Testing InnoLed's 120w horticultural led fixture= Let there be warm white/ high cri light!:)

Spazatak- Yes, 100W would work just fine for a 3X3 tent. IMO the 300W would give you the best result even if you decide to go with a 4X4.
First off thanks for stepping up to the plate. Not many companies will do that.

My current leds' creator showed up on RIU coming off pretty arrogant and talked about funding a light competition, excuse me comparison between his and the infamous Apache. He went as far as posting a picture of his PayPal account balance. It really left a bad taste in my mouth.(that's what she said) ps (he never funded a/the competition)

Anyways right now I'm running 2 200+/- watt leds from a pretty good & reputable company. Have you considered doing a side by side to certain companies? Don't get me wrong I love the idea of hps/led side by sides (see greengenes journal) but I'm not and never will be doing hps. I think a two led top dogs comparison would be very interesting. I'd definitely consider your product if I could see proof it would be better than the current $1100 setup I currently have.

Finally do you consider discounts for journals or would you consider a company comparison? My current has only 8k+ views but you gotta start somewhere right?
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grnlife - nice to have you here answering questions.

If I may - There seems to be some confusion on the specs of your products according to the product sheets http://innoledinc.com/product-sheets/ and the descriptions listed on other pages.

Can you provide us with the correct specs of your fixtures? It would add a frame of reference to compare the results achieved in this journal with your product against other LED technologies that are currently used. I am interested as to the potential benefits of this quantum technology, but I have been unable to find exact details as to the advantages and relevant measurements.
I also have a question ...
There's this block ,around here ( far from US ,Southeast EU ..) ,
that not long ago came from the states ...
Nice block..Anyway ...
Do not know him that much ....
So ,that guy has set up ,a really fine ,( kinda experimental for the 'standards' ,set from the rest/majority of others) of a greenhouses here .
I've been there once ....As a guest of a third party ...
Long before ,I've discovered anything about your site or firm/company ...
That guy had about 20 -30 pcs or so , -if my mind does not play games me - of some lights ,
that resembled much the 400W fixture ...(I was pretty impressed by the design ....
And those copper heat pipes just got 'stuck' in my mind .... )

I asked him and firstly he did not wanted to reply to me ,avoiding politely to answer the question and changed the subject ....

Later ,I've asked once again ..
Then he answered back with a question :
" Do you know anything about leds ? "

" Well ,no ...Not that much ...I'm just impressed with those lights ...
I've never seen before something like that" ....

I responded kinda ...Slicky ....
Avoiding to reveal my ' relationship' with the led/horticulture world ...
A strange feeling..

Then he said to me about this new tech " of light quanta " ( LOL ! ...:lol::lol::lol: ) " and those ....
"special dots that make the whole difference "....LOL....!!!! )

I forgot to mention that in his greenhouse ,mainly they were semi-tropical or rather tropical fruits / 'herbs'
(like Vanilla orchids ! for their really expensive stems ! )

Great results ,I was seeing around me ! ...

Then he continued ,telling me that he brought those lights back from the US ..
(*and that they are US made ... ),as he bought them in a really good deal ...

When I asked him about the company's name he told me " Inno lights " or something like that ....

Returning back home ,then ,I did some googly search on " Inno " term ...
"lights" ,'leds' ,etc ,but your company did not show up (back then ...more than a couple of months ago ,I think it was ..)

Instead ,I got plenty of other 'Inno' companies ,which -by the way - some do manufacture led lights and semiconductors ..

But none had the led fixture ,I had previously just seen in that greenhouse ...

I'm firing ...

-Any relationship with other " Inno " corporations ?

-If a bulk buy is to be done ( 20-30 pcs for legal plants horticulture ),will be possible some discount ?

-Can the Quantum-dot arrays be -solely- purchased directly from your company as 'parts' ?
Or the only option is ' the whole fixture' one ?
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First off thanks for stepping up to the plate. Not many companies will do that.

My current leds' creator showed up on RIU coming off pretty arrogant and talked about funding a light competition, excuse me comparison between his and the infamous Apache. He went as far as posting a picture of his PayPal account balance. It really left a bad taste in my mouth.(that's what she said) ps (he never funded a/the competition)

Anyways right now I'm running 2 200+/- watt leds from a pretty good & reputable company. Have you considered doing a side by side to certain companies? Don't get me wrong I love the idea of hps/led side by sides (see greengenes journal) but I'm not and never will be doing hps. I think a two led top dogs comparison would be very interesting. I'd definitely consider your product if I could see proof it would be better than the current $1100 setup I currently have.

Finally do you consider discounts for journals or would you consider a company comparison? My current has only 8k+ views but you gotta start somewhere right?
A couple more questions :mrgreen:

Whats the coverage of the small 50w lamp? Im located in Europe, do you ship here? Can I plug it on 220v?
grnlife - nice to have you here answering questions.

If I may - There seems to be some confusion on the specs of your products according to the product sheets http://innoledinc.com/product-sheets/ and the descriptions listed on other pages.

Can you provide us with the correct specs of your fixtures? It would add a frame of reference to compare the results achieved in this journal with your product against other LED technologies that are currently used. I am interested as to the potential benefits of this quantum technology, but I have been unable to find exact details as to the advantages and relevant measurements.
I also have a question ...
There's this block ,around here ( far from US ,Southeast EU ..) ,
that not long ago came from the states ...
Nice block..Anyway ...
Do not know him that much ....
So ,that guy has set up ,a really fine ,( kinda experimental for the 'standards' ,set from the rest/majority of others) of a greenhouses here .
I've been there once ....As a guest of a third party ...
Long before ,I've discovered anything about your site or firm/company ...
That guy had about 20 -30 pcs or so , -if my mind does not play games me - of some lights ,
that resembled much the 400W fixture ...(I was pretty impressed by the design ....
And those copper heat pipes just got 'stuck' in my mind .... )

I asked him and firstly he did not wanted to reply to me ,avoiding politely to answer the question and changed the subject ....

Later ,I've asked once again ..
Then he answered back with a question :
" Do you know anything about leds ? "

" Well ,no ...Not that much ...I'm just impressed with those lights ...
I've never seen before something like that" ....

I responded kinda ...Slicky ....
Avoiding to reveal my ' relationship' with the led/horticulture world ...
A strange feeling..

Then he said to me about this new tech " of light quanta " ( LOL ! ...:lol::lol::lol: ) " and those ....
"special dots that make the whole difference "....LOL....!!!! )

I forgot to mention that in his greenhouse ,mainly they were semi-tropical or rather tropical fruits / 'herbs'
(like Vanilla orchids ! for their really expensive stems ! )

Great results ,I was seeing around me ! ...

Then he continued ,telling me that he brought those lights back from the US ..
(*and that they are US made ... ),as he bought them in a really good deal ...

When I asked him about the company's name he told me " Inno lights " or something like that ....

Returning back home ,then ,I did some googly search on " Inno " term ...
"lights" ,'leds' ,etc ,but your company did not show up (back then ...more than a couple of months ago ,I think it was ..)

Instead ,I got plenty of other 'Inno' companies ,which -by the way - some do manufacture led lights and semiconductors ..
But none had the led fixture ,I had previously just seen in that greenhouse ...
I'm firing ...

-Any relationship with other " Inno " corporations ?

-If a bulk buy is to be done ( 20-30 pcs for legal plants horticulture ),will be possible some discount ?

-Can the Quantum-dot arrays be -solely- purchased directly from your company as 'parts' ?
Or the only option is ' the whole fixture' one ?

Allot of questions for the Innoled "boys"^^^^^^:wink:...................I agree that they need to update their website with more detailed and correct specs ASAP.

Alright so I put the secondary lens back on...........don't like it; rather have a reflector; BUT that's what they recommend and most people will keep it ON anyways. Probably the fairest way to run this TBH, instead of trying to squeeze every photon onto the canopy with creative methods that will never be employed by others.

with lens off:
001.JPG 002.JPG 006.JPG .............brighter overall in the room

with lens on........(glass 100-120 degree optic about 1/4inch thick ):
001.JPG 002.JPG 003.JPG .....more light to the canopy, less light overall(10-15% loss), The heatsink immediately got hotter due to the leds being covered now. It is warm all the way to the top of it, and can't hold my hand on the bottom plate.

well this is how she's gonna roll til the end.............be safe and happy growing RIU
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WOW!!! Looks like there are a lot of interest and questions that I need to answer. :grin: I will try to answer everyone's questions as best as I can.

Jartlow - Sorry to hear about your experience. Yes, we've done a side by side comparison with a small public traded company in the past. At the time he was testing out our 300W unit with his 500W LED "disco" system (blue/red led bulb). After the test, this is what he had to say "The buds are denser, better looking, and smell better than the ones with my LED's". He bought the LED diodes from a very well known and large company that shall remain nameless and put it in his own fixtures. He sold a lot of these fixtures any where from $2-$3K a pop! Needless to say after the test was conducted he wanted to buy our LED diodes to put in his fixtures. I don't want to bore you with any more details.

Questions for you Jartlow. Are your current LED white LED "full spectrum" or the blue/red diodes? I'm confidant our 300W unit will out perform your current 400W setup.

***I just want to make this clear, this forum is meant for testing purpose only. If you would like to try our LED's please contact me separately from this forum. I will answer all inquires from there. I don't want to take anything away from what PSUAGRO have started.;-)
overthinkingismything - First of all I like to apologize for our website. We are in the middle of revamping it with new specs and new chip design. We're always 2 steps ahead with our technology and cannot catch up with everything. You will not find much out there regarding Quantum Dot Technology related to LED's. That's our secret sauce and we have a patent on it.:-)

Here's a sneak preview of our 500W chip design. This particular chip is made for Mole Richardson. This 500W will replace your 2000W HPS system and it's smaller than our current 100W chip design.

SDS - Yes, We do offer luke heat pipe fixtures but it's expensive. It's not for everyone! It's more on the higher-end of our product. It's lighter and the copper piping technology is awesome! Aside from the cannabis industry, we're also tapping into the horticulture industry as well. There are companies right now testing out our LED's on their orchid, african violet, stevia, and so on…

No relationship with other inno companies.

We do not sell the LED chip by itself. We sell complete fixtures. Unless you're a corporation you can contact me separately.
Lastly my friend PSUAGRO - Yes, you will see light loss when the lens is on. That's because all the LED rays is concentrated to where you wanted it and not to the side, as oppose to the lens being off. And yes you will feel the LED getting a little hotter but it's within specs. We offer lens angle from 60,90,and 120 degree. Depending on the application, these lens angle can be used.

Thanks for the pics! Keep it up Bro.
In the years that I've been working with LED's, I try not to look at the diodes. But you can't help looking at it because it's so bright and fascinating! If you look at ours, you will see dots!!!8-)
Chronikool - I glance at your previous thread growing with Cree's LED. In your honest opinion, how did you like their LED's? The grow looks good! I also like the disco lights too.:grin:

Oh thanks...yeah i like to try and work to maximum production with the minimal space that i have. (at least that is the goal) The Cree chips are the best I have tried...and its a work in progress that will never end....i love it... :)

Disco Disco....! :D

Allot of questions for the Innoled "boys"^^^^^^:wink:...................I agree that they need to update their website with more detailed and correct specs ASAP.

Alright so I put the secondary lens back on...........don't like it; rather have a reflector; BUT that's what they recommend and most people will keep it ON anyways. Probably the fairest way to run this TBH, instead of trying to squeeze every photon onto the canop...more light to the canopy, less light overall(10-15% loss), The heatsink immediately got hotter due to the leds being covered now. It is warm all the way to the top of it, and can't hold my hand on the bottom plate.

well this is how she's gonna roll til the end.............be safe and happy growing RIU

See how you're not lighting the walls now :)? Was there a difference in room temp with the lens on or off? Or did you forget to test that? :)
overthinkingismything - First of all I like to apologize for our website. We are in the middle of revamping it with new specs and new chip design. We're always 2 steps ahead with our technology and cannot catch up with everything. You will not find much out there regarding Quantum Dot Technology related to LED's. That's our secret sauce and we have a patent on it.:-)

Here's a sneak preview of our 500W chip design. This particular chip is made for Mole Richardson. This 500W will replace your 2000W HPS system and it's smaller than our current 100W chip design.

View attachment 3153401

That's crazy amount of wattage in such a small chip area..............the heasink is probably bigger than my trash can:P

Also I would be very careful on your sodium replacement remarks. Their are allot of very skilled/experienced growers in this led section. 2000w of hps covers a 8x4 - 10x5 for most growers, I know of NOTHING on the market that can cover that with a SINGLE point light source without a mover. If your talking about green house supplementation then that's a little easier to swallow; but still:P

really appreciate you taking the time to answer some ???? for the RIU community...........don't stare into your lights!!!lol
That chip is giving me the chills ...
Now ,that is a light 'core ' ..

Grnlife....It's really a shame ,that I can't lay my hands on just one of those 'precious stones' of yours ....:evil:

I could 've made a superb 'crown' ,for this 'jewel' to be placed upon and truly shine....:hump:

Indeed ....

There's something 'Royal' to that chip ....:clap:

PSUAGRO - Sorry I should have made it clearer regarding the 2000W replacement. We do commercial lighting as well, so when I said 500W replaces a 2000W, it doesn't mean area coverage. It just mean it replaces wattage power i.e.. stadium lights, street lights etc…

You are correct though, one single source LED cannot cover that large of an area without loosing punch. This community is awesome, they're a wealth of knowledge!