're three ...)
Diy metal core pcbs ...
Diy solder stencils ...
Reflow the leds on the mcpcb ...
Fuck ! ....
No ...
Never again....
COBs and only COBs ....(Specially the Quantum -Dot ones ....:fire:....)


GD-SDS boxes soon to belong to history ....
I can't wait the moment of 'Bye-bye', to those three little pigs ...:P....

As you can see I've connected only the three sensors ...One more to go ...

(New thermal protection limit is Tc=60°C (soon to change to 55°C )...
Bar graph is from 20°C to 60° ,currently ... (line at middle is 40°C )....
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Wiring the GameChanger takes forever ....

But 'underneath ' everything 's ready ....

Chip s #1 & #2....

Cips #3 & #4 ....


What the 'babes' will be ' facing ' soon ....

Inside the guts ....
Final wiring session ,at last ....

And some details from the ' guts' ..



Cheers ..

" Behold the brilliance of the Lord,
whose feet are set upon him that pardoneth transgression.
Behold the six-fold Star that flameth in the Vault,
the seal of the marriage of the great White King and his black slave......

.....Terrible and wonderful is the Mystery thereof,
O thou Titan that hast climbed into the bed of Juno!
Surely thou art bound unto, and broken upon, the wheel;
yet hast thou uncovered the nakedness of the Holy One,
and the Queen of Heaven is in travail of child,
and his name shall be called
Vir, and Vis, and Virus, and Virtus, and Viridis,
in one name that is all these,

and above all these......"

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I promise for a better quality vid ...:oops:...
My mobile's camera is way of low quality ....

Anyway ....
Some heart -beating ...
..signs of life .....

Careful now ...
Two drivers ,dimmed from a pot calibrated for four drivers ,means that max output is ~ ...50%....

Show starts at ~ 1000mA.....

(maybe even way less ,as I haven't yet measured & trimmed the drivers' outputs...It might be way less than 1000mA ....)

Well ....
Wiring finally finished ....

Greek design.... !!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Order out of Chaos ...
Wire chaos ....:o


.....And from Shadows ,flows Light ...:fire::fire::fire:


Nice .....!!!! Fuckin ' bright !!! Way bright !!


Hmmm... Seems Chip #3 increases faster it's Tc ...(#3 Back Row / Left Chip ) ...
Oh then ,I guess have to check the chip ...(:..Along with #1 ....

Project " GameChanger" Complete .Remains trimming/Calibrating to be fully operational ...
And some "burn in" time .....

Cheers ....
Υψηλής πιέσεως Νατρίου ;
Καλά ,εντάξει μεγάλε ...
Ό,τι πεις ....

Θα ρίξουμε πολύ γέλιο ...

I did not exepect it to be so bright ...

The light ...

Really bright ...

To be continued ....(:

Cheers .
Finally I can sleep with peace ...

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My man, this is fucking unreal!! Give yourself a big pat on the back dude, you could go into business with this shit, Ill buy one if you ever decide to. Much respect dude, you're a guru!!

That implies a question I guess ...
Although not a really important one ....

The real question,my brother ,is why the fuck ,I had to go all through that
' experience ' ,in order to have a fixture like that ?

Anyway ...
Answering the (implied ) question ....

This is ...if you like ....
Not trade ....
Ain't a 'piece of Art ' ?

So it stays ..'unique'...
A single and only 'prototype' ....

One piece.

Not copyrighted ,patended or anything else.

The method for ayone to build a copy of that ,is all over that exact thread ...
Almost all the info about hardware and software used ...

Some ' Led manufactures ' make big claims,others are way expensive (overpriced products ) and some indeed do build cheap and excellent fixtures ...
But most of them are just " only-talk " and most of times ,what they say/claim are bull..


Ιδού η Ρόδος ,ιδού και το πήδημα .....:wink:
  • In ancient times there was a Roman saying:
  • "Hic Rhodus, hic salta!"—"Rhodes is here, here perform your jump",
  • an admonition to prove one's idle boasts by deed rather than talk. It comes from an Aesop's fable called "The Boastful Athlete" and was cited by Hegel and Marx.

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