Well-Known Member
glad to see ya finally got an ir thermometer....I knew you'd like itthey're an indispensable tool for an indoor grower imo. So did you check the temp of the led panel for me then? If you did and I missed it i'm sorry, I just scrolled through like ten pages of posts in this thread trying to catch up lol
great final results btw, very impressive on both sides imo.
and whoever it was who said that co2 kills bugs was full of s&^it!
I forgot to post it.
LED@18" :78*-82*
HPS@18" : 84*-90*
Those numbers were take over a couple of days. It's been warm in my real world climate so the range is a good representation of what is going on not just a one time thing.
So based on what the plant physiologist told me that should be about a 50% increase in metabolic rate for the hps over the led side.
When you see them up and hanging there isn't a size difference. I think he might be right about the catching up thing. Same exact flower times too, so we will see.