Bad Karma
Well-Known Member
Hey all. I'd like to graduate from CFLs in my tiny space. I have a 1ft square cab that's 2ft tall. Can't go for a bigger area til we move house so I was looking at LEDs as an option to upgrade in the meantime.
I'd like 1 unit rather than a number of small bulbs. Too many wires running around the sides of my space would irritate me - I'm a bit OCD with the tidiness!
Was looking at something like this: ufo#productDetails
Only, I'd much prefer real reviews from people in the know about how well the product performs. But, the link I've posted is the general idea of what I'd like. Would it be too close to a plant though with only 2ft height?
Any suggestions would be well receivedThanks guys.
With only a 2 ft. ceiling, an LED panel of any sort isn't feasible.
Look into Cree LED light bulbs, they're available at Home Depot.
Check out this thread by Captain Morgan, featuring Cree LED bulbs, you'll be impressed.
Good luck.