Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters
The reality is that they're treating it like a prescription. You can't get your prescription filled multiple places, you would need a second prescription for that. They're likely concerned about being able to control the limits, etc and the last thing they care about is how easy it is for patients to get meds - that's simply what they've been told they must take care of.

You can generally fill any prescription at any pharmacy, and without signing your soul over to them. There's also a "shoppers" in just about every city, and it's not mail order only, which is utter nonsense.

I believe they can also transfer a prescription from one pharmacy to another upon request. The notion of having to go back to your doctor for another is just insane and flat out prohibitive. Takes me about three months to see my doctor, and I'm pretty lucky to even have one.

LP's aren't the victims here, and there's no cause for sympathy. That's the program they signed up for. If they hadn't, there'd be no program. This benefits them, but not the patients. The reality is it's a bullshit program.
I'm certainly not blaming the MMAR. It could have been poor transportation or any other factor.
The reality is that most of these plants were not planted and grown specifically for the MMPR program, they were purchased from strain providers, MMAR grows, etc.

Time will tell though.. I just hope they keep approving LPs in the meantime and don't let Tweed's mess slow down the process.

Thanks for giving us your narrative on "Reality" again.

If MMPR regulated licensed producers stuck any mite or mold infested plants (irrespective of your universal application of "strain") in their grow room? That's allllllll on them. End of story. No noob would be dumb enough to do it either.

There won't be any magical quality levels obtained just because they planted it from seed themselves, and Tweed's already demonstrated that for you. If that's what they're telling themselves too, then they've failed again already. The very notion, that you've found need to repeat already, invokes hilarity.
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Training is the key?? you don't throw millions of dollars at a OJT (on the job training) Would the world put up with gramma's morphine being inconsistent and lower grade... then blame training a new pill maker.... nope that company would go under just as fast as the recall of those meds were made. They want to put "Medical Grade Marijuana" on their websites then they should be beholden to that statement, black market looks better than some of the pics I have seen, and it wasn't irradiated either..... the standard was set from the old MMAR HC supply which from what I hear wasn't good at all, they should have used some DG'ed or homegrowers MMJ as a standard, I don't need sterile MMJ (I realise some patients do because of immunity issues but let them decide if they want irradiated) but to say you don't then do it ... wierd
Obviously there would be master growers still. Obviously there would be certified lab technicians doing testing. If There were systems in place, and people learned how to grow proper, then there is no reason why they can't produce quality consistent product. This is about proper lighting, proper nutrients, proper flowering times, ph, ec, flushing, curing, clean grow rooms, people who care, and good genetics. If the master grower knew what they were doing and taught others to do the same, why wouldn't they produce good meds? comparing growing medical weed to manufacturing morphine is not the same thing. That goes against why many people don't want morphine. Its growing plants, not making synthetic compounds that are basically legal heroin. What i'm saying is anybody can put 20ML of plant food in a container of water and feed it, or however they do it on a bigger scale, it varies. But if some people are screwing off, or they arn't trained properly BY THE MASTER GROWER, then theres no consistency in that room. Im not saying hire people who have no clue. I'm saying if people who give a shit are hired, have a basic knowledge and then ARE TRAINED PROPERLY on how to grow in that facility, then the meds should come out the same every time.
Proper training doesn't do well for growers, if there's no one minding the mint.
Experience is key. Even then...things change and the experienced grower must learn how to deal with the issues of growing good quality meds and learn how to change things up in order to deal with their crops.

This is obviously not what's happening... lol

Bring on more swag. :)
i agree, but thats why theres a master grower. if something went wrong or changed then it would have to be the master growers responsibility to lead that team and make a call on how to fix the issues. If they just hired a bunch of people who knew how to grow, and threw them in a room without saying, this is how we do things,why and held the same accountability for everybody then you'll get the crap that tweed sent out. Like i said training is a must. just because you put three or four guys in a room who used to grow 25 plants for themselves under MMAR, doesn't mean they can maintain a room of 2500 plants like tweed has. They need to adapt, and need to be guided by the master grower. Not saying any moron can go in there and grow. but if you have somebody who has some experience,cares and is properly coached then they should produce good meds. The training i'm talking about isn't ground level to the point where you have to teach people how to put soil in a pot, or the difference between indica and sativa. I'm talking about teaching them how to work there, and grow on a larger scale.
It's funny to me how MMPR's Tweed seems to always universally refer to plants as "strains". It's interesting that you've done the same here. Reeks of shill.

Security requirements, QA requirements, etc, haven't increased or changed since the MMPR rolled out. This sounds like BS and it sounds like an insider's cheap excuse. It's pretty common and expected for large projects to fail on an inspection or two, for whichever corners they cut. That doesn't mean that the requirements of the program have changed at any point in time, or caused your company any greater duress than they brought on themselves.

First, you can lay off the hate just a bit.
Secondly, I don't work for, support or want anything to do with Tweed or any other licensed producers.
Third, QA requirements have changed. They sent out a dedicated letter on the subject just a few weeks ago.
Fourth, MMAR product didn't have to be tested like MMPR product. I'm not saying you're wrong about it's quality, but it's very possible that issues went unnoticed. That said, it was obviously better product than Tweed has put out.

I'm not sure what your beef is with me, but 3 posts in a row just to hate on everything I said? Please.

There won't be any magical quality levels obtained just because they planted it from seed themselves, and Tweed's already demonstrated that for you
I don't believe the product Tweed shipped was 100% grown by them. I don't know for certain, but the timeline seems sketchy.

If MMPR regulated licensed producers stuck any mite or mold infested plants (irrespective of your universal application of "strain") in their grow room? That's allllllll on them.
Correct. That's the whole problem with buying up plants and not testing them when they come in.

You can generally fill any prescription at any pharmacy, and without signing your soul over to them. There's also a "shoppers" in just about every city, and it's not mail order only, which is utter nonsense.

I believe they can also transfer a prescription from one pharmacy to another upon request. The notion of having to go back to your doctor for another is just insane and flat out prohibitive. Takes me about three months to see my doctor, and I'm pretty lucky to even have one.
Last time I got a prescription, even for a long-term issue, they made me go back to the doctor every 60 days to get a new prescription. It's my fault for trying to compare it to a prescription, but my intention was more on the side of pointing out that they're still treating this as a controlled substance because that's what it is to them. They don't want to give you more free access or readily available product - from everything we've seen and heard HC would rather you don't have access to it at all.

LP's aren't the victims here, and there's no cause for sympathy. That's the program they signed up for. If they hadn't, there'd be no program. This benefits them, but not the patients.
I agree with this point as well. It is what LPs signed up for.

(See how I did that thing where I quote you multiple times in one post instead of posting 3 times in a row? It's called copy and paste.)
i agree, but thats why theres a master grower. if something went wrong or changed then it would have to be the master growers responsibility to lead that team and make a call on how to fix the issues. If they just hired a bunch of people who knew how to grow, and threw them in a room without saying, this is how we do things,why and held the same accountability for everybody then you'll get the crap that tweed sent out. Like i said training is a must. just because you put three or four guys in a room who used to grow 25 plants for themselves under MMAR, doesn't mean they can maintain a room of 2500 plants like tweed has. They need to adapt, and need to be guided by the master grower. Not saying any moron can go in there and grow. but if you have somebody who has some experience,cares and is properly coached then they should produce good meds. The training i'm talking about isn't ground level to the point where you have to teach people how to put soil in a pot, or the difference between indica and sativa. I'm talking about teaching them how to work there, and grow on a larger scale.

There are rumours that Tweed is holding what I would call "grow offs" - giving each grower a certain square footage to prove himself/herself and, if they do, they get to keep their job. If that's the case, they'll be producing more inconsistent product for at least one whole cycle.
There are rumours that Tweed is holding what I would call "grow offs" - giving each grower a certain square footage to prove himself/herself and, if they do, they get to keep their job. If that's the case, they'll be producing more inconsistent product for at least one whole cycle.

What!? That is so wrong. They need to have systems in place, and if people can't follow them, then they can loose their jobs. I know in Scotia, at every job you have a 90 day period where you can be let go for no reason. It might be like that in other places but thats an NS labour law. Where do they get off screwing with people's well being like that.
What!? That is so wrong. They need to have systems in place, and if people can't follow them, then they can loose their jobs. I know in Scotia, at every job you have a 90 day period where you can be let go for no reason. It might be like that in other places but thats an NS labour law. Where do they get off screwing with people's well being like that.

I live in Ontario and we have 90 days probation as well. I imagine the process was concocted in their boardroom somewhere and passed along to the actual operators as directive. I haven't been able to confirm it, but I heard the story from a couple growers who interviewed there and were informed of how it would work.
I live in Ontario and we have 90 days probation as well. I imagine the process was concocted in their boardroom somewhere and passed along to the actual operators as directive. I haven't been able to confirm it, but I heard the story from a couple growers who interviewed there and were informed of how it would work.

i wouldn't work there if they said to compete for a job. They should have said; This is how we do things, if you're not good enough, we'll let you go. Not ok here's some medicine, go play with it, if its good you keep your job, if its not, you loose your job, but we'l still send it to sick people.
"Master grower."

With what's been produced and shown online so far from all LP's, there doesn't seem to be any "Master Growers" :)

Again...the only thing that will make a crop grow well is to have an experienced person around doing all the work as designating authority only leads to work not being done correctly. Which leads to the swag you see here which people having to buy for medication?
It's sad.
Did they officially announce that? The original spec document said 51 and then increase to 61.

Wait, there's a maximum amount of LPs? Health Canada won't authorize more than 75 LPs? Confused... Never heard that... Do you have any source?
That's another form of bogus marketing. They want to give doctors their unique forms so that doctors funnel them clients every time they use it as a scratch pad, thus capitalizing on their laziness and ignorance.

Same with the rest of their "Doctor Education" information, which is cherry picked from that given to them by Health Canada, presented out of context and with a biased twist. "Generally it's best to start with a low potency strain". That's absolutely ignorant of what the studies actually correctly say, as provided to them by Health Canada.

The studies actually say that higher potency is healthier because you naturally use less of it, and that patients self titrate accordingly. So where does this "lower potency is generally safer", bullshit, come from? Propaganda, which ignorant doctors will eat up. That reaffirms their ignorance. How is that "educating" them?

The problem is, they intend on growing a lot of low potency weed. It's something that bad growers to very easily. So they're bullshitting doctors into prescribing it specifically, against what the actual evidence says would be best. I believe that's also the reason why so called billionaire "Advocates" for "decriminalization" who have stated they would like to be in the growing business, want it regulated at a "60's potency level", which they said is a maximum of 2% THC. That rules out the competition that would be willing to go the extra mile and produce quality.

Same thing here. If they manage to convince a doctor that his ignorance is accurate, which is very easy to do, and one LP is regarded for high quality product while the other not, which prescription pad will said ignorant doctor be reaching for between the two?

That and that fact that on no less than 8 pages does the following in big bold text appear in Tweed PDF for Physicians on the left hand margin

1-3 grams
Is the average patient’s daily
consumption of medical marijuana
according to Health Canada.

Really? Given that most Doctor's are still misinformed, what do you think a majority of Doctor's would prefer? Patients having to inhale cannabis fewer or more times throughout the day? I don't know a single patient who legitimately uses as little as 1-3grams a day. And especially, if it were to be Tweeds irradiated garbage. You'd need 7-10grams a day and that's only IF you don't give up before it gives you a headache. In Tweed's instance it truly is a matter of the blind leading the blind. Clowns.

Funny part is, I know a few people who did personally apply to work there who had ACTUAL experience and success in growing good med's who wanted to work there for the sole purpose of wanting to help patients. Hell, one of em even has his Diploma in Horticulture. Alas, no call backs for them. And now we see what Tweed has accomplished. However small their contributions may have been if hired, as a collective whole I'm sure SOME difference may have been made.