I also have a question ...
There's this block ,around here ( far from US ,Southeast EU ..) ,
that not long ago came from the states ...
Nice block..Anyway ...
Do not know him that much ....
So ,that guy has set up ,a really fine ,( kinda experimental for the 'standards' ,set from the rest/majority of others) of a greenhouses here .
I've been there once ...
.As a guest of a third party ...
Long before ,I've discovered anything about your site or firm/company ...
That guy had about 20 -30 pcs or so , -if my mind does not play games me - of some lights ,
that resembled much the 400W fixture ...(I was pretty impressed by the design ....
And those copper heat pipes just got 'stuck' in my mind .... )
I asked him and firstly he did not wanted to reply to me ,avoiding politely to answer the question and changed the subject ....
Later ,I've asked once again ..
Then he answered back with a question :
" Do you know anything about leds ? "
" Well ,no ...Not that much ...I'm just impressed with those lights ...
I've never seen before something like that" ....
I responded kinda ...Slicky ....
Avoiding to reveal my ' relationship' with the led/horticulture world ...
A strange feeling..
Then he said to me about this new tech " of light quanta " ( LOL ! ...

) " and those ....
"special dots that make the whole difference "....LOL....!!!! )
I forgot to mention that in his greenhouse ,mainly they were semi-tropical or rather tropical fruits / 'herbs'
(like Vanilla orchids ! for their really expensive stems ! )
Great results ,I was seeing around me ! ...
Then he continued ,telling me that he brought those lights back from the US ..
(*and that they are US made ... ),as he bought them in a really good deal ...
When I asked him about the company's name he told me " Inno lights " or something like that ....
Returning back home ,then ,I did some googly search on " Inno " term ...
"lights" ,'leds' ,etc ,but your company did not show up (back then ...more than a couple of months ago ,I think it was ..)
Instead ,I got plenty of other 'Inno' companies ,which -by the way - some do manufacture led lights and semiconductors ..
But none had the led fixture ,I had previously just seen in that greenhouse ...
I'm firing ...
-Any relationship with other " Inno " corporations ?
If a bulk buy is to be done ( 20-30 pcs for legal plants horticulture ),will be possible some discount ?
Can the Quantum-dot arrays be -solely- purchased directly from your company as 'parts' ?
Or the only option is ' the whole fixture' one ?